Then Li Yu looked at Li Yu and said: "Don't worry, don't care too much about this matter, I still don't pay too much attention to a killer."

"Next, I have more important things for you to do!"

"You don't have to keep an eye on the group of juniors in Maoshan, just arrange for No. 1 to go."

"I'll give you an address later, and you'll go see what the situation is there."

"When you get there, if you meet Ye Fan, Wang Xuan, don't expose yourself."

"You just need to observe secretly and tell me the results of the last two."

Saying that, Li Yu took out a map and handed it to Li Yu.

Li Yu took the map and looked at it, then turned to leave.

Looking at the departing Li Yu, Li Yu said to himself: "Killer? Top killer? Isn't this the male protagonist of the novel!

"But it seems that his killer career should not be over yet, that is, he has not yet begun to enter the plot."

"It's not funny, I don't know how his luck is now? Is there a difference between entering the plot?

"Host you can rest assured, whether he enters the plot or not, his luck does not make much difference, if she enters the plot today, as long as she does not meet the opportunity, luck will not rise."

"And the protagonist does not enter the plot, which means that she is not yet protected by the world consciousness, and the host can be killed directly."

"This system can directly plunder all her basic qi luck."

The system explains.

Li Yu was happy when he heard the system's answer.

"The system marked the route for me to return to China."

Originally, Li Yu was still hesitant to kill the protagonist this time.

But after seeing the explanation given by the system, he decided to kill.

Although this kind of protagonist has great luck and great opportunities, such a protagonist is more difficult to grasp and more difficult to calculate.

And such a protagonist is not like Ye Fan, stupid and not pulling a few.

This kind of protagonist has experienced hundreds of battles and tried the depth of society.

And now that he has Wang Xuan's mercenary protagonist, he will keep this killer protagonist, then he is a little too weak to deal with.

The point is that killing her now will not affect his luck, at most he will lose some points.

Demand stability yourself, and you can't lose the big because of the small.


" "deduct 3500 points to get the killer protagonist's return route and character photos."

A map appeared directly in front of Li Yu's eyes, and next to it, he also had a photo of the protagonist and a mark of the blood-colored rose's return route.

Li Yu looked at the photo in front of him and was surprised: "Lean!" How is the system a woman?

"Host, this system didn't explicitly say that the protagonist this time is a man!"

"Lean! No matter, since she is the protagonist, she has to die.

"She only arrived in the magic capital in the middle of the night, and I still have time to deal with the last remaining heroine first."

Li Yu thought of Hu Manli in his mind.

Her protagonists are all killed, and it's time to collect her rewards.

And Hu Manli, as the first heroine, her life experience will definitely not be so ordinary.

Li Yu recalled the plot in this "Treasure Divine Pupil".

The most decided to take Hu Manli in, and then extinguished the poison door.

Li Yu thought to himself.

Then Li Yu left the hotel, returned to the venue again, and saw Hu Manli picking stones in a stall at the place where the gambling stones were placed.

Li Yu stepped forward and said, "Miss Hu, can I take up some of your time?" Hu

Manli, who really selected the rough stone, looked back at Li Yu with doubts.

Wu Manli put down the rough stone she picked up and asked, "Is there something wrong with Li Dashao?"

Li Yu whispered in Hu Manli's ear: "About your body..."

Hearing Li Yu's words, Hu Manli's face directly became solemn.

"Li Dashao, let's move to a place where there are few people, it's not easy to talk about it here." Hu Manli said.

Li Yu said, "How about going to my car?"

Hu Manli didn't think too much, and nodded directly and agreed.

The main thing is that the things in her body are too hidden, basically no one knows, Li Yu suddenly mentioned this in front of her now, she mistakenly thought that there was something big to say to herself.

The two came to the car, Li Yu did not say a word, just drove away here with his own care.

A few minutes later, Hu Manli saw that Li Yu still did not speak, and she couldn't sit still.

He hurriedly spoke, "Li Dashao, how much do you know about the poison in my body and the sect behind it?"

Li Yu looked at Hu Manli and said with a smile: "I know what you know, I also know what you don't know, for example, the poison in your body will attack once a month, and you will supply a certain amount of money to the poison door every six months, and they will give you an antidote to suppression to help you alleviate and extend your life."

"And your parents died because of this."

"I am looking for Miss Hu this time to help Miss Hu completely solve the poison in your body, and then this will help you destroy the poison door."

"I don't know Miss Hu, are you interested in such a thing?"

"Not interested when I didn't say!"

Hu Manli on the co-pilot heard Li Yu's words, and her face was full of disbelief.

Completely unlocking the poison of her body and destroying the poison door, these things are her wishes.

No one knows about such things except her and her grandfather.

How did Li Yu, an outsider, know?

After a pause, Hu Manli said: "Say it!" What are your conditions?

"What do I think I get from you?"

Hu Manli, as a businessman, knows that no one will help her for no reason.

Li Yu did not answer directly, but said with a smile: "Miss Hu is so smart, I believe you should know what I need." "

My Hu family has been oppressed by this poison gate for so many years, and there is nothing to take out, and the best is my Hu family's industry."

"But those industries in my family don't seem to have any temptation for Li Shaoyou."

"There is also the matter of the poison gate, I believe that Li Shao can know the sect behind me, and the poison in my body, and there should be no lack of this information from me."

"So I really don't know what Li Shao, what exactly do you want from me?"

Hu Manli analyzed.

When Li Yu heard Hu Manli's words, he shook his head for a while.

Doesn't this woman know that she herself is a very tempting object?

It seems that he has been oppressed by the poisonous door for a long time and has forgotten the fact that he looks beautiful.

"Then I'll be blunt."

"I want your people! I also want your heart to be loyal to me.

"I don't care what you think of our relationship."

"But I need you to be absolutely obedient to me and give me everything you have."

Li Yu stared at Hu Manli's body and said.

When Hu Manli heard Li Yu's words, she subconsciously wanted to refuse.

But seeing Li Yu with a smile on his face, he thought that he really had the right to refuse?

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