Final results?

Everyone present was extremely excited when they heard these four words.

You know, the Tiger Guards had been fighting for several days. Although they knew they had achieved an unprecedented victory, they still had no idea how many Japanese had been annihilated.

Now that they could hear the results, how could they not be excited?

"Quick! Tell me."

Even Lu Zhixian couldn't wait.

"Yes, Commander!"

Zhou Weiguo nodded immediately.

He glanced at the people who were looking forward to it, and then said loudly: "In this battle, our Tiger Guards annihilated a total of 18,256 Japanese soldiers and captured 6,589 people, including 1 lieutenant general, 2 major generals, 11 colonels, 37 lieutenant colonels, and 101 majors; in addition, the following equipment was seized: 13,125 Type 38 rifles, 839 Turtle Boxes, 105 Type 92 light machine guns, 35 Type 92 heavy machine guns, 126 grenade launchers, more than 400 boxes of grenades, more than 800,000 rounds of bullets, 26 mortars of various types, 12 infantry guns of various types, 13 mountain guns, field guns, howitzers and other types of artillery, 7 armored vehicles of various types, 57 transport trucks, 129 sidecar motorcycles, 1,863 horses such as war horses and mules, and countless other important supplies!"


As soon as these words came out.

Everyone present was excited.

"Good! That's great!"

Han Shaogong, who was standing over there, was very excited.

Wu Baili also said with a face full of ecstasy: "Although I knew that our Tiger Guards would definitely achieve great results in this battle, I didn't expect to annihilate nearly 25,000 devils!"


Wu Qianli seemed extremely excited and laughed: "The devil division finally escaped with less than 3,000 people. We really had a good fight!"

Li Benzhong smiled a little embarrassedly: "To be honest, I didn't expect this result before! Although our Tiger Guards have greatly improved their strength under the wise leadership of the regiment commander, the strongest opponent they encountered before was only the devil brigade. Suddenly, we had to face a devil division that was several times stronger than it. The whole battalion, including me, was extremely nervous at that time."

"Me too!"

Wang Chengzhu was also excited and ashamed.

After saying this.

Most of the backbones present couldn't help laughing.

Just as Li Benzhong said.

Although everyone present had considerable confidence in the Tiger Guards, they were not completely confident that they could fight the Japanese division.

After all, it was the Japanese division!

In terms of numbers, equipment, and morale, it was far more powerful than ordinary troops!

In the past.

Anyone who wanted to face such a tiger and wolf, let alone severely inflicting damage, even if it was just blocking, would at least require considerable manpower, but what about the Tiger Guards before? It was just a mere few thousand people, even with the elite troops drawn from the Anti-Japanese United Army, it was barely only tens of thousands of people.

One against three.

No matter from which angle you look at it, there is no chance of winning, let alone achieving such a brilliant record now!

"It's not everyone's fault!"

At this time, Lu Zhixian waved his hand and said with a smile: "After all, the Japanese sent out their elite divisions this time. Although the 33rd Division is inferior to its Class A division in terms of strength, it is also among the top Class B divisions. What's more, it also has a large number of aviation units and heavy artillery regiments to assist. Anyone facing such an opponent would indeed feel worried!"


Sun Desheng smiled and said: "No matter what, we will definitely win this battle!"

"That's right!"

Chen Feng nodded and smiled: "Now we have not only severely damaged the division, but we have almost wiped out the entire Japanese coalition! This is definitely extremely rare since the anti-Japanese war in Shanxi Province. Great victory!"


Lu Zhixian glanced at the people present and said solemnly: "Although we have defeated the seventh and 29th brigades of the devils in the past, we almost all adopted the method of ambush and sneak attack. But this time, the devils not only sent out powerful devil divisions, but also mobilized aviation units and heavy artillery regiments. However, even so, our Tiger Guards still severely damaged them, which is enough to prove our combat effectiveness! After this battle, the situation in southwest Shanxi will inevitably usher in earth-shaking changes. From now on, the devils will never dare to invade our base at will!"

"Good! Great!"

"Long live the Tiger Guards!"


Everyone present was delighted.

"Oh, by the way!"

Lu Zhixian suddenly looked stern and said in a deep voice: "How many casualties did we suffer in this battle?"


Speaking of this, Zhou Weiguo's face suddenly became heavy, and he said solemnly: "In this battle, our Tiger Guards and Anti-Japanese Allied Forces lost 697 people, 256 were seriously injured, 774 were slightly injured, and the total casualties were 1,727!"

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone present had a solemn expression.

More than 1,700 people!

This is definitely the biggest loss since the establishment of the Tiger Guards!

You should know that in the past, whether it was against the 7th or 29th Brigades of the Japanese, their casualties were only controlled within 500 people, and now the direct battle loss is nearly one-sixth.

This is not to say that it is a serious injury, but at least the loss is not small.


Suddenly Yang Zhihua said with a frustrated and ashamed face: "The reason why our Tiger Guards Regiment fell into many passive situations in this battle is all the fault of my heavy artillery battalion! If we hadn't been unable to suppress the Japanese artillery regiment, the Japanese would not have been so arrogant in the previous attack, and the brothers' losses would not have been so great!"

"Old Yang!"

Lu Zhixian patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "It's not your fault! In this battle, the heavy artillery battalion used the strength of one battalion to fight against one and a half artillery regiments of the Japanese, and severely damaged more than half of their firepower! This is already a great achievement!"

This statement immediately attracted the approval of everyone present.

After all, the heavy artillery battalion is only a battalion of troops.

Even if it is a reinforced battalion according to the organization, how can it be compared with the strength of one and a half regiments?

In this war, the heavy artillery battalion was under the greatest pressure.

But even so.

The entire heavy artillery battalion was not afraid from beginning to end, and fought hard with the powerful artillery regiment of the devil for an entire afternoon.

How could this not move people?

"But our battalion--"

Suddenly, Yang Zhihua, a seven-foot-tall man, burst into tears and said, "Many brothers have sacrificed, and they are all good gunners! The entire battalion has lost nearly one-third!"

Everyone was silent.

The heavy artillery battalion did suffer huge losses in this battle.

In addition to the corresponding various artillery pieces, there were also many excellent gunners.

"Old Yang!"

Lu Zhixian knew that he was very sad, and he said softly, "The current situation is difficult. In order to drive out the devils, patriots from all over the country have sacrificed their lives and shed their blood. The efforts and sacrifices of the heavy artillery battalion will not be in vain!"

"I understand!"

Yang Zhihua nodded.


Lu Zhixian glanced at the people present, and then shouted loudly: "Salute to the brothers who sacrificed their lives!"


Everyone present quickly raised their right hands.



July 11, 1930.

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