The construction of the 100,000-ton Huaxia super battleship provided the Huaxia shipbuilding industry with a lot of experience in building super-large warships.

And for the construction of heavy aircraft carriers of the Midway class.

It also accumulated experience in how to design and build large aircraft carriers for the Huaxia shipbuilding industry.

Due to the successive service of jet fighters.

Today's aircraft carriers are no longer able to meet the takeoff, landing and operation of these heavy fighters.

Therefore, the Navy is in urgent need of a heavy aircraft carrier.

It is in this context.

This type of dynasty-class supercarrier was born.

The Dynasty-class supercarrier has the following characteristics.

The displacement at full load is close to 100,000 tons.

It has an angled deck.

Four steam catapults.

Two right angled decks and two angled decks.

Fully enclosed flight deck.

It also optimizes the design of ship islands, superstructures, electronic equipment, anti-aircraft weapons, carrier-based aircraft configuration, lift structures, etc.

In the process of using the Midway-class aircraft carrier.

The Navy still found a lot of problems.

This also provides a lot of valuable suggestions for the design of this new aircraft carrier.

The power system will use the same power as the Huaxia super battleship.

320,000 horsepower is enough to power the carrier, and the design can even reach a top speed of 35 knots.

A total of two aircraft carriers of this type are planned.

At present, both aircraft carriers are already under construction.

In addition to this type of aircraft carrier, the Navy has two other project plans for aircraft carriers.

For example, the modernization project for 6 Midway-class aircraft carriers in service.

Two ships were optimized at one time and completed in three years.

These six aircraft carriers plus another Midway-class aircraft carrier that is still undergoing training and two supercarriers under construction.

By the time of the outbreak of World War II.

The Huaxia Navy will have 7 battleships and 9 heavy aircraft carriers.

With a total of 16 capital warships, this maritime force is not weak.

Another project is the nuclear-powered supercarrier that is already in the design stage.

This nuclear-powered supercarrier is based on the Dynasty-class aircraft carrier.

It's just that the power system has been replaced by a nuclear reactor.

At present, the newly established Huaxia Nuclear Industry Group is already developing several types of nuclear reactors.

For example, the marine reactor used by submarines.

Ship reactors used by cruisers and high-power nuclear reactors required for nuclear-powered aircraft carriers.

At present, the design and construction of both marine reactors and marine reactors have been completed.

At present, the land reactor experiment has been completed.

The corresponding nuclear-powered submarines and nuclear-powered cruisers have already begun construction.

At the same time, construction of new guided-missile destroyers, medium and large amphibious assault ships, dock landing ships, and large integrated supply ships began construction.

Before World War II, the strength of the Chinese Navy will also be greatly improved with the service of these new ships.

Zhang Xueming went to see all these projects.

With the approach of World War II.

The speed of ship renewal on the side of the Huaxia Navy will also continue to accelerate.

One of the most notable changes is that military spending is increasing.

Otherwise, how could the Navy have the money to build so many ships.

"Chairman, would you like to go and see the training of our new aircraft carrier.

They are now conducting normal carrier-based aircraft takeoff and landing training in the central waters of the Yellow Sea~. "

Chen Shaokuan knew that Zhang Xueming was very interested in aircraft carriers.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he made this suggestion.

This also made Zhang Xueming very moved.

Anyway, now there is time, just go and see this new aircraft carrier.

Since it entered service, it has not seen this aircraft carrier, which already has a modern style.

On board a Seagull carrier-based transport aircraft to the sea training sea hundreds of kilometers away.

This Seagull carrier-based transport aircraft is also a general purpose carrier-based transport aircraft project for the Navy.

For example, the HY-20 carrier-based AWACS aircraft that is now in service with the Navy was basically developed on this Seagull carrier-based transport aircraft.

A derivative version that belongs to it.

It adopts a cantilevered wing, which can be folded.

Its most obvious feature is the 4-tail movable surface design.

The engine is equipped with two 5,000 horsepower turbo engines.

This carrier-based transport aircraft is also an extremely important member of the aircraft carrier battle group.

After all, helicopters cannot compare in terms of transport capacity, speed, range, etc.

I don't know how long I flew, Chen Shaokuan leaned into his ear and shouted: "Chairman, the sea training area has arrived, and if you look at it from here, you can see our aircraft carrier." "

Zhang Xueming turned around curiously and leaned into the porthole to look into the distance.

Sure enough, I saw a Midway-class aircraft carrier the size of a matchbox.

From the sky, you can see the difference between this Midway-class aircraft carrier.

The angled deck is its hallmark.

The aircraft carrier that was in training immediately adjusted to its optimal posture.

The entire deck was also emptied with the arrival of this transport aircraft.

The entire aircraft carrier is now in a level 1 combat readiness.

Because on this transport plane, there are two people who are extremely important to them.

So the whole aircraft carrier is attached to it from top to bottom. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But landing on an aircraft carrier is never a beautiful thing.

Although the experience of the driver is already extremely rich.

But when the tail hook of the transport plane hooks to the moment of the blocking cable.

Zhang Xueming felt that the whole person was about to fly out.

Fortunately, it is restrained by seat belts.

However, I also felt a tumble in my stomach.

The moment he stepped onto the deck, he was recovered.

"Report to the chairman and commander, all the personnel of the aircraft carrier Peiping are on standby, please instruct."

The Peiping is exactly the name of this aircraft carrier.

Beiping is the capital of China.

Being able to be given this name, its place in the navy can also be imagined.

Zhang Xueming looked at the aircraft carrier personnel wearing different colors of clothing.

It was also a salute in return.

Then he said: "Resume normal training immediately, you first take me to see our fighters." "

"Yes, Chairman."

Led by the elevator, Zhang Xueming came to the closed hangar on the next floor.

The area of the hangar at the bottom is still very large.

A large number of warplanes are parked.

This includes the most advanced AD-4 carrier-based attack aircraft.

It is the same model as the Army's A-4 ground attack aircraft.

However, because the land and sea environments are different.

Its landing gear, airframe, etc. have been thickened to a certain extent.

The materials used are also somewhat different.

However, the overall performance is still very close.

Due to the new high-thrust turbojet-5 engine, it is still being tested.

At present, it is still equipped with a turbojet-1B engine with a maximum thrust of 4 tons.

The maximum take-off weight is 11 tons, the maximum flight speed is 1120 km per hour, the range is 2500 km, and the bomb load is 2.2 tons.

It is also the only jet combat aircraft currently in service with the USS Peiping.

The F4U steal fighter is still the main fighter of the Peiping aircraft carrier.

Because the Navy's jet carrier-based fighter is too difficult to develop.

The main thing is in terms of engines.

So the current progress is not very fast.

Because the Navy has a somewhat high vision.

There are also high hopes for this fighter.

A lot of requests were made.

For example, the speed must be fast, and the maximum flight speed (Denuochao) cannot be lower than Mach 1.5.

Be versatile.

To have a large range of these.

Ability to attack using missiles.

When Zhang Xueming saw these performance indicators.

You can see why the development progress is not fast.

Isn't this the standard for second-generation fighters.

Sure enough, the development of science and technology is the same way.

Even in this time and space.

The standards of second-generation aircraft are also relatively similar.

Fast speed, high ceiling and strong firepower.

For the naval project, Zhang Xueming is still very supportive.

Once this fighter is available.

Then it means a cross-generation of jet fighters.

At this time, he could not help but sigh at the rapid development of the aviation industry.

It wasn't long before the first generation of jet fighters were equipped.

The Air Force is still mass-producing the JF-5A supersonic fighter.

The second-generation jet fighter developed by the Navy is about to come out.

So this also leads to a problem.

The Air Force's order for the JF-5A sonic fighter was cut and cut.

From the original 2,000 to the current 500.

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