This new super transport aircraft surpasses the Y-10 strategic transport aircraft in size and power.

The engine is powered by four 15,000-shaft horsepower turbospine engines.

The total power reached 60,000 shaft horsepower.

What a concept this is.

A P-51D Mustang fighter has only 1,500 horsepower.

That's 40 times the power of the Mustang fighter.

And it's an interesting engine.

Two four-bladed propellers with coaxial rotation and a diameter of 5.6 meters were used.

This is due to the fact that the speed of the aircraft was not yet at the speed of sound.

The linear velocity of the pulp tip of the propeller of a turbo engine has already reached the speed of sound, which creates a situation where the shock disturbance resistance occurs.

So only two propellers can be used, which is also the best solution.

At the same time, its design has another unique feature.

That is, its turbine only outputs one-third of its power to the propeller, and the remaining two-thirds generates thrust backwards.

This also allows the aircraft to fly at a faster speed.

With plenty of power.

It also has this huge size.

The fuselage length is 58 meters, and the wingspan is as high as 64.

The H-40 strategic bomber, the largest fighter in service with the Air Force, is a larger circle.

So its size and load capacity are very amazing.

The maximum takeoff weight even reached 250 tons, breaking the record for the maximum take-off weight of 267,700 tons for an H-40 strategic bomber.

Under the premise of having an amazing maximum take-off weight.

It also allows its wide warehouse to hold 80 tons of cargo.

Two 54 medium tanks can be stuffed directly.

And the army's new generation of self-developed main battle tanks can also be stuffed.

This is also one of the main reasons for the Y-18 strategic transport aircraft project.

Because once the Army's new generation of main battle tanks comes out.

No strategic transport aircraft can fit it.

At present, the army tank is not yet in service, but it is also fast in terms of time.

Not to mention the fact that the current 54 medium tank is still unique in the world.

The Army is also not in a hurry to develop the next generation of main battle tanks.

In addition to having an amazing load capacity.

It also has incredible speed.

Its cruising speed can reach 650 kilometers per hour, and the maximum flight speed can reach 750 kilometers per hour.

And its four giant turbo engines are also very fuel-efficient.

It is also capable of flying 80 km with a full load of 5000 tons.

If it is full of fuel and no load, that is, in the transition state, the maximum range can reach 12,000 kilometers.

It far surpasses the Y-10 in terms of load, and it is not weaker than downwind in terms of range.

But that doesn't mean the Y-10 will be retired.

The situation with transport aircraft is not the same as that of first-line fighters.

It can still be used if it works.

What's more, this Y-18 strategic transport aircraft is only an excessive product.

At the same time, it is also a by-product of the vortex strategic bomber.

Because at the beginning this giant propeller engine was developed for strategic bombers.

However, because the development of the H-40 strategic bomber was very smooth.

Therefore, the project development of the vortex version of the strategic bomber has already been dismounted by the military.

Since strategic bombers are not used, then strategic transport aircraft can still be used.

After all, the thrust of the current turbofan engine is not very large.

It will probably take a long time to develop a model that can replace these two strategic transport aircraft.

However, the Y-10 strategic transport aircraft is not far from retirement.

Because the turbofan engine project, although the thrust is not large, it has the ability to replace the Y-10 strategic transport aircraft.

The application of turbofan engines has made the Air Force see an incomparably broad prospect.

Vortex is not the right way to go after all.

So elimination is also inevitable.

In recent years.

The Air Force's transport aircraft are mainly composed of Y-10, Y-12, Y-18, three tactical strategic transport mechanisms.

And these three transport aircraft will soon be able to come in handy.

The year 1939 has steadily crossed the year.

If the timeline still follows the historical track.

Then this year may also be the last quiet year.

However, the turmoil of the world war did not reach the Asian side.

In the year 38, the development rate of China continued to slow down, but the growth rate was still rapid. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In 37 years, the GDP output value was 338 billion RMB.

This year's (cjea) GDP output value exceeded the 400 billion mark, reaching 410 billion RMB.

Growth is 20 percent.

This growth rate has also normalized.

If converted into US dollars, it has reached the level of 80 billion.

And this year's GDP of Eagle Sauce is only about 90 billion.

In terms of economic volume, Huaxia has actually surpassed Eagle Sauce.

However, it is slightly inferior in the proportion of industrial output.

It accounts for only 27 percent of the world's industrial output.

The United States accounts for about 30 percent.

Germany's industrial output currently accounts for less than 20 percent.

It is already appropriate to surpass Germany and become the world's second industrial power.

And in the development of steel production, Huaxia has ushered in a wave of acceleration.

Because Huaxia increased investment in infrastructure construction last year, industrial development is so rapid.

Coupled with the surge in steel production in various countries.

So it also reached 95 million tons, only 5 million tons away from 100 million tons.

In other words, last year, Huaxia's steel production increased by 12 million tons.

It is directly the output of an English.

This is mainly due to the advancement of steel smelting technology.

The largest top-blowing converters have reached 200 tons.

Among them, the top-blowing converter accounts for about 90% of the total output.

Electric furnace steelmaking production accounts for about 8%.

Other steelmaking production accounts for less than 2%.

And the backward open-hearth steelmaking blast furnace does not have it at all.

Because Huaxia's steel production technology started with top-blowing converter technology.

The United States accounts for more than 90% of their total open-hearth steelmaking production.

As soon as the figure of 95 million tons of steel annual output came out, all the great powers were directly stunned.

Annual production surged by 12 million tons.

This simply made England feel ashamed.

It also refreshed everyone's understanding of Huaxia again.

On top of the research meeting on fiscal allocation, there is a significant change from last year.

The most obvious change is the reduction in infrastructure and other spending.

Only education has not been cut, and still accounts for about 15% of fiscal expenditure.

It may be a little less in other areas, but definitely not in education.

These reductions were added to military spending.

This year, China's military expenditure has reached 20 percent.

Of the 410 billion, 82 billion belongs to military spending.

Of that amount, the Army will be able to allocate 40 billion of that.

And this is also the limit of China's current military spending.

If it goes up, it will have a significant impact on the economy.

This is already being promoted at the expense of the speed of economic development.

Unless it comes to the economic moment of total war.

At that time, who would care about what economic development.

But Huaxia, which has mushroom eggs and ballistic missiles, is unlikely to face this moment.

It is not necessary to fight a small Yin country and a hairy bear.

Unless it's directly to Eagle Sauce.

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