Tujia Village.

Temporary headquarters of the Eighth Route Army.

Today, many senior generals in the army are all gathered here.

However, compared with the relatively relaxed atmosphere in the past, the entire conference room today seems very solemn.


The chief of staff standing over there said in a deep voice:

"Today, I called everyone here specially to talk about a few things."

"First, I believe you must have heard on the way here? France, the strongest army in the world, surrendered completely within 42 days!"


The whole audience was silent after this.

Just as the chief of staff said.

They all knew about this in advance, but despite this, they were extremely shocked when they heard it at this time.

France in Western Europe.

This is an old and powerful country with great influence in the world today, and its army strength is indeed the best in the world.

But who would have thought that under the attack of the German armored forces, it only lasted for forty days.

How is this possible? !

This is simply ridiculous!


The commander-in-chief said slowly with a sullen face: "Although the Western battlefield is thousands of miles away from us, the Japanese have long been allied with Germany. Now the surrender of France will greatly stimulate the ambitions of the Japanese. The government has long been filled with various winds of appeasement and surrender. The next situation will be extremely unfavorable to us!"

The faces of everyone present became quite ugly.

"The leader is right!"

At this time, a teacher said solemnly with a gloomy face: "The little devils are already very ambitious. Now that they see their allies running rampant in the West, they will definitely not be idle! In order to quickly force the National Government to surrender, they will definitely launch a fierce attack on both the front and the rear battlefields. This can be fully confirmed by the latest situation of the Fifth War Zone."


The chief of staff said again: "The second thing is that the devils have just ended their attack on the Yichang area. Although the National Government has made a tenacious resistance, the area eventually fell completely. At this stage, the devils use Yichang as their base, and their air force can directly threaten the mountain city, which will definitely bring profound changes to the current situation of the War of Resistance."

Everyone was silent.

They had expected the defeat on the front battlefield.

In fact, since the beginning of the War of Resistance, the front battlefield has often been defeated and retreated again and again. This is due to both objective factors such as the huge difference in strength between the two sides and subjective reasons such as human negligence and cowardice. Everyone is both indignant and helpless about this.

"The third thing!"

The chief of staff said quickly without any nonsense: "In response to the rapidly changing situation at home and abroad, and the various clearing operations of the Japanese devils in the previous stage in Shanxi Province, the headquarters has sent several main regiments including the New 1st Regiment to northwest Shanxi a few days ago, preparing to actively develop our anti-Japanese base there and launch anti-clearing operations against the Japanese devils."

"Good! That's what we should do."

Everyone agreed when they heard this.


The commander-in-chief said in a deep voice: "Since the beginning of winter last year, the Japanese have implemented a cage policy in Shanxi Province with railways as pillars, roads as chains, and bunkers as locks. Previously, their main divisions took advantage of this to frantically sweep our anti-Japanese armed forces in Shanxi Province, causing heavy losses to all units and armies. Although the performance of the Tiger Guards in southwest Shanxi is extremely good and has repeatedly eliminated the Japanese's arrogance, this still cannot completely change the current situation. Therefore, our Eighth Route Army must not continue to let the Japanese be arrogant. We must completely break this clearing situation."

"Yes, Chief!"

Everyone quickly accepted the order.


Lijia Town.

The 358th Regiment's headquarters.


Chief of Staff Fang Ligong hurried over.

At this time, Chu Yunfei stood there with a solemn expression, holding the intelligence just sent from the headquarters.

"France surrendered?"

Fang Ligong asked with a solemn expression.

"That's right!"

Chu Yunfei nodded and said in a deep voice: "Brother Lu's vision is really shocking. He said that France would surrender in less than 50 days, and the fact is just as he expected. The world's number one land power actually surrendered directly after resisting for more than 40 days! Humph, what a bunch of cowards!"


Fang Ligong was obviously shocked by such news. He said with a grim face: "The current war situation is changing day by day. Although France is known as the number one land power, its military thinking is indeed far behind Germany from the results. The failure of the war is inevitable."

"These are all excuses!"

Chu Yunfei waved his hand and sneered: "With France's military strength, if the whole nation is fighting, how can Germany, no matter how strong it is, force it to surrender in just over 40 days? After all, it is still Brother Lu.Brother is right. As long as a nation or a country still has backbone, it will never surrender and will never be willing to be a slave of a conquered country! "

"Lu Zhixian's vision is indeed incomparable to ordinary people!"

Although Fang Ligong did not go to Qingfeng Village at the beginning, he did hear his own regiment leader talk about the focus of the conversation between the two sides afterwards.

Chu Yunfei sighed and said, "Alas - with the sudden surrender of France, the entire international situation will obviously take a sharp turn for the worse in an instant. The Japanese here will definitely go crazy when they hear this news, and the already difficult situation in Shanxi Province will inevitably worsen. "


Fang Ligong nodded and said, "Previously, our regiment followed the Tiger Guards to ambush the Japanese brigade that came south to support. We thought it would greatly boost the domestic battlefield, but after all, an ant cannot shake the elephant's leg. "

"Forget it!"

Chu Yunfei did not want to continue this topic, and said solemnly, "The most important thing now is to improve our own strength. Pass my order! The whole regiment intensifies training and must be prepared for the enemy's attack at any time. "



At this time, Lu Zhixian certainly received various news.

Whether it was about the surrender of France or the capture of Yichang, it greatly shocked the entire Tiger Guards.

The situation changed too fast after all!

You know, just a few days ago.

Everyone present was still immersed in the joy of defeating the Japanese brigade heading south, but in the blink of an eye, they received such shocking news.


Even Zhou Weiguo, who has always been calm, couldn't help showing a worry at this time: "Now the international situation is changing, the Japanese must be deeply encouraged. The Japanese cage policy was popular in various places before, and the armed forces in various places were severely damaged. Now I am afraid that except for my Tiger Guards, many armed forces have reached an extremely difficult time. "

Everyone was silent.

"Everyone! "

Lu Zhixian said solemnly: "Now is indeed the most difficult time for our war of resistance, but this is only temporary. No matter how strong the Japanese are, they can't swallow up China. As long as we actively fight and fight the Japanese to the end, the victory will eventually belong to China."


At this moment, Wei Dayong suddenly walked in, and he said loudly: "There is news from Qingfeng Village that a reporter from the National Government is coming."

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