"You don't..... Stay back! I... We are disciples of the Mad Dao Sect, and if you do this to us, you will not be able to eat and go. At

this time, those people on the ground, looking at Langyun's eyes were full of fear, they felt that they did not have the courage to resist at all in the face of Langyun, but now they couldn't move even if they had.

"Mad Dao Gate! I know! What's wrong? Lang

Yun looked at the people on the ground and said without care.

"What I cleaned up today is your Mad Dao Gate!"

After Lang Yun finished speaking, he directly faced the disciples on the ground, and it was Bang Bang who kicked a few feet.

Originally, the flesh and blood on their backs were already blurred, and now Lang Yun was still attacking their chests, which directly made them faint in pain.

At this point, they couldn't even utter a simple scream of pain.

Just when the waves were fighting.

An angry scolding came from a distance.

"Stop me!!"

The next moment, the owner of the voice, He Wuyang, came directly to the front of Langyun in two flashes.

He looked at the miserable Mad Dao Sect disciples on the ground, and the anger in his eyes was very strong, and the killing intent was very strong.

"Why did you Biyun Sect fight against my Mad Dao Sect's disciples?"

"Why did I do something to them, what did they do?"

"If it weren't for the fact that they were the people of the Mad Dao Gate, they would have separated their corpses by now, and would they still see your arrival?"

"Apologize to us, and I'll let them go."

At this time, the-for-tat confrontation between the two also attracted more and more people to come, most of them were cultivators, after all, it is human nature to watch lively.

He Wuyang looked at the disciples on the ground and said, "What have you done to them?"

"I... We just....

"Say it quickly!"

"We teased a few words about his female disciples of the Biyun Sect, and finally started directly."

He Wuyang listened to the disciple's words, and looked at Lang Yun's eyes still full of anger: "This time it is indeed the fault of our Mad Dao Sect first, but your move is too heavy, and they may even leave sequelae in the future!"

Lang Yun said lightly: "This is heavy? I told you everything, if it weren't for the fact that they were crazy, I would have killed them a long time ago.

He Wuyang was very dissatisfied when he heard Langyun's words, and his murderous aura had reached its peak at this time. Looking at Lang Yun, he said in a threatening tone: "Good! You are good!

"Since you are so crazy, then I will have a good understanding of the Biyun Sect Holy Son today!" After speaking, he didn't wait for Lang Yun to agree to rush directly towards Lang Yun who pulled out the knife.

Lang Yun looked at He Wuyang, who was rushing towards him, and he was very disdainful in his heart.

"You're not qualified enough!"

The cultivation aura of the later stage of the Langyun Jindan burst out directly.

The powerful cultivation of the Yuan Infant Realm burst out instantly, and a stream of sword qi turned into a substantial sword, blocking He Wuyang's blow.

With a backhand punch, he blasted the opponent out.

The figure followed like a ghost, and before He Wuyang landed, Lang Yun appeared beside him again.


A loud and loud slap sounded, and silence fell around.

He Wuyang made five bright red finger prints on his face.


He Wuyang was extremely angry, already carried away by anger.

When was he slapped in broad daylight?

He Wuyang wanted to fight back.

But Langyun had already suppressed him to death at this time, how could he give him the slightest chance to resist?


Then Lang Yunyou slapped He Wuyang's face again, and this slap directly drew He Wuyang's blood.

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