


The motorcycles cleared the way.

The armored units followed closely behind.

Further behind were the infantry units advancing at a trot.

At this time, the entire 7th Brigade seemed like a prehistoric beast awakening, spreading its fangs at an alarming speed.

"Report to the commander!"

Fang Ligong came to the command center as soon as possible, and said in shock and anxiety: "The Japanese 7th Brigade is advancing rapidly towards us, and it is estimated that it will arrive at three o'clock tonight."


Chu Yunfei's face suddenly changed.

Although he had been on guard against the actions of the Japanese, he did not expect that the other party would choose to take action at this time.

"Where are they now?"


"How can they be so fast?!"


Fang Ligong said in a deep voice: "This morning, the Japanese troops stationed in the Mang Village area in the name of an exercise. The original 80-mile journey was shortened by 20 miles. Their operation started at around 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Now it is almost 6 o'clock. It took an hour and a half to reach Xiangshanpo. This speed is really amazing!"

"It seems that the Japanese troops really want to wipe us out here!"


Fang Ligong asked anxiously: "What should we do now?"

Chu Yunfei sneered and said slowly: "Although we were previously subject to the orders of the headquarters, we We can't move ahead of time, but fortunately, all kinds of supplies are not subject to this restriction. Now there is only our 358th Regiment headquarters in Tuhuang Town, so it is easy to leave. But since these damn devils have come all the way to chase us, we should at least do our best to be the host. "

"Does the commander really want to fight?"

"Of course!"

Chu Yunfei snorted coldly and said, "I have already calculated it. The combat effectiveness of this devil brigade is naturally unquestionable, but they are marching a long distance after all, and they can only arrive here before dawn. In this case, we will give them a good fight at the preset position, and then quickly move. "




Deeply dark.

The chilly March is still chilly.

Soon, all units of the 358th Regiment started to move.

The battalion headquarters blocked.

The regiment headquarters commanded.

Logistics retreat.

The whole operation was advancing rapidly.

As early as when he learned that the Japanese brigade had arrived in Laiyang County, Chu Yunfei quickly made various preparations, including setting up an ambush on the road from Laiyang County to Tuhuang Town.

Seeing the Japanese troops approaching rapidly.

The troops naturally entered the preset positions in order and waited nervously for the arrival of the Japanese.

At the same time.

The news of the Japanese advance also flew to the Eighth Route Army.

The kerosene lamps were quickly lit at the headquarters, and many military leaders stood up and began to pay attention to this military operation.

Tonight is a sleepless night after all.



Before dawn.

The two sides quickly launched a confrontation.


The flares rose rapidly.

In this dark night, the whole sky was shining.

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

The artillery roared and the machine guns fired.

The 358th Regiment took the lead in launching a fierce attack.

I have to say.

Chu Yunfei's strength is indeed not comparable to that of ordinary troops.

Various artillery pieces quickly hit the Japanese troops like a rain of arrows, giving them the strongest attack.

The soldiers ambushed on the slopes also quickly launched attacks, and instantly beat the Japanese vanguard troops to the point where they could not resist.

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

Strong explosions continued to resound near the hillside.


The Japanese vanguard brigade was indeed a little stunned.

But then.

They also launched a counterattack.

Both sides quickly engaged in battle on both sides of the mountain, and the situation was once dominated by the 358th Regiment.


Fang Ligong was overjoyed when he saw this, and said, "Our ambush this time was quite effective. A certain unit of the Japs' vanguard has been blocked by them."

"What about the rest of the Japs?"

"They are still following up."

"Pay attention to their armored units!"

Chu Yunfei looked stern, and there was not much slackness between his eyebrows.


However, at this moment.

Many armored units suddenly appeared on the battlefield a few miles away.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

I saw a unit led by more than ten tanks and more than twenty armored vehicles suddenly rushing out from behind the team.

"Type 92!"

"Type 95!"


Many officers here exclaimed.

The huge tanks advanced forward at a very fast speed, and they continued to spray out various shells during the process.

Bang bang bang!Bang, bang, bang!

The armored flow formed by more than ten tanks is really shocking.

In just a moment.

The Japanese completely suppressed the firepower here.

Although Chu Yunfei also had an artillery battalion in his hands.

But most ordinary mortars can only deal with soldiers. It is still extremely difficult to penetrate the enemy's armored forces, even if the thickness of the armor of these tanks in front of them is not particularly high.

Bang, bang, bang!

Bang, bang, bang!

The artillery roared.

The Japanese Type 95 rushed in front, followed by the remaining Type 92 with slightly inferior performance, and then various armored vehicles.

Da da da.

Da da da.

The Japanese in the tank kept shooting out.

As the armored forces moved forward.

The whole situation instantly fell to the Japanese side, and the second battalion responsible for sniping showed signs of being completely overwhelmed.

"Damn it!"

Chu Yunfei, who was standing in the distance, suddenly changed his expression. He gritted his teeth and said, "Let the second battalion retreat and enter the second line of defense!"

"Yes, commander!"

Fang Ligong quickly accepted the order.


Heiyun Village.

Martial Arts Hall.

"Report to the commander!"

At this time, a signalman quickly said, "According to the news just received, the 358th Regiment had a fierce battle with the 7th Brigade of the Japanese near Tiger Mountain. The unit was attacked by the enemy's armored forces. In less than ten minutes, its defense formation was completely broken. It has now retreated!"

"Less than ten minutes?"

This instantly made almost everyone present change their expressions.

Chen Feng sighed and said, "Ah - I didn't expect that even the powerful 358th Regiment would be defeated so badly!"

"The armored forces are really powerful!"

Han Shaogong on the other side also nodded, with an ugly face, "I heard that Chu Yunfei also has an artillery battalion. Although most of the artillery is mainly mortars, I didn't expect that such a strong firepower would be instantly defeated. The strength of this Japanese field brigade is really strong!"

"It would be great if our regiment also had tanks!"

At this time, Wu Qianli said with envy on his face.

Everyone was talking about their opinions, with shock and some helplessness in their eyes.

After all.

No one expected that the Japanese's combat effectiveness would be so strong.


Zhou Weiguo glanced at Lu Zhixian and saw that he remained silent, so he frowned and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Lu Zhixian looked at everyone and said in a deep voice, "I was wondering why he had not taken action before, given his fighting power, but chose to suddenly take action yesterday evening." (1504/2000)

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