This time the British Empire is really moving.

To preserve the dignity of the British Empire.

This time, the British Imperial Navy even used the main force of the home fleet.

Nearly a hundred large and small ships were assembled.

This also includes their Far East fleet.

This huge fleet had 6 main battleships alone, as well as two battle cruisers and two aircraft carriers.

Capital ships are up to 10 ships.

For this huge empire.

It is also very difficult to mobilize such a large fleet for an expedition to Asia.

After all, the casual movement of these ships is a lot of money.

Not to mention the expedition to Huaxia.

And it is still unknown how many warships can sail to China.

This once-invincible navy survived World War I.

It has also revealed a hint of old twilight.

Especially after this period of naval holidays.

The naval fleet of the British Empire was clearly in decline.

For more than a decade, the main warships of the entire line have not been in service.

Most of the ships were older ships from World War I service.

Therefore, these ships are more prone to various problems when they sail far.

After half a month of assembly and standby.

On January 25, 1937.

This huge fleet began to set out from the mainland.

A fleet of dozens of ships sailed across the Atlantic.

All of Europe trembled in the shadow of this huge expeditionary fleet.

For all the Western powers, this is an incomparably powerful fleet.

On the same day, this expeditionary fleet became a hot topic in various countries.

The major media in Europe have already sung their praises.

"The great fleet began to sail away, just like conquering China in the last century, and this time it will also make China submit."

"This is a fierce collision between the giants of the West and the lions of the East, and this is an unprecedented expedition."

"On the one hand, there is a powerful navy that has been precipitated for a hundred years, and on the other hand, a rookie navy stacked with brand new warships, who wins or loses?"

"This is perhaps the largest naval collision since the end of World War I, and the whole of Asia will tremble in this collision."

"In the face of the powerful British Imperial Navy, do the Chinese dare to fight?"

When the mustache saw the destroyer taking pictures of the British Empire expeditionary fleet, a trace of fear could not help but flash in his eyes.

Although now his ambitions are growing.

The British Empire was also thin and lifeless in his eyes.

But there is no denying that their navy is still strong.

During World War I, the Battle of Jutland directly broke the backbone of the Kaiser Navy.

Even now, the navy of the German Third Reich did not have the courage to challenge the fleet of the British Empire.

In the face of such a powerful fleet.

How will Eastern's partners respond?

Faced with the arrival of the British Imperial Naval Expeditionary Fleet.

To say that the most excited is undoubtedly the Yan Navy.

Emperor Hirohito, the Minister of the Navy, the military command, and the joint ship all celebrated.

This time, even the army rarely stood with the navy.

"If they fight, it may be our best chance."

The new Minister of the Admiralty, Shushin Nagano said in a somewhat excited tone.

As for what the opportunity was, everyone present understood.

Of course, it was to take advantage of the outbreak of battle between the Huaxia fleet and the expeditionary fleet.

Stab Huaxia directly in the back.

Together with the British Empire fleet, destroy this Chinese fleet, which poses a great threat to them.

Emperor Hirohito suddenly stood up and shouted, "Gentlemen, then let us take action, gather the most powerful fleet of the empire, and deal a fatal blow to the Shina people." "

Then he looked at King Fushimi Miyahiro, the commander-in-chief of the military command.

One of the troika of the Navy.

"If you go to contact England, just say that we are willing to cooperate with their actions, and it is better to provoke their war."

Navy Marshal Fushimi Miyahiro Gong nodded solemnly and said: "Hey, please rest assured Your Majesty, our navy will definitely seize this rare opportunity." "

The entire Yin navy began to operate secretly.

A large number of fleets began to move frequently.

This also aroused the high vigilance of the Huaxia Military Intelligence Agency's Yingguo intelligence network.

The anomaly was quickly reported to the Navy.

"The abnormal movement of the Yanguo navy may be related to the British Imperial Expeditionary Fleet, and I hope that the relevant departments of the navy will pay attention to it."

Navy Commander Chen Shaokuan frowned and looked at the intelligence from the General Intelligence Agency.

"Immediately ordered the electronic reconnaissance aircraft brigade to dispatch to collect electromagnetic information on the Yin Islands.

Give me a sense of what they want to do. "

The 8th Electronic Reconnaissance Aircraft Group is the latest electronic reconnaissance aircraft installed by the Hainan Aviation Force.

This electronic reconnaissance aircraft is based on the Y-10 strategic transport aircraft.

Advanced electronic intelligence installations were installed.

The main task is to collect enemy electronic signals and transmit them back to home intelligence sites for deciphering.

The Navy is equipped with state-of-the-art transistor supercomputers for intelligence deciphering.

Even if the codebook has been changed many times in small days.

Still can't escape the deciphered ending.

Soon, the Navy took off a number of EY-10D Black Ice Station strategic electronic intelligence reconnaissance aircraft.

Start cruising around the entire Wakoku Islands.

Electronic intelligence fighters flying at an altitude of 8,000 meters and a distance of about 100 nautical miles can collect intelligence very comfortably.

Because Xiao Ri can't find it here at all.

They also never thought of such a sci-fi means of intelligence gathering.

I never found that my own code had been deciphered long ago.

"Commander, this English expeditionary fleet is menacing, should we respond like this?"

Naval Commander Chen Shaokuan approached Zhang Xueming and requested instructions from the Supreme Command.

If there is no directive from the Supreme High Command.

Even he, the commander of the Navy, could not mobilize large-scale fleet operations.

To be honest, Zhang Xueming did not expect such a violent reaction from the English people this time. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Actually dispatched the expeditionary fleet so hard.

Sure enough, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse, and you can't underestimate this empire that never sets.

And judging by their reactions.

This time it did touch their backscales.

But this move of Persia is also extremely important and crucial to China's strategy.

It is impossible for Huaxia's side to back down.

Give up at such a critical moment, then who will dare to follow Huaxia in the future.

So this time you can only choose frontal rigidity.

Not only do you need to win, you also need to win the beautiful ones.

Let all countries in the world see the strength of the Chinese Navy.

It is also an excellent opportunity to spread the word.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xueming's eyes became firm.

"I grant you the power to mobilize the three major fleets and keep them out of the South China Sea.

When they come to our territory, they will not be allowed to be presumptuous.

If they dare to do it.

Counterattacks can be made without limits.

Let this English Far East fleet sink to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish. "

After hearing this, Chen Shaokuan was also shocked.

"Yes, please rest assured Commander that the Navy will only disappoint the country and its people.

This battle must show the majesty of the Chinese Navy.

Let the Western powers see that China is no longer the former Huaxia, and no one can be bullied. "

After Chen Shaokuan returned to the headquarters, he began to transfer troops.

Zhang Xueming's meaning is also very clear.

Show the world the powerful Chinese Navy.

So this time Chen Shaokuan no longer hid it.

Prepare to assemble the main forces of the three major fleets to fight.

Keep the enemy out of the country.

This is also the basic duty of the Navy.

Soon, the 8th Electronic Intelligence Reconnaissance Aircraft Group transmitted important information.

Chen Shaokuan finally knew what the little devil was calculating this time.


After seeing the deciphered content.

Chen Shaokuan smiled mockingly.

"It turns out that the little devil wants to cooperate with the English and prepare to surround us.

They are simply delusional.

It seems that we have not moved for a long time, so that the Yan people have forgotten how powerful we are.

Then teach them a lesson this time.

Now we are still declaring war, and the English may make a big deal out of it.

But there is still no problem in teaching the Yan people a lesson.

It was this opportunity to deter the arrogant Englishmen. "

For the combined fleet of the Ukoku sent to the door.

Chen Shaokuan was not worried.

The combined fleet of the little devil really doesn't pay attention to him.

In terms of the strength of the current Chinese Navy.

Any one of the three major fleets can destroy this combined fleet.

"Scatter all the submarine forces and target them to death.

Let the AWACS aircraft cooperate with the description of the submarine forces. "

The current submarine force of the Chinese Navy is not as large as it used to be.

At its peak, the submarine force had more than 100 Type 21 submarines.

But with the large-scale decommissioning of Type 21 submarines.

The number of submarines currently in the Navy is only 24.

However, all 24 submarines are the most advanced (and obtained) long-jawed whisker-class conventionally powered submarines.

The Navy designation is the White Dragon class conventionally powered attack submarine.

At present, the White Dragon-class conventionally powered submarines are basically launched at a rate of 12 per year.

And each batch of 12 ships will be upgraded to some extent.

According to the plans of the Navy.

The number of equipment for the White Dragon class submarines will be less than 50.

And this order also came from the Supreme High Command.

As for why only 50 ships are equipped.

There are also only a few people who know.

However, many speculate that perhaps more advanced submarines may already be in service.

But this speculation has not been confirmed in any way.

Just when the eyes of the world are on this side of Huaxia.

The Huaxia Navy held a press conference.

It immediately attracted the attention of the whole world.

Everyone wants to know how menacing it is in the face of the English expeditionary fleet.

How exactly will the Huaxia side respond.

Even the people of Huaxia are paying close attention to this matter.

In the last century, it was the fleet of the English that opened the door of China.

The Opium War began.

The Sun Never Sets Empire as the world's first navy.

The Chinese people also have some lack of confidence on their side.

However, the Huaxia Navy did not disappoint them.

"If you want war, then give you war, and the Huaxia Navy is confident of keeping any enemy out."

As soon as this remark came out, the whole world was shocked.

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