

Still training.

Along with the expansion of the team and the arrival of weapons and equipment.

The entire Tiger Independent Division also needs a lot of arduous training. For this reason, almost all new and old soldiers will be engaged in intensive training in the next few days. For example, tank group charge, infantry-tank coordinated operations, armored vehicle assaults, and long-range strikes of self-propelled artillery, etc., all require considerable time and energy.

At the same time.

Lu Zhixian sent people to various places to purchase various supplies and food.

Although the Tiger Regiment currently has abundant supplies, whether it is military supplies or food supplies, the warehouse is almost full, but now the team of more than 10,000 people consumes a lot every day. Facing the coming harshest winter, many things must be prepared in advance.

"Division Commander!"

In the Heyuan County government, Zhou Weiguo said solemnly: "I have arranged what you ordered! At present, ten procurement teams have been organized, carrying sufficient money to go to various counties in Henan Province to purchase supplies."

"Very good."

Lu Zhixian nodded.

"Division Commander!"

Zhou Weiguo hesitated and said in a deep voice: "Do we need to be so anxious? The current situation is still quite favorable for us."

Lu Zhixian shook his head and said solemnly: "I have said before that although the Japanese are being defeated in Shanxi Province and there are frequent reports of victory from all over the country, the strength of the Japanese is still extremely strong. If we wait until their heavy troops arrive before making adjustments, everything will be too late."

"Yes, Division Commander!"

Zhou Weiguo took the order again.

"Oh, right!"

Lu Zhixian suddenly remembered something and asked, "What's the situation with the Shanxi Suiyuan Army?"

"What do you mean?"

"Although the Eighth Route Army's large-scale raid on the devils has greatly boosted the morale of the war of resistance, it will inevitably cause concerns for the National Government and the Shanxi Suiyuan Army. In my opinion, the latter will definitely not sit idly by and watch the Eighth Route Army continue to grow. There will inevitably be many frictions at that time, and the Shanxi Suiyuan Army is naturally the best thug."

"They dare to disrupt the joint war of resistance?"

"What can't these two groups do for their own interests?"

Lu Zhixian sneered when he heard this, and said jokingly: "At present, the mountains and rivers are broken and the country is in crisis. Everyone is fighting hard, but there are always some people who don't think about how to drive away the devils, but only think about their own petty gains!"

"Division Commander!"

Chen Feng frowned and said, "What should we do?"

Lu Zhixian looked stern and said without hesitation: "Anyone who dares to disrupt the war of resistance is the enemy of my Tiger Guards!"

"Division Commander!"

Chen Feng couldn't help but feel a little worried when he heard this, and said: "We just received so many materials and supplies from the National Government. If these are all directly instructed by the National Government, then it would be inappropriate for us to go against them, right?"

"Nothing is inappropriate!"

Lu Zhixian waved his hand and said solemnly: "When I joined the National Government, I said that we always stand on the side of the people! All the supplies are not owned by the National Government, they are just agents! Now the biggest demand of compatriots across the country is to drive away the devils. At this moment, anyone who dares to disrupt the war of resistance is a betrayal of the people! My Tiger Guards Independent Division vows to fight to the end!"

"Yes, Division Commander!"

Everyone immediately took the order.


Just then Wei Dayong hurried in.

"What's the matter?"

"A batch of supplies has been sent from outside the county."



Wei Dayong nodded, and said with surprise: "Commander, those are a lot of medical equipment, and the quantity is very considerable!"

Medical equipment?

Could it be——

Lu Zhixian's expression moved, and he quickly said: "Okay! I'll go over there. No, you don't have to follow me."



Lu Zhixian saw a convoy outside the military camp.

I saw that there were a lot of equipment being transported over there, all of which were medical equipment, and at this time, Lin Bingkun, the director of the division hospital, was standing there with great excitement.


Lin Bingkun saw Lu Zhixian coming and shouted excitedly: "There are a lot of medical equipment here, and they are all advanced medical equipment!"


Lu Zhixian nodded.

"Excuse me, are you Commander Lu?"

Just then a handsome young man came over.

"Who are you?"

"I am Ah Cheng."

The other party looked respectful and excited.

"Ah Cheng?"

Lu Zhixian raised his eyebrows, then smiled and said: "I have heard of you, you are very good!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Ah Cheng was very excited when he heard this.


Lin Bingkun said with admiration: "YouIt's incredible! Many of the equipment here are probably not easy to get even from the government!"

"How is the situation at the hospital?"

"Since you asked me to transfer some students to join the field hospital, our medical treatment capacity has been greatly improved. Now the wounded who just came back from the war are also being treated with all our strength. I believe many people will be able to return soon!"

"Very good!"

Lu Zhixian nodded and smiled: "Send someone to transport these equipment back quickly."

"Thank you, commander!"

Lin Bingkun was very excited and greeted him hurriedly.

Lu Zhixian looked at the young man next to him and asked: "Where is Minglou?"

"Report to the commander!"

Acheng replied in a low voice: "After my eldest brother completed the economic meetings in Nanjing, Shanghai and other places, he received an order from Taiyuan, so he returned to Taiyuan directly from Shanghai a few days ago. Due to the tight time and the strict guards of the devils in various places, it was inconvenient for him to come to see the commander. But before leaving, my elder brother specifically told me to deliver this batch of supplies to the division headquarters, and also asked me to bring you a message. "

"What did he say?"

"Congratulations to the Tiger Guards for their victory in Heyuan County and their promotion to the Tiger Guards Independent Division!"

"No need to congratulate!"

Lu Zhixian smiled and waved his hand, saying: "He has always been a member of my Tiger Guards Division. Why should we say these things to each other? !"

"Thank you!"

Acheng nodded and said excitedly: "My elder brother is in the enemy camp, surrounded by traitors and devils who sell out their country for glory. In these days of walking on thin ice, every time he hears that you, the division commander, have won victory again and again, this is the happiest time for him!"

"Don't worry!"

Lu Zhixian nodded slightly and said: "Acheng, please bring him a message."

"Please tell me."

"Victory will eventually belong to China! "

"Yes, Commander!"

Ah Cheng saluted quickly.

Lu Zhixian returned the salute solemnly.


Ah Cheng remembered something and said in a deep voice: "Oh, right! When my brother went to Nanjing this time, he heard some rumors. The specific situation is still under investigation, but he asked me to tell you, be careful of the Shanxi Suiyuan Army!"

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