Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

At this time, the battles in various places were still going on frantically, and all kinds of mountain artillery, field artillery, and mortars were roaring.

"Hit hard!"

The two brothers Wu Baili and Wu Qianli led their respective soldiers to continuously snipe at the advance of the Japanese.

Da da da.

Da da da.

The light and heavy machine guns set up on the positions were completely dyed red, and the bullets attacked like a crazy rainstorm.

Although the combat effectiveness of these Japanese in front of them was extremely strong, and there were Japanese charging everywhere in the mountains and plains, they pressed back the Japanese offensive countless times with the fire support of the light artillery battalion.


The Japanese officer in charge of the main attack standing not far away roared continuously.

None of them expected that the offensive on this route would be so unsmooth. The battle had only advanced less than three miles since early morning.

This is the other party's initiative to give up the inherent front!

"Where are the fighters? Where are the fighters of my empire?"

Seeing that the attack was blocked again, the Japanese officer immediately screamed.

However, the adjutant next to him could not answer his question, but just frowned and murmured: "The previous batch of bombers should have returned from the airport to refuel! Maybe something happened on the way and delayed them!"


The Japanese officer was furious when he heard this.

Although this place is not a natural barrier, the enemy's strength is far beyond his expectations.

Just relying on the simple advantages of the hillside and high ground, coupled with the extremely powerful firepower output, he couldn't make any progress. Even if both sides carried out long-range firepower strikes, they could not completely extinguish the opponent's firepower points. Now the only thing that can change the situation in this area is the bomber!

As long as the bomber comes to attack like yesterday.

Then they will be able to break the opponent's formation in one fell swoop.

However, compared to the irritability and resentment here, the atmosphere of the Tiger Guards not far away seemed particularly exciting.


At this moment, a soldier suddenly said excitedly: "I just received a call from the regiment headquarters. The Katyusha artillery company has successfully destroyed the Japanese airport! The regiment headquarters ordered our battalion to let go and attack with all our strength!"


Hearing this, Wang Chengzhu was immediately excited and shouted hurriedly: "Brothers! Previously, these damn Japanese used aerial bombers to bomb us. Now it's our turn to fight back! Pass my order, everyone load the shells and hit hard!"

"The No. 01 gun is loaded! Ready to fire."

"The No. 02 gun is loaded! Ready to fire."


"The No. 18 gun is loaded! Ready to fire."

Swish, swish, swish, swish!

As various mortars continued to roar out, the entire battlefield was once again filled with continuous explosions.

At the same time.

There were also shocking explosions on the main battlefield.

Accompanied by the destruction of the Japanese fighter planes.

The situation on the entire battlefield became clear in an instant, and the Japanese regiment could not resist the charge of the mechanized troops!




Everyone present was exclaiming continuously.

Da da da.

Da da da.

Bullets rushed wildly.

The Tiger Guards, who had to worry about aerial bombs, opened their bloodthirsty fangs at this time and launched rounds of fierce attacks on the entire Japanese regiment, and countless Japanese were knocked down wherever they went.

"Retreat! Retreat quickly!"

The regiment commander, Morita Kumaji, was immediately shocked and angry.

Although the mountain artillery battalion and the corresponding field artillery squadron of the regiment were engaged in the battle, they were still unable to stop the fierce Chinese elites, especially at this moment, the sound of galloping horses suddenly rose again on the ground in the distance.

"Cavalry battalion! Attack!"

It was just a blink of an eye.

I saw a cavalry suddenly appear at the end of the flat land, and then the cavalry launched a fierce attack like thousands of horses galloping.


A type of soldier that is almost eliminated in this era.

If this level of charge was like suicide in the past, the devils had already collapsed completely.

When these cavalry charged, the momentum was definitely not much weaker than the previous mechanized charge!

Da da da.

Da da da.

Rifles were shooting wildly.

Under the charge of nearly a thousand elites from the assault battalion and cavalry battalion.

How could the devils resist?

It took less than ten minutes.

The Japanese, who were already on the verge of collapse, were chased all the way, and there were all kinds of dead bodies everywhere along the way.

It can be said that if the Japanese support had not arrived in time, this Japanese vanguard regiment would definitely have been completely destroyed.Die here!

At noon.

The two sides temporarily ceased fighting.

At this time, the Japanese command also advanced along the Shuiling Highway to a place 50 miles outside Heyuan County.

The entire camp was surrounded by various mechanical armors, tanks and artillery. The solemn and awe-inspiring military appearance gave people an extremely strong oppression, but the inside of the tent was gloomy and bleak.


An officer came hurriedly soon and said solemnly: "At present, we are about fifty miles away from Heyuan County. The main force has completely passed the outer section. The 3rd and 4th Infantry Battalions are also reinforcing the Tongpu Railway, Xinxiang Highway and other important roads. The enemy has also retreated. It is estimated that all traffic arteries will be completely opened in an hour. In addition, according to preliminary statistics, since yesterday's battle, our imperial elite and imperial army have suffered a total of 4,837 casualties, 28 artillery pieces, 19 fighter planes, and countless other supplies. Among them, the remaining 5 fighter planes temporarily landed at the Xiantao Airport in North China and are no longer able to participate in the remaining battles."


Kato Kiku looked extremely ugly.

Everyone present was also silent.

Although they all knew that their side did not start well in this battle, they did not expect the loss to be so great.

In just one and a half days.

The coalition forces headed by their own division actually lost nearly 5,000 people.

This is almost one-fifth of the combat force!

"Mr. Division Commander!"

Chief of Staff Asano said palely: "The enemy's strength is much stronger than we imagined. Not only did they raid over 200 miles to attack our empire's airport again, they even formed a strong mechanized armored force, of which only three tanks were used. If they continue to charge, I'm afraid the loss will be even greater!"

Everyone present nodded involuntarily.


The strength of this Tiger Guard Group is indeed far beyond their expectations. Its sophisticated equipment, strong firepower, and high morale are simply not comparable to ordinary Chinese troops.

Facing such a strong opponent.

At this time, they finally understood why the empire had been repeatedly killed by them before, and for a while they also felt a deep fear.

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