At this time, Ye Fan just wanted to leave this place of right and wrong quickly.

But he didn't turn around and ran, because he didn't dare.

After thinking for a moment, Ye Fan finally decided to fight!

The next moment, Ye Fan raised the silver needle in his hand and pierced the acupuncture points on his body.

In a moment, Ye Fan's cultivation soared, breaking through the Qi Gathering Realm and reaching the Extraordinary Realm.

The old man on the opposite side also noticed Ye Fan's changes, and his heart moved.

Immediately said: "I don't want to fight you, and you are not worth the old man's hand."

"You take that girl with you."

When Ye Fan heard the old man's words, the blood in his heart rushed up directly.

You don't want to fight with labor and management, you will say it earlier, and you will only tell labor and management when labor and management use forbidden techniques.

Do you know how much labor and management lose their natural potential by using a forbidden technique?

At this moment, Qian Zesi on the side stepped forward and said, "Elder Qian, don't interfere in this matter."

"I'm going to stab him with my own hands."

Elder Qian stopped Qian Zesi and said, "Young master, you forgot, what did the master say when you came out?"

"You can beat him, and I certainly won't stop you, but you can't beat him at all."

"If I hadn't made a move just now, you might have to explain here today."

"Young master, don't lose people here, let's go."

Qian Zesi said with a face full of disbelief: "He was lucky just now, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to lose him."

"Young Master, you don't really think that the silver needles he just shot were shot indiscriminately, did you?"

"He's a method of breaking your luck, he has already broken your luck."

"If you continue to fight him next, you will only ask for your own suffering."

"It's good that I am here today, otherwise Young Master, you don't know what's going on until you die today."

"After so many years, the old man didn't expect that there were still martial artists who cultivated the Qi Luck Dao."

Elder Qian looked at Ye Fan and said.

"Luck? Could it be from the Divine Machine Pavilion?

"No, they're not..."

Qian Zesi's tone was full of surprise, questioning.

"Young Master, don't say much."

"The exercises of cultivating qi luck are not absent in this world, but the exercises and methods of the Divine Machine Pavilion are the most powerful and famous."

"And because the things of your sect are too godly, that sect has been wiped out many years ago."

"So he should not be a descendant of that sect."

Elder Qian looked at Ye Fan and analyzed.

The tone and expression revealed awe and fear for the Divine Machine Pavilion.

Although the Divine Machine Pavilion has been wiped out.

However, it was rumored that before the Shenji Pavilion was exterminated, their pavilion master placed a curse on the people who were involved in dealing with him at that time.

From that day on, the people involved in this event. The sects have all had accidents one after another, going to decay and destruction.

This also caused people to dare not talk about the Shenji Pavilion and people now.

Over time, the Divine Machine Pavilion became a taboo in the cultivation world.

Qian Zesi on the side looked at Ye Fan and took a deep breath, he didn't want to confront someone like Ye Fan.

Especially because at the beginning of their own ignorance, underestimating the enemy, their own luck has been broken, how to fight next?

But his mouth was not soft

, "Boy, today I lost carelessly, you don't give me a lead."

"The next time I see you again, it's your time to die."

"Take that...,"

"Take what?"

"Someone dares to bully my senior brother in the Demon Capital, aren't they tired of living? Do you think it's possible to walk away like this now?

"You actually dare to kidnap minors under the noses of Ben Dashao, and I can't let you go today."

At this moment, Li Yu suddenly broke in and yelled.

Ye Fan saw Li Yu and said suspiciously, "Junior Brother, why are you here?"

"I was just here for dinner with my partner, and then I heard the manager say something was happening here."

"I didn't want to be nosy, but I heard the manager say, you are also on top, you are my senior brother, I am your junior brother, you have something, I, the junior brother, will definitely not stand idly by, so I hurried up."

Li Yu explained sincerely.

When Ye Fan heard Li Yu's words, he was still a little moved, but after looking at Qian Lao, he still said weakly: "Junior brother... I.. I'm not bullied either, let's go. "

Even if you are really bullied, you can only go, and the opposite side is out of the ordinary."

"Senior brother, we can't just leave, won't we embarrass Master and his old man when we leave?"

"Senior brother, don't worry, I have already called the police, I have also contacted the media in advance, we want to make all his crimes public."

Li Yu said awe-inspiringly.

When Ye Fan heard Li Yu's words, he only felt as uncomfortable as eating.

He wanted to cry without tears and said, "Junior Brother, I really don't feel the need for that."

"This matter is all a misunderstanding."

You also called the police, and by the time the police arrived, we would have died long ago.

And you really don't think that cop will be useful to them, will you?

"Senior brother, I said you don't want to be afraid, and do you see this face as a misunderstanding?"

"And your little girl, don't be afraid, if you have my brother today, no one will dare to hurt you a cold hair, and I will also punish this person who bullied you according to law."

Li Yu said while helping Wu Yu's widow who was trapped on the side to untie the rope.

Untying the rope, Li Yu said steadily: "Little sister, you go downstairs first, and there is a female policeman downstairs to meet you below."

After Wu Yuwidow thanked Li Yu, she ran downstairs without looking back.

Wu Yuwi left the process, and no one intervened to stop it.

Qian Zesi had already decided to give up Wu Yuwidow when he saw Ye Fande's ability just now.

So it doesn't matter about that.

Ye Fan on the side was very uncomfortable and confused, because the Wu Yu widow did not thank himself when he left just now.

Good! If you don't thank yourself, forget it, you actually thank someone who didn't contribute at all.

This operation made Ye Fanquan a little doubtful, was it the right decision for him to come and save people this time?

What made Ye Fan speechless the most was that he could obviously retreat with his whole body just now, but Li Yu suddenly cut in.

Use Master's reputation to kidnap yourself and go with him to deal with the Extraordinary Realm.

Ye Fan now had some doubts about whether Li Yu was deliberately targeting himself.

But thinking of the way Li Yu was worried about himself just now, and his cultivation in the Condensing Pulse Realm, it didn't feel like it.

When the time comes, he will really fight, and he will still have the power to fight, but his life is in danger.

Qian Zesi looked at the disappeared Wu Yuwi and said: "Little brother, you take good care of your junior brother, I won't worry about you just now." For

people like Li Yu, he didn't put it in his eyes at all.

Just as he was about to say something more, his phone rang.

Qian Zesi wanted to hang up directly, but saw that the caller ID was his father, so he picked it up.

"Dad, is there something wrong with you calling at this time?"

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