Lin Yaran left, Ye Fan did not leave, and Li Long and the others continued to stare at Ye Fan.

As time passed, Ye Fan became suspicious of Li Long, suspecting that this group of people was targeting him.

But I have no evidence, and I can't ask them for anything.

In this short period of more than an hour, Ye Fan was continuously disturbed with two good things for heroes to save beauty.

So that he was ridiculed and despised by those beautiful women every time.

In the end, Ye Fan simply left this sad place directly and found a place to sleep.

He walked the streets for a long time and finally found a very humble-looking guesthouse.

Relying on his own body of exercises, he directly came to live with an overlord.

He came to the magic capital this time, and brought five thousand when he left, but he had all used up all the drinks he had just drunk at the bar.

If you want to blame, blame Ye Fan himself, there is not much money, and he likes to order those who look at high-end wine.

Ye Fan, when he arrived at the hotel, it was like home, and he first washed and prepared to take a bath.

Just when Ye Fan was washing comfortably.

The door was opened.

A middle-aged man walked in, looked at the bathroom light, and was surprised at first, but then figured it out.

Quickly stripped naked and walked to the bathroom.

The mouth also said: "Little beauty little baby, I'll come."


"Who are you?"

Ye Fan looked at the naked man, didn't say anything more, and came out of the bathroom directly in a flash.

Picked up the clothes next to the cabinet and ran out, putting on clothes and pants as he ran.

Ye Fan was now in a very irritable mood and puzzled.

Why is my luck so bad today? I have never missed a hand when I did this 0 yuan purchase in town before.

And when leaving, the master said that he was the son of luck and that everything would be smooth sailing.

What the hell is going on today?

Finally, he comforted himself that maybe it was just a mistake just now.

Then he continued to search.

No surprises.

This time it was still found by someone.

But he didn't give up, kept looking, and if nothing else, there were people in every family he looked for.

Just when Ye Fan was about to move on to the next house, he saw the notice issued by the front desk, and it was a notice from the police.

This notice is wanted for himself, informing all hotels to increase their vigilance.

Ye Fan looked at the announcement and found that he didn't have his own photo, which was quite lucky.

In the end, Ye Fan gave up this time and slept with the overlord.

Ye Fan came to a park, found a bench, lay down and began to sleep.

This time it went well, and no one intervened again.

The Li family bodyguard, who had been staring at Ye Fan, watched everything that happened, and he was already smiling.

At the same time, he also sighed that this kid's luck is really bad, and he made himself a wanted criminal.

The last few people reported the photos and events taken this time to Li Long.

Li Long looked at the evidence in his hand and was considering whether to hand these over to the police, but after thinking about it, he decided to give it to Li Yu to decide.


" "The host obtains the pure yin body of the heroine Chen Yuran, the point reward is 66666, and the protagonist has 4000 luck [transferred to the host].

"The protagonist Ye Fan is wanted by the police, the reward points are 3500, and the protagonist's 500 luck is transferred to the host."

"When the gas luck reaches 5000, the system can be upgraded, and the automatic upgrade starts."


In the morning, the sun rises.

Li Yu looked at Chen Yuran, who was full of marks, and felt very satisfied and accomplished.

Seeing the message sent by the system, Li Yu was very happy, this was only one day to be made like this, less so much luck, this protagonist can't do it!

"By the way, what's so special about the system after you upgrade?"

"Added lottery function."

"How to draw a prize? With what to smoke? Li Yu asked curiously.

"You can use points to draw prizes, you can also use luck to draw prizes."

"The low explosive rate of the points lottery is low, and the best prizes are relatively few, while the gas luck lottery has a high explosive rate and relatively many prize rewards."

"Then how do you draw a lottery?"

"Points and luck are 1,000 every time."

"Tongzi Integral. Luck comes five times each. Li Yu said arrogantly.

"Ding" "

Points lottery completed, obtain: thank you for your patronage, thank you for your patronage, thank you for your patronage, Lingbo microstep exercise, 1 billion Chinese coins."

"After the luck lottery is completed, obtain: a resurrection pill, four elephants divine skill, sword of light (remnant), a divine egg, and a mysterious treasure chest."

Lingbo Microstep: Lingbo Microstep is a unique light body technique of the Xiaoyao school, which is subtle and abnormal.

Resurrection Pill: Can make all internal injuries recover quickly.

Four Elephant Divine Skill: Cultivation to Dacheng can condense into four entity divine elements, and can fight freely.

Sword of Light (Remnant): It is the sword of the God of Light, and when used, it can burst out with the power of a slash of the God of Light.

God Egg: Function unknown, usage unknown.

Mysterious Need for Treasure Chest: When opened, a random item is opened.

"I lean, this... This lottery is really not a loss, it is really going to be earned.

Li Yu was very satisfied when he heard the system's report.

Ling Bo Weibu Li Yu was too familiar, Duan Yu used this technique before, he could avoid many desperate pursuits.

This light sword this NB, according to the original plot, there is a very powerful god and ghost, and that god and ghost has a big chance.

It's really a blessing in disguise.

Looking at the last divine egg, Li Yu felt speechless for a while, how to introduce this is too speechless, this is a decoration.

As for that superb treasure chest, he doesn't lack anything now, so he is not in a hurry to open it.

Li Yu looked at Chen Yuran, who was lying on the side, and asked the system: "Tongzi, can she take Heart Craving in this state?"

"Detecting Chen Yuran's status requires 1000 points, is it detected?"


The last thing Li Yu lacks now is points.

[Detective: Chen Yuran (heroine), the last survivor of the Divine Machine Pavilion, descendant

] [Cultivation: Soul Realm in situ, now Metamorphosis Realm (body has serious internal injuries) Pure Yin Crystal has been sucked away

] [There is such a strong hatred for the host, potential danger]

Looking at the analysis panel given by the system, Li Yu was not angry.

"This way it will be more fun and enjoyable to play later."

"But now her cultivation is still much stronger than herself, and he must limit her."

Li Yu took out the Heart Eater, and according to the method given by the system, he first fed a few drops of his own blood to the Heart Eater and confessed the Lord.

Then he pulled over Chen Yuran, who was sleeping on the side, and stuffed the heart-eating worm into Chen Yuran's mouth.

Originally, Li Yu wanted to abolish her cultivation directly, but considering his current situation, he decided to turn her into his helper.

And if she abolished her cultivation, then how could she cooperate with her own cultivation?

Chen Yuran was directly woken up by Li Yu's operation.

The tone said in a panic: "You.... What did you just feed me? She

only felt that something entered her mouth and kept running towards her belly.

She wanted to stop it, but she couldn't feel it herself.

Li Yu looked at the panicked Chen Yuran, touched her head and said; "It's nothing, it's just a little heart-eater."

"How about you do it to me and try it?"

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