The morning sun spreads over the earth.

The roar of artillery broke the silence of the port of Lushun.

Dense shells began to fall on Xijiguan Mountain.

Feeling the vibration from the ground, the generals of the New Kwantung Army led by Lin Xianzhi gathered.

At the moment, there is a table of good dishes and sake on their table.

"Gentlemen, our army was defeated in this battle, and the defeat was very complete.

Since the Sino-Japanese naval battle, our army has never suffered such a defeat.

To be honest, I was very puzzled by the defeat of the Kwantung Army in Manchuria.

There is even a ridiculous idea.

I think it's just a better equipped Shina.

The fact that so many troops could not win was simply a shame for the empire.

And only when you really face this enemy can you truly understand his horror.

The Northeast Army shattered my pride and made me re-examine them with new eyes.

In the future, Zhang Xueming and his Northeast Army will surely become our great enemy. "

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but chuckle bitterly.

Picked up the dust-stained wine glass for a moment.

"It's a pity, it's too late, there is no chance.

I have sent a farewell telegram to the General Staff Headquarters.

They were clarified to them the great threat of Zhang Xueming and the Northeast Army.

I hope that the General Staff Headquarters and His Majesty the Emperor will pay attention. "

After speaking, he looked at everyone, raised the wine glass in his hand and said: "Gentlemen, let's drink this cup together, the Northeast Army will come up soon."

Our warriors also need you to personally command and kill the enemy.

Let's see you at the shrine. "

(That garbage shrine toilet is actually a banned word, resulting in a banned chapter, so it still only uses the word shrine, everyone understands)

Immediately, everyone got up and toasted.

"See you at the shrine!"

After drinking, everyone left, leaving Lin Xianzhi alone.

He came to the room with a somewhat vain footsteps.

Everything is ready here.

White cloth, clear water, and the katana given by the emperor.


Soon, a soldier wearing an anti-28 mask followed behind the tank and launched an attack.

When they rushed to about 200 meters from the position, the Japanese did not move in the slightest.

Suddenly at this time.

A Japanese soldier came out of nowhere.

One by one, they carried rifles armed with bayonets.

An earth-shaking cry came out of his mouth, and his eyes were full of fierceness.

"The Emperor is onboard!"

"The Emperor is onboard!"

The soldiers of the Third Regiment of the 2nd Infantry Division also reacted immediately.

They rushed out from behind the tanks and pointed their guns at the Japanese troops, who were surging like locusts.


The STG44 mortar, ppsh41 submachine gun, M34 machine gun, and tank machine gun formed a dense network of fire.

In an instant, the Japanese troops who rushed out were swept to the ground in pieces.

Turned this place into a slaughterhouse.

But the Japanese army in front of him seemed to be inexhaustible.

Knock down one, and several heads fill the empty positions and continue to charge forward.

At the nearest time, the distance between the two sides was even less than 100 meters.

The soldiers of the third regiment no longer know how many magazines were changed, how many rounds were fired, and how long it took.

Finally, there was no Japanese army in front of him.

The sound of heavy breathing came from the gas mask.

"Keep attacking!"

The company commanders continued to direct the soldiers to attack.

When they stepped into the core position of Xijiguan Mountain, no Japanese troops came out to resist.

The military flag belonging to the Second Infantry Division flew on the highlands of Xijiguan Mountain.

This also means that the last Japanese position in Lushun has been taken.

The Battle of Lushun came to a complete end.

"I won Lushun in five days, and you all did a very good job."

Zhang Xueming was very happy.

Being able to take Lushun so quickly was indeed somewhat unexpected to him.

If it weren't for the little devils in Xijiguan Mountain who used gas bombs.

Perhaps the war ended the day before yesterday.

However, taking this Far Eastern fortress in five days is already very shocking.

Won Lushun, and also got rid of Zhang Xueming's heart disease.

At least there is no need to nag that there is also a group of Japanese troops stationed on the territory of the Northeast Army.

"Soon, the engineering troops will come to Lushun, rebuild the port here, and build a shipyard here.

You sent some of your soldiers to assist them in their work. "

After explaining, Zhang Xueming left Lushun and embarked on the return journey.

If he doesn't go back, Jiang Fangzhen and Zhang Zuoxiang will come here and pull him back.

There were already piles up over there that needed to be handled by him, the major marshal of the Northeast Army.

Although Zhang Xueming has already set up a secretariat.

It greatly lightened the burden on him.

But there are many important matters that the Secretariat cannot handle.

"After all, I still can't escape the life of the toil."

Thinking of this, Zhang Xueming chuckled and shook his head.

"Xiao Xu, you have worked hard these days, I will definitely treat you well in the evening."

When I returned to the office, I looked at Lin Su who was working hard.

Zhang Xueming burst out of evil interest and teased her a little.

Today, Lin Su is wearing a long beige floral dress.

Accentuate her already fair skin even whiter.

Zhang Xueming's sudden voice startled her.

She suddenly raised her head, and when she saw clearly that it was Zhang Xueming, she glanced at him with some anger.

"Young Shuai, why don't you walk silently, and what did you just say?"

Zhang Xueming glanced at her speechlessly, and then directly talked about her brain.

At the same time, he said angrily: "I said to pay you a bonus." "


Touched the place where he was shot just now, and muttered: "It's all young handsome and not yet in shape, so many geniuses came back, and when they came back, they teased me, bad guy." "

How could she not have heard what Zhang Xueming said.

It's just that the girl's shyness makes her embarrassed to answer.

Zhang Xueming had just returned, and Jiang Fangzheng and Zhang Zuoxiang came to the door at the same time.

Looking at the two, Zhang Xueming said helplessly: "What's the matter with the two?" "

The two glanced at each other, and Jiang Fangzheng took the lead in speaking: "This is a plan for the reorganization of the new first division into a teaching instructor, and you need to sign it."

And here is the plan for the establishment of the 50th and 51st Group Troops of the Northeast Army, so much for it. "

Reorganizing the new division into a teaching instructor was Zhang Xueming's own idea.

The role of mentor is still very important in the army.

Especially now that the training system of the Northeast Army is not very perfect, the responsibility of teaching instructors is particularly important. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It undertakes the task of training recruits and backbone soldiers.

Train and guide each soldier as a reserve squad leader.

To put it bluntly, this is where the officers of the rapid training layer are placed, such as the squad platoon leader.

Although military academies have now been established in the northeast, military academies mainly train officers at and above the company level.

Therefore, teaching tutors can also be regarded as playing a role in inheritance.

As mentors, their staffing will expand accordingly.

There were 6 infantry regiments alone.

There were three infantry regiments, two mechanized infantry regiments and one tank regiment.

There are also two artillery regiments.

A towed artillery regiment and a self-propelled artillery regiment.

In addition, it became the only unit in the whole army equipped with an anti-aircraft artillery regiment.

There are also engineering regiments, logistics support centers, field hospitals and other auxiliary units.

The total strength of the entire teaching instructor easily exceeded the size of 30,000 under this huge formation.

More than a permanent division of the Japanese army.

And the teacher of this teacher is naturally Dai Anlan.

After taking a rough look and there was no problem, Zhang Xueming signed his name directly.

Any change in the composition of the troops requires the nod of the young marshal.

This is also one of his powers to control the troops.

The 50th and 51st armies were aimed at the former Northeast Army.

The main forces need a higher and higher establishment.

The former Northeast Army naturally also needs it.

The entire former Northeast Army now has five corps, the New First Army, the New Second Army, the New Third Army, the New Fifth Army and the New Sixth Army, with a total strength of 180,000 people.

In Zhang Xueming's planning.

The 50th Army is the New First Army, the New Second Army and the New Sixth Army.

He was responsible for garrisoning Liaoning, Ji Province, Hei Province and Rehe Province.

The commander of the group army was Wang Yizhe and the deputy commander Zhang Tingshu.

The 51st Army is the New Third Army and the New Fifth Army.

Group Army Commander He Zhuguo and Deputy Commander Wang Tiehan.

At the same time, the army-level establishment was abolished, and the infantry divisions directly under the group army were under the control.

In other words, there will be no new first army and new second army in the future.

Mainly because of the bloated troop establishment.

With a perfect radio communication system, the army's establishment will appear to be incomparable.

"No problem, okay, all the words are signed."

After spending more than half an hour reading the report, he signed his name.

Then he looked at Zhang Zuoxiang.

"Young Marshal, here are the project reports submitted by various departments, and some project funds continue to be signed by you.

Here is the plan for the establishment of the new department. "

Since the end of the last high-level meeting of the government.

All departments began to busy themselves with their own affairs, and project books were put forward one by one.

For example, the industrial sector has projects related to the construction of large-scale textile factories, daily chemical factories, heavy machinery factories and so on.

The Ministry of Education has a project book on the construction of colleges and universities in various places.

The transportation department has projects related to railways, highways, highways, airport construction, etc.

This pile needs Zhang Xueming, a young marshal, to see one by one

Because these things all cost money, and they all ask for a lot.

Such a large amount of funds must be approved by Zhang Xueming.

The barrel of the gun and the money bag, he looked very closely.

When he becomes rich in the future, he will choose to slowly delegate power.

But it will still be in your own hands.

The establishment of this new department was proposed by Zhang Xueming.

The 527 new departments are the Northeast Propaganda Commission and the Disciplinary Inspection Commission.

These two committees are not under the jurisdiction of the Northeast Administrative Committee.

The direct superior of these two departments is Zhang Xueming himself.

As for the propaganda position, Zhang Xueming attaches great importance to it.

Therefore, it is imperative to set up a propaganda committee.

At the same time, the Northeast Propaganda Committee will also include all newspapers and media in its jurisdiction.

A media organization belonging to Tohoku will also be established.

It is under the jurisdiction of the General Administration of Press and Publication under the Northeast Propaganda Committee.

Not to mention the disciplinary committee.

You can tell what this department is for just by the name.

Although Zhang Xueming does not have zero tolerance for corruption, he must put an end to the phenomenon of indiscriminate stretching of his hand.

Corruption is a constant occurrence, so there must be a special regulatory authority to tie them down.

And the disciplinary commission is this knife-wielding man.

Similarly, this department is not under the jurisdiction of the Northeast Administrative Committee.

It has a transcendent status at the local level.

For this department, Zhang Xueming prefers to use young people.

As hot-blooded young people, they have a breath in their hearts.

While Zhang Xueming was busy dealing with affairs.

The news that the Northeast Army had successfully recovered the lost territory of Lushun also spread throughout the country.

Major newspapers rushed to report on the incident.

Even the hot spots that bombed Tokyo were brought down.

Compared with the bombing of Tokyo, the common people are still more concerned about the recovery of lost territory.

Since the defeat of the Sino-Japanese Naval Battle on November 22, 1894, the Japanese army has taken advantage of the situation to occupy this strategic place to contain the mouth of the Bohai Sea.

Here, the horrific Lushun massacre broke out.

The massacre lasted for four days and three nights, with only 36 survivors and more than 20,000 dead under the butcher's knife of the Japanese army.

This also made Lushun a pain in the hearts of the whole country.

Counting from the launch of the Lushun Campaign by the Northeast Army.

However, in just five days, it was announced that more than 60,000 people of Lushun had been annihilated and Lushun had been successfully recaptured.

All the lost territory in the northeast has been completely recovered.

This also shocked the major warlords in the country and Jinling at the strength of the Northeast Army.

This is the Lushun Fortress.

This also proves that the strength of the Northeast Army is stronger than before.

After successfully recovering Lushun, the northeast began to fall silent.

It wasn't until a month later that a telegram from Germany broke the peace of Zhang Xueming's life.

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