He was shocked when he saw the value of Li Yu's body, which was as high as ten million.

But soon eased up, the current self is different from the previous self, the current self is the child of destiny, a man with divine eyes.

Although I don't have much money now, after today's auction, I will become rich.

With the help of the Divine Pupil, sooner or later he will be richer than him.

You can also pit him by the way later.

When the time comes, let him be ugly in front of everyone, and then step on him to pursue Li Jiaxin.

Li Yu, who entered the venue, looked around and asked, "Here is the gambling stone, Jianbao?"

"Well, what do you want to play?"

Hu Manli nodded.

Her family is in the antique, jewelry, and jade business.

And the jade and rough stones in this venue tonight were also provided by their family.

And the purpose of her coming here tonight is to use the hand of the protagonist Xiao Rui to help herself open more jade.

Let's see if you can pick up some good stuff.

What a novelty! Suppliers run to their own supply places to open jade.

Li Yu thought for a while and said: "I don't have much interest in gambling stones, and I'm bored, I'd better go and see the ancient calligraphy and paintings, there are good, I'll get a few paintings for the old man to take back."

And Xiao Rui on the side heard Li Yu's opening and said: "In that case, then let's go to Guwen and see."

"It just so happens that I also want to see how your treasure is gone, brother, and how good the level of picking up leaks is."

"Otherwise, let's compare two to see who picked up the leaked items with higher value, I don't know what brother is?"

At first, Li Yu was very angry when he interrupted himself, and now he still said that the gambling stone he was best at and the most optimistic was boring.

This provoked him again, and it was bound to teach Li Yu a lesson.

"Let's both bet? Are you sure?

"The point is, what are you betting with me?"

Li Yu looked at Xiao Rui, who was like a jumping beam clown in front of him, and said with a smile.

"Take a good look at this place for yourself? These things on the scene are tens of thousands of them by the way.

"It's not that I underestimate you, can you take this money?"

When Xiao Rui on the side heard Li Yu's words, his face directly darkened: "Don't worry, I have a way."

"I still don't know what you can do?" It's to borrow from Miss Hu.

Li Yu said with a sneer.

Xiao Rui was directly speechless when he heard Li Yu.

That's right, that's how Shurui's method is.

But being directly exposed by Li Yu still made him a little unbearable.

But he is very confident in himself, he believes that with his skills, he only needs to borrow a sum of money, and he can snowball more and more.

Thinking of this, Xiao Rui said in a hard tone: "I borrow money by my own ability, what does this have to do with you?"

"You just said that it's better than not, where is there so much nonsense, are you afraid of me?"

Li Yu said in a disdainful tone: "Hehe! Or by skill? If you want to eat soft rice, you can say it bluntly, and you still come around the corner.

"I didn't say I couldn't compare, but why should I compare with you?"

"You can't even come up with a gimmick, why should I compare with you, is it because you want to be more special?"

"I'll tell you clearly, this place, as well as those big shopping malls outside, belong to my Li family, I have the strength to pack everything here home, what do you compare with me?"

Xiao Rui on the side was shocked when he heard Li Yu's words, he never thought that Li Yu would be so rich.

What I didn't expect was that this was also Li Yu's family.

He knew that Hu Manli was the jade supplier of this venue, and he had also heard Hu Manli say that this venue was owned by a large family.

There really wasn't much that could be done at this moment.

Li Yu looked at Hu Manli on the side and said, "Miss Hu, do you really want to lend him money?" Hu

Manli heard Li Yu's inquiry and quickly explained: "Li Dashao, you misunderstood, I brought him here today to meet the world, how can I go against you?" "

She doesn't want to offend the heavens of the magic capital because of a person with some skills.

Many of her family's businesses are related to the Li family.

Let's put it this way, if she broke off cooperation with the Li family today because of herself, her family's assets would shrink by a third.

Looking at the black-faced Xiao Rui who was angry, Hu Manli was a little puzzled for a while, how could he suddenly become like this.

Usually he is a very knowledgeable person in front of him, why is it like this today, he wants to gamble with others.

The last thing that the Li family lacks is money.

I almost pulled myself into the water, but fortunately, Li Dashao understood the matter and asked himself.


" "The heroine Hu Manli is disgusted with the protagonist Xiao Rui, and the reward points are 2000. Qi Luck 500"

Hearing the system's prompt, Li Yu felt okay in his heart.

This is just disgust, you can get luck, which shows that this protagonist is not as rubbish as imagined.

Li Yu looked towards Xiao Rui with a prying eye, and immediately took back what he had just said.

Depend on! He just plundered his 500 qi luck, and the color of his qi luck directly turned gray, gradually changing to black.

Hurriedly called the system to check the details of Xiao Rui.

"Deduction of 1000 points

" "Target: Ji Rui (Jianbao Shenpu) age 20" "

Ability: Shenpu."

"Identity: Student of Modu University."

"Assets: 532."

"Background: None."

"Force: None."

"Note: The probability that the host will kill him now is 100%."

Seeing this simple panel, Li Yu felt that he had lost his 1,000 points.

He complained ruthlessly in his heart: "Zhen, it's really trash, I thought he returned to the light?"

"Labor and management have just begun to plunder and directly commissioned, this is still playing hairy."

The protagonist of this edition disappointed himself too much.

Even if there is no opportunity, the reward given is so crotch-pulling.

Li Yu who is engaged in it now misses Ye Fan a little.

Li Yu doesn't matter to the plot of these two.

In addition to making money in the early stage, this protagonist is also making money, and it took seven or eight hundred chapters to start entering cultivation.

And when Ye Fan was seven or eight hundred chapters, he had already gone to the ancient world.

In this comparison, it is still killing.

Don't kill, every time I see such a garbage protagonist, I feel uncomfortable.

However, before killing, Li Yu is ready to let him create a little value for himself.

Li Yu thought to himself.

And Xiao Rui saw that Hu Manli did not help him speak, and it was not good to continue to stay with them, so he ran away to play by himself.

He doesn't believe he can't make money without their help?

When the time comes to earn money yourself, you must hit them in the face with the money and make them look down on people.

Hu Manli didn't expect that she would be remembered and hated for not helping him speak.

But even if he knew, it didn't matter, because Xiao Rui's performance today he didn't think much of him.

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