Since the other party is very confident in his cultivation, then defeat him first.

Then point out the mistakes of his cultivation, so that the other party can deeply understand his strength.

At that time, he can take the opportunity to subdue him.

Wang Xuan looked at Ye Chen and was surprised: "Competition?!"

He stared at Ye Chen, did not feel evil from him, it seemed that the other party was either looking for trouble, or simply wanted to compare with himself.

Wang Xuan was originally a militant, and since someone came to challenge him now, he definitely couldn't back down.

Then he nodded and agreed: "Let's go to the east side of the gate, where there are few people and empty."

Ye Chen nodded indifferently and agreed, and then the two walked out in synchronization.

Yang Xiaoxiao on the side looked at Ye Chen, who was about to leave, and quickly grabbed him and said, "Are you SB?"

"People are mercenaries! And it's still the Wang family, you actually have to die to find others to single out.

"Can't you die?"

She really wanted to slap Ye Chen to death now.

People kill him, and nothing will happen to them.

If you kill someone, you will become a wanted criminal, and then even her family may suffer.

Although she didn't believe that Ye Chen could kill Wang Xuan, what if!

Wang Xuan heard Yang Xiaoxiao's words and said with a smile: "This is?"

He didn't expect that there would be such an ignorant girl beside Ye Chen.

At this moment, he also noticed Yang Xiaoxiao's delicate face, and looking at his temperament, he was sure that he was a student.

This reminded him of the person in his heart, Li Jiaxin.

I don't know how long it will take to pursue Li Jiaxin, I can first relieve myself with the woman in front of me.

Since the other party is so afraid of himself, when the time comes, he can get it by putting some pressure on her casually.

Ye Chen said flatly: "It's just an ordinary person!" He

didn't want to involve Yang Xiaoxiao in this matter.

He promised Aunt Tang to watch her, and he definitely couldn't let her be in danger and be remembered.

Wang Xuan looked at Yang Xiaoxiao and said: "I suddenly feel that it is not interesting for us to compete like this, how about I definitely increase my stakes?"

This happened to be right in the middle of Ye Chen, and Ye Chen promised: "No problem!" "

At that time, such a young strong man is proud and will basically not default, and the gambling contract also contains cause and effect.

Wang Xuan said: "If I win, you can't get in my way."

"I lost, the conditions you can mention as you like."

She didn't think she would lose, looking at the other party's age and breath, he could feel that the other party was weaker than himself.

He is now in the middle of the Extraordinary Stage, and he has been cultivating with gems recently, and there are faint signs of a breakthrough in the late stage.

Ye Chen in front of him was at most out of the ordinary.

"Good! Let's go!

Although he didn't know what Wang Xuan's hindrance meant, he believed that he would not lose.

Although the other party's cultivation is higher than his own, he is an immortal Venerable!

Li Yu, who had been observing the two upstairs, was a little surprised in his heart: "It's about to start fighting so soon!"

And at this time, Li Jiaxin came out of the room, stood in front of Li Yu in a long skirt and said, "Brother, do I look good?"

Li's mother on the side looked at Li Jiaxin and was very satisfied.

In my heart, I praised the practice of adopting Li Jiaxin at that time.

Such a good girl is only right if she is worthy of her own son.

Although his own son is a little careful.

Li Yu looked at Li Jiaxin and said, "My family Jiaxin looks good in everything."

"But I have a costume specially prepared for you."

Then Li Yu took out the Guangxian Liuxian skirt.

"Jiaxin, go to the room and try it to see if it looks good!"

Li Jiaxin looked at the light blue skirt, liked it very much, and then agreed to walk towards the room.

In a moment, Li Jiaxin walked out wearing a long dress, like a heavenly immortal, Li Yu froze for a moment.

The mouth praised: "It is worthy of my Jiaxin is really beautiful!"

"Brother likes it!"

Jia Xin said shyly.

Then Li Yu stepped forward and took out the space ring for Li Jiaxin to put on.

"Jiaxin, this is also prepared for you by my brother, it is not only a ring but also a storage."

"It can include items in it just like the fairy tale movies you watch."

Li Jiaxin looked at the ring on her hand and was very excited and happy.

At this time, on the beach by the sea.

Ye Chen and Wang Xuan played against each other.

Not far away stood Yang Xiaoxiao, she was very afraid at this time, but she was worried that Ye Chen still followed.

At the same time, he also prayed to Ye Chen in his heart, hoping that he would not be killed.

The two played against each other for a moment, and Wang Xuan took the lead in attacking.

The first move is to kill.

Ye Chen did not calm down to block and dodge.

What you want to create is the image of a master, of course, you must have that fan.

In this way, the two of them fought one by one and hid the other.


Ye Chenjue was almost done, so he shot out and began to fight back.

Wang Xuan, who had been attacking, was instantly suppressed.

And watching the battle on the sidelines, Yang Xiaoxiao was dumbfounded.

How is this different from the competition I imagined?

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would have suspected that he was making a movie?


Ye Chen slapped a palm in the air and directly repelled Wang Xuan.

Then without giving Wang Xuan time, he gathered his qi on his legs, and then kicked towards Wang Xuan like a cannonball.

It's so fast that it produces a sonic boom!

But for Wang Xuan, he can still block it.

Wang Xuan, dissolved his anger, and blasted towards it with both fists.

The two collided, creating a powerful air current, and both were shaken away for several meters.

And Yang Xiaoxiao, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, was still far away, holding the iron guardrail on the side, so there was nothing to do.

Wang Xuan looked at Ye Chen's eyes turned blood-red, his breath exploded, and then the Z-shaped move rushed towards Ye Chen, but just when he was about to collide with Ye Chen's fist, his eyes lost red and his breath was weak.

Seeing this punch hit him in the chest, Wang Xuan was directly knocked down a tree, and the last half dead lay on the ground.

Li Yu, who rushed over, saw this scene and said regretfully: "This TM is not dead? It seems that his protagonist aura has not dissipated. Although

he destroyed Wang Xuan's qi luck, let his body hide the dark disease suddenly attacked.

But he didn't expect that his treasure would actually protect it automatically, plus the strength of his own body actually resisted.

Ye Chen looked at Wang Xuan lying on the ground and wondered in his heart?

Why did his breath suddenly weaken?

If he hadn't used his full strength, he would have died at his hands today.


" "The host successfully stirred up the two protagonists, reward points 20,000, luck 15,000."

"Make the protagonist Wang Xuan seriously injured, reward points 15,000, luck 10,000."

Li Yu listened to the system's prompts and felt very satisfied.

Then he turned and left.

The next period of time is the dispute between the two of them, and he only needs to watch the fire from the other side.

Ye Chen looked at Wang Xuan on the ground without mending the knife, and also turned to leave.

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