The southernmost point of the South China Sea, which is the area where the nine-dash line is located.

A large fleet stretches above the sea, sailing at great speed.

The identity of this fleet can be seen from the flags flying this fleet.

The ship at the head is none other than the flagship of the English Expeditionary Fleet, the Hood Patrol.

"Sir, 20 nautical miles further is where the nine-dash line drawn by Huaxia is."

Sir Charles Forbes nodded and said, "Very well, keep going." "

Then he turned to another officer and asked, "Haven't you found the fleet of the Chinese yet?" "

The officer shook his head and said, "The seaplanes and fighters we sent out were all stopped by the fighters of the Huaxia people.

Although it is not known where they are.

But it's certainly not far from us. "

The confrontation between the two sides in the air has long begun.

When it is about to reach the waters of the South China Sea.

The expeditionary fleet sent a large number of seaplanes.

The carrier also sent fighter jets to conduct intensive aerial reconnaissance.

But when their planes were about to enter the South China Sea.

will be stopped by the F8F Panda carrier-based fighter that suddenly appeared by the Huaxia people.

Both sides were very restrained at this time.

The main thing is that the English side does not refrain and cannot do it.

I really can't beat it.

They are still equipped with old biplanes.

The "147" Navy attached great importance to the development of aircraft carriers and aircraft.

But so far the Navy has not seen many new aircraft.

The Huaxia side resolutely did not fire the first shot.

The pilots on the English side knew that they could not fight, and they were honestly forced to return home.

So there is this scene where both sides are restrained.

On the sea, the English Expeditionary Fleet sent relatively fast destroyers and frigates to form a rapid search fleet at sea.

However, so far, the search circle has expanded to almost 100 kilometers, but no trace of the other party has been found.

This is also a little too weird.

"There's the South China Sea ahead, keep going.

Didn't they say they wanted to keep us out of the South China Sea?

Then go to the South China Sea and force them out.

Let the camera record this important scene. "

Don't forget to add a sentence.

The reason why the expeditionary fleet found the Chinese fleet.

The reason is also very simple.

Because the main fleet of China is not in the South China Sea at all.

Chen Shaokuan had already laid a net for the expeditionary fleet.

He knew that the main attention of the English expeditionary fleet was focused on the South China Sea.

So he simply divided the fleet into three.

He led the strongest First Fleet into the waters near Philippine.

And hid nearby.

The Second Fleet went out near the Gulf of Thailand.

Then turn a corner and threaten the left flank of the expeditionary fleet.

The Third Fleet, on the other hand, went to copy the back road.

With radars and AWACS aircraft, it is not difficult to evade their search.

After all, this sea area is not big, and it is not small.

The English don't have radar.

Nor is it the era of satellites flying in the future.

When the English people continued to advance towards the South China Sea.

Chen Shaokuan, who lurked in the waters near Philippine and began to act.


The short two-word order was sent to the Second and Third Fleets via short wave.

The three major fleets began to encircle the expeditionary fleet at high speed.

"I order, take off all the fighters and give them a warning."

With the giving of the order.

The First Fleet's three Midway-class heavy aircraft carriers began to continuously release their fighters.

Half an hour or so.

Three aircraft carriers sent two-thirds of their fighters out.

At the same time, the radar of the fleet is also fully open.

Monitor everything around you.

The three carriers took off nearly 200 warplanes in total.

The other two fleets also released their warplanes and approached the English Expeditionary Fleet at high speed.

Six aircraft carriers took off a total of 400 fighters of various types.

This is enough to pose a great threat to the expeditionary fleet.

If the English dare to continue to move forward and challenge the bottom line of China.

So what's the harm in fighting this battle.

As the saying goes, hit with one punch, so as not to come with a hundred punches.

If the boss of England is turned over, no one will come to provoke Huaxia.

"There are still 10 nautical miles from the nine-dash line of Huaxia, and no trace of their fleet has been found.

Sir, I see that this group of yellow people is really afraid.

It is simply not afraid to confront a powerful expeditionary fleet head-on.

Now it is estimated that in which port I am hiding and dare not come out. "

Sir Charles also sneered: "They are just a bunch of nouveau riche, and they don't deserve to be our opponents at all."

But don't relax, you must find them. "

Although he looked down on the Chinese people.

But the opponent's 6 battleships and several aircraft carriers must still be taken seriously.

"Oh God!"

A seaplane returning home was about to lower its altitude and find a way to land.

But suddenly I saw a group of machines in the distance.

Although it is not known exactly how many there are.

But it is not difficult to see from the scale that at least more than 100 aircraft.

And this fleet is already less than 50 nautical miles from their fleet.

"Enemy attack, the fleet of Huaxia people is coming."

The news of a large number of Chinese aircraft groups appearing in the south-east direction of the fleet suddenly made the entire fleet explode.

"What? Damn, I said why the fleet of the Chinese people could not be found.

It turns out that they are not in the South China Sea at all.

This group of cunning Huaxia people. "

"Pull towards the battle alert, and the whole fleet enters a first-level combat state.

Immediately let the aircraft carrier take off and all the fighters go to intercept.

The fleet immediately formed an air defense formation. "

Faced with the qualifying situation, Sir Charles did not panic.

Instead, orders were given methodically.

Within five minutes.

When a large number of Chinese fighter groups were found in the southwest and in the rear of the fleet.

Sir Charles, who still looked like an old god, finally got out of order.

Now the Huaxia fighters are approaching them from three directions. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Even in the rear of their fleet, appeared.

This also means that Huaxia's fleet is in these three directions.

If there were no aircraft carriers in these three directions, how did this fighter group appear.

"Bastards, this group of people also has too much appetite.

You actually want to surround us? "

After seeing the analytical landscape of nautical charts.

Sir Charles sneered.

"If the Chinese people think that this will scare us.

That would be too underestimating the Armada of the British Empire. "

But when he saw the incoming swarm.

There was no more smiling face on his face.

I can't laugh if I want to.

He felt that he had underestimated the size of Huaxia's fleet.

The two aircraft carriers of the expeditionary fleet are estimated to have less fighters than a fraction of what they do.

When their fighters rushed towards the Huaxia fleet.

But it looks so pale and weak.

Huaxia's fleet divided F4U bombers with excellent performance at low and medium altitudes and entangled their biplanes.

The rest of the fleet still flew towards the fleet.

Soon, a dense array of Chinese fighters appeared above the sky of their fleet.

One fighter after another whizzed past the heads of their battleships...........

Also flapping his wings twice from time to time.

This allowed the English sailors to see more clearly the bombs and torpedoes hanging from their wings.


Looking at the Chinese fighters that skimmed over the head of the Hood patrol.

Sir Charles's beard was cocked.

He now very much wants to give the order to shoot down these Chinese fighters.

But reason restrained him from doing so.

The reason is also very simple.

Now their situation is very unfavorable.

Huaxia's fleet has already surrounded them from three directions.

It has also cut off their way back to Xinjiapo.

Their situation can be said to be very critical.

Once the shell is fired.

Then the situation will spiral out of control.

Even if their expeditionary fleet does not die, it is estimated that it will shed its skin.

Bullying the soft and fearing the hard has always been a tradition of Westerners.

"Sir, what should we do now?"

In the face of the subordinate's inquiry, he could only grit his teeth and say: "Gather the fleet, form a defensive formation, and wait in place." "

He still has a card in his hand that has not been played.

If he was allowed to retreat like this, he would not be willing.

When the speed of the English fleet slowed down.

Huaxia's fleet also began to withdraw one after another.

He did not choose to continue to stimulate the English.

After all, fighting this battle is not good for Huaxia.

And the disadvantages will be immediately apparent.

Especially in economic terms.

Once both sides completely tear their faces.

I am afraid that the merchant ships of China will not be able to pass through the Strait of Malacca.

After all, Malacca, Suez and Gibraltar are three key waterway nodes in the hands of the English.

"What about the little ones? Let them come and support us quickly. "

Now Sir Charles has put the hope of breaking the game in the hands of the combined fleet.

More than ten hours later.

At this moment, the sky is just getting dark.

The English Expeditionary Fleet was heading at low speed in the nearby waters on the edge of the nine-dash line.

They simply did not dare to set foot in the South China Sea for half a step.

"God, what's that?"

"The fleet of the Chinese people, it was their fleet that appeared."

After seeing the hazy figure that appeared at the skyline.

Immediately, it caused an uproar among the English sailors. 0.0

"What? The fleet of the Huaxia is coming? "

Sir Charles quickly ran out of the Commander's Tower.

When I picked up the telescope and looked southeast.

Suddenly, his eyes widened, and at the same time he took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart.

In their southeastern direction.

Three Wuyue-class battleships hit the head.

Behind them were a slip of light and heavy cruisers.

In the middle of the fleet are three massive aircraft carriers.

More than two dozen destroyers surrounded the perimeter of the three heavy aircraft carriers.

"The main fleet of the Huaxia people has finally appeared."

"Back, look behind us, and over there."

The three major fleets appeared almost simultaneously.

A combined encirclement of the expeditionary fleet was formed.

When you see the size of these three fleets of Huaxia.

Sir Charles, who looked down on the Chinese people, also gasped.

"6 aircraft carriers, why do they have so many heavy aircraft carriers."

6 battleships plus 6 aircraft carriers.

A total of 12 capital ships.

The impact on them is still very large.

At this time, Charles finally knew how so many planes of the Chinese people appeared.

It turns out that they are actually equipped with so many aircraft carriers.

At the same time, I am glad that I did not do it.

Otherwise, they will suffer a big loss.

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