At noon, I received a call from the nanny and aunt at home, telling her that Ye Fan actually lived in her own home.

Wu Mengxin didn't expect her grandfather to do this, but she wasn't too angry.

Then he said: "Aunt Liu, you threw away those clothes and daily necessities of mine at home today.

"Those jewelry necklaces you like are given to you."

"You don't have to work in that villa anymore, go home first, and you will come back to work later when I find a place to live again."

And Ye Fan in the villa is still fantasizing about a good life in the future when he lives with sexy beauties.

But I saw Aunt Liu on the side packing her luggage and taking a lot of clothes out, which felt very wrong.

"What are you doing? How do you get Mengxin's clothes to us? And are these jewelry yours? You just take?

"I can tell you that what you're doing is illegal."

"If you don't stop, I'll call the police."

Ye Fan looked at Aunt Liu and said angrily.

"What's going on with you lad? Don't talk nonsense if you don't know anything.

"The police are coming, and I will sue you for slander!"

"These are all things that Miss Wu asked me to throw just now, and these jewelry items were all given to me by her."

"You don't believe you can ask her yourself! If you talk nonsense and disturb my work again, then I will call the police. "

Aunt Liu didn't have a good impression of Ye Fan, and she sat there like a grandpa today, and her clothes were also dirty, especially if she was angry with Miss Wu.

Also Miss Wu's fiancé? Did he not look in the mirror for so many years? How to match Miss Wu like this.

Aunt Liu worked as a nanny for the Wu family for more than ten years, Wu Mengxin moved out of the house to live alone, and Aunt Liu also came out to take care of her.

After so many years, Aunt Liu's feelings for Wu Mengxin are no longer simple master-servant relationships.

More like mother and daughter.

Now Wu Mengxin hates and dislikes Ye Fan, and of course she will not have a good impression of Ye Fan.

Ye Fan on the side heard Aunt Liu's words and reacted, "Are you saying that Mengxin doesn't live here?"

"Good, good, very good! If you dare to do this to me, you will wait for me, and you will definitely regret my achievements in the magic capital.

"At that time, I must make you kneel down and beg me before I accept you." Ye Fan said viciously.

Then he got up and left directly and began to wander aimlessly through the streets.


On the hill.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

Chen Yuran was under Li Yu's tutelage, from resistance at the beginning to obedience now.

Li Yu also knew that Chen Yuran's obedience was only superficial physical obedience, and there was no real sense of obedience to him in his heart.

But Li Yu didn't care, anyway, there will be a long time in the future, and this degree is enough.

At the foot of the mountain.

A Lamborghini was parked on the side of the road.

Next to the car stood a beautiful woman with a cold expression.

"Qingqing, why did you drive this car to pick me up?" Li Yu came to Qingqing's side and asked.

"Ah! Master! , how long do you get to my side?

Qingqing, who was standing next to the car, was startled by Li Yu's voice.

She had been paying full attention to the movements on the mountain, just to see Li Yu as soon as possible so that she could meet him.

But what he didn't expect was that the young master actually appeared directly behind him.

If it weren't for the young master speaking, he would never have noticed it.

Qingqing, who reacted, also quickly became happy, in this way, his young master also really learned the skill.

Qingqing, who reacted, said: "Young master doesn't like sports cars!" I saw that the young master had been on the mountain for so many years, and he must have thought about it for a long time, and I opened it today.

As he spoke, Qingqing also noticed that there was a woman standing next to Li Yu.

The woman in front of her is very beautiful, and she has a temperament that does not eat human fireworks.

Qingqing's eyes couldn't move away for a while.

Although she is also a beautiful woman, she is still a little ashamed when she sees the woman in front of her.

At the same time, he envied in his heart: "Only such a woman can become a young master's woman." Looking

at Chen Yuran's eyes, there was a hint of envy.

Qingqing suddenly thought of a question, the car he drove was two-seater, and now there are three people, so do this?

"Young Master, I'm sorry, this car is not thoughtful."

"In this way, you two drive back first, and I can take a taxi back." Qingqing lowered his head and said.

Li Yu looked at the car in front of him, did not say anything, but looked at the car, and then looked at Qingqing.

Indifferently said: "Okay, Qingqing, who said that three people can't sit down?"

"You come and drive, I'll sit with her."

Then pulled Chen Yuran to sit in the passenger seat.

Chen Yuran was very cooperative and snuggled into Li Yu's arms.

Qingqing on the side was a little surprised when he saw the young master's actions.

Hasn't the young master always been a serious person? And I used to be shy when I had intimate contact with girls, but now how did it become like this?

What has happened in the past few years?

Is it because of......

Thinking of this, Qingqing looked towards Chen Yuran in Li Yu's arms.

Then I also felt that this was also very good, at least not as wooden as before, not enlightened.

As long as it's not like those sons and brothers of other families.

Qingqing was too uncomfortable on this road.

In his mind, Li Yu and the girl were sitting together.

A sneak glance from time to time will not happen to the two of them if something excessive will happen.

But every time I peeked at the two, I didn't do anything excessive, and I wondered if I was found to have moved too much?

I still began to fantasize in my mind.

Li Yu had long noticed Qingqing's small movements, and thought in his heart: "What's wrong with Qingqing today, I haven't seen it for so long, is there still a voyeuristic fetish?"

"No, why are you still blushing?" Didn't I do anything here?"

"Wouldn't it be, I didn't see what I wanted to see, and I started yying myself, right?"

Li Yuzhi felt speechless for a while.

Don't be so colorful, okay? Everyone is a serious person!

And serious people who engage in those little actions.

Although you don't have any losses when you do it, this is not afraid to scare you, and you haven't lived enough.

On the highway, a black Lamborghini sped along the road.

I don't know if it's Qingqing yy, the speed of the car is getting faster and faster.

Fortunately, her car skills are very old and stable.

The speed did not affect her operation in the slightest, more than one car after another.

This also attracted the attention of many people on the road, after all, no one can refuse a drag racing scene.

But I envy to see if I really want to go to the race or forget it.

Not to mention the performance of the car, that is, fines and demerit points, all stop the vast majority of people.

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