Chen Yuran did not speak, but took out two talismans from his pocket and threw them towards the sky, which spontaneously combusted in the air, and then shot towards Ye Fan and Li Yu.

The two of them melted straight into their bodies.

As for all this, Chen Yuran looked at Li Yu and said, "I know that the first method may not be able to stop you, and this is the second gift I have prepared for you." "


"I think you should know what this charm does."

"I knew it would be the case, so I prepared a second method!

"You give birth to him, you die and he dies."

Li Yu looked at Chen Yuran and said with a smile: "It's really worthy of being a divine machine."

"You actually got something behind my back during this time."

"But if I'm not mistaken, this mutualism is time-limited."

Chen Yuran looked at Li Yu and said, "Do you think I didn't think of it? "


I saw that the formation on the ground surrounded the ground, and two balls of light surrounded Li Yu and Ye Fan.

"This formation was specially prepared by me for this talisman, and it can delay the effect of those who have hit the mutual talisman for one month."

Chen Yuran looked at Li Yu and said.

"How about a month?"

"Although I can't kill him for a month, I can torture him!"

"Isn't it wonderful for me to repair him to waste now, and then find a place to lock him up and torture him for a month?"

Li Yu stared at Ye Fan and said with an evil smile.

Ye Fan heard Li Yu's words and looked at Li Yu's eyes staring at him, and he subconsciously took a few steps back.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Ye Fan understood.

He understood that the junior brother in front of him now was not the waste junior brother he used to be.

He became stronger, so strong that his master was no match for him.

Moreover, the powerful master in his eyes was actually devoured by him.

Most importantly, he knew who his death was.

No wonder Master asked me to prepare so many things before, and told myself that I would face life and death next.

Chen Yuran looked at Li Yu and struck: "Li Yu, I know that you have many means and you are powerful, but do you think I am so good at bullying?"

"Since I dare to use this talisman to buy a month for him, it is impossible for me not to leave a back hand."

"Let me tell you, I planted other means in your body a few days ago while you were asleep."

"The only trouble with that thing is that it takes him a long time to activate, but now there is still a month, which is more than enough."

"At that time, as long as Ye Fan is injured, you will also be injured accordingly."

"I don't believe you will kill him at that time, not your own life?"

"The next thing depends on your decision, now the lives of the three of us are tied together, he dies, you die, you die and I die."

"So I hope you can raise your noble hand and let him go, I just don't want to let my more than ten years of hard work go to waste."

In the end, Chen Yuran even began to plead.

Li Yu looked at the two and shook his head and sighed: "Very powerful, very scheming."

"But the person you're dealing with, dealing with the wrong one."

"What you planted in my body before, he wants to activate and be useful, and I killed Ye Fan before activation."

"You don't really think I don't have the means to crack your mutual charm, do you?"

"Do you know about the Spirit Interpretation Talisman?"

Hearing Li Yu's words, Chen Yu was shocked in his heart and hurriedly said, "You.... You don't move, you dare to move, I will ...

Chen Yuran said that he dared to move, and he would kill Ye Fan in the next moment.

Let Li Yu accompany Ye Fan.

Li Yu said while walking towards Chen Yuran's side: "Do you think I will be stupid enough to tell you?"

"I already used this Spirit Spell when you gave me the ball of light."

"Spirit Solving Talismans: Solving all the spells of itself."

"I wonder what other means you can do now to protect your beloved disciple?"

Chen Yuran asked in surprise, "Solution..... Spirit Breaker! You.... How do you have this Ancient Charm?

"These things may be rare in your eyes, but in my case they are more expensive cabbage." Li Yu pretended to be B and said.

"I... I lost! "

This game ended with a total defeat of himself.

The next step is to accept the punishment.

Chen Yuran did not show her emotions too much, because she had expected the outcome of all this.

Li Yu looked at Li Chen Yuran, who admitted defeat, and hugged him and said, "Since I can subdue you, you feel that I can't subdue you?"

"Although this operation has the element of my indulgence of you, the punishment will not be less."

"After all, I gave you a chance before."

Ye Fan on the side froze at this scene, originally thinking that he had escaped this calamity this time and was stable.

Unexpectedly, Li Yu actually came to draw salaries from the bottom of the cauldron.

Looking at Li Yu's hand, constantly groping on his master, his eyes were full of jealousy and greed.

But then thinking of Master's defeat in the game and his own results, he couldn't help but start to tremble with fear.

If Li Yu can easily defeat Master, then his strength must also be in the Extraordinary Realm. It is even possible to reach the Earth Soul Realm.

According to Li Yu's previous attitude, he knew that his result today could only be death.

But he didn't want to die!

He looked at Li Yu, who was holding his master, and he wanted to ask for help, but he couldn't pull it off.

In the end, he could only look at his master and begged, "Master.... You help the apprentice again.

Chen Yuran looked at Ye Fan, blushing, and snorted softly.

Finally, his tone was strenuous, and he said with difficulty: "Yes..... Right... up, for... There is nothing that can be done for the teacher. "

Hmm~~ you... You can also see, I have handed everything over.

Ye Fan looked at the picture in front of him, listened to the master's wrong voice, and directly vomited out a mouthful of blood.

The person he hates the most and the person he loves the most actually flirts in front of himself.

The most hateful thing is that I can't do anything yet.

Ye Fan said to himself, "Do I have to watch them play enough now, and then accept death?"

"Nope.... No... I don't want it, I'm a child of destiny, my life hasn't started yet, how can it end like this? Then he

looked at Li Yu with fierce eyes, and stood up to kill Li Yu.

Li Yu looked at Ye Fan who attacked, and casually slapped Ye Fan who attacked him.

Ye Fan, who was fanned, wanted to get up again, Li Yu directly held Chen Yuran in front of him, and then kicked him hard.

Ye Fan was kicked off again.


Ye Fan, who landed on the ground, directly spat out a mouthful of blood.

At this moment, Ye Fan's thinking began to become chaotic because of the blessing of various emotions.

"I'm the one with luck, why is any benefit the waste Li Yu who is not as good as me."

"Wu Mengxin, Zhang Yaoxi.... These women are mine, and Master, and Master should also be mine.

"Why do you all fancy that waste Li Yu, why?"

"Why can he play with Master casually, why can't I."

"Everything in all this should be mine, he robbed me of everything."

"I'm not willing!"

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