It was early March 1939.

There was news from the West Banya side that was not good, not too bad.

The civil war that broke out in 1936 came to an end.

The National Army, led by Frangue, won the final victory of this civil war.

Everything was as Zhang Xueming expected.

Countries use this battlefield as a testing ground for advanced weapons.

Three of them are the main ones.

They are Deutschland, Maoxiong and Huaxia.

As for Yiduli, I mainly came to make fun.

It also includes the United States.

And the most dazzling is undoubtedly the various weapons from Huaxia.

Basically, this place has become a show for Chinese weapons.

Fraunge purchased a total of 1.5 billion RMB worth of weapons and equipment from Huaxia.

All are purchased with low-interest loans.

The term is about five years.

It mainly purchases weapons and equipment for the army and air force.

For example, the 34 medium tank decommissioned by the Chinese Army, that is, the T-34/85 medium tank.

The National Army purchased more than 3,000 vehicles in total.

More than a thousand of them were damaged during the war.

Most of them were destroyed under the large-caliber anti-tank guns of the Soviet army.

Since the loss of tanks on the Chinese side.

The Soviet Army attached great importance to the development of anti-tank weapons.

Now anti-tank guns of small and medium caliber of 57 mm, anti-tank guns of medium caliber of 76 mm and heavy anti-tank guns of 100 mm caliber have been developed.

It can also be seen from here how crazy they are now in terms of anti-tanks.

The T-34/85 medium tank is good though.

But it was also impossible to block the attack of anti-tank guns above 76 mm.

And many tank soldiers in the National Army are not very good at quality.

Many people were sent to the battlefield in a hurry to train.

It is precisely because of this war that the army has started the development of the next generation of main battle tanks.

Although the T-54 medium tank is very advanced, it is also a main battle tank to a certain extent.

But in all respects it has not yet left the shadow of the T-34 tank.

In particular, it is relatively backward in all aspects such as electronic equipment, artillery sighting equipment, stabilizers, etc.

Of course, this backwardness is relative to Huaxia's technology.

After all, this thing is obtained through system check-in.

The stuff inside is basically all before the 50s.

Moreover, the bear's ergonomics, electronic technology, manufacturing process, optical equipment and other aspects are not strong points.

The accuracy of shooting at medium and long distances is relatively bad.

So it is no longer possible to meet the needs of the army.

The next generation of main battle tanks is already looming.

However, the army now has more than 10,000 T54 tanks.

It will certainly not be possible to replace it completely in a short period of time.

It is only possible to replace the main forces whose combat effectiveness is in the ranks of the front-line first.

Land combat equipment in addition to tanks.

A large number of second-hand 240 mm heavy cannons were also sold to the West Banya.

Successfully helped the Army clear a lot of inventory.

On the Air Force side, basically the fighters equipped by the Air Force of the National Army are all fighters from Huaxia.

There were also a small number of fighters from Germany.

The main ones are BF-109, Ju-88 and Ju-87, with less than 200 aircraft.

The number of fighters from China exceeded 1,500.

It became one of the few air powers in Europe.

The main ones are the P-51D Mustang and P-47D Lightning.

There are also A-1 Skyraiders, C-47 transport aircraft and other models.

These fighters are not only numerous, but also absolutely top-notch in combat effectiveness.

The English side also secretly sent their Spitfire and Hurricane fighters to fight with Mustang and Thunderbolt.

But it's basically downwind.

This is still when the pilots of the National Army have a short training time and are all novices. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And the hairy bear's fighter is not to mention.

Although they worked hard and came up with a monoplane fighter with decent performance, they were still destroyed by Mustang and Thunderbolt.

It can be said that the biggest winners of this civil war in the West Banya are Frange and Huaxia.

Frange got what he wanted.

became the final victor of this civil war.

And for decades to come, it will rule the whole of Assi.

And Huaxia not only got a large number of orders, but also cleared a lot of inventory.

It has also reached a deep cooperation with Xibanya.

After Franger completed the unification of Xibanya, the two sides even began to cooperate in the economic field.

Huaxia has opened a package of investment plans.

Help the economy and industry of Xibanya to get out of the war.

This has also become an important part of Huaxia's penetration into West Spotted Teeth.

On top of that, there was a big bonus.

Huaxia rented an island from Xibanya.

The island is worth 50 million RMB, has a permanent lease, and is basically a buyout.

However, they were all offset by weapons.

This island is the second smallest of the Canary Islands.

If you look at the map, you can see how important the geographical location of this island is.

It is located in the northwestern waters of North Africa, very close to Mologo.

At the same time, it is not far from the Strait of Gibraltar, only a few hundred kilometers away.

Although Gomera is the second smallest island, it is still a volcanic island, with little development and a very small population.

But its area is not small, a full 370 square kilometers.

For Xibanya, this is an island of no use.

That's why Frange sold to Huaxia without hesitation.

As for what the Huaxia side wants this island for.

In fact, he is clear.

It is nothing more than a desire to build military bases on it, extending their tentacles to Europe.

It's none of his business either.

And with Huaxia's base next to him, he can also feel more at ease.

After acquiring the island early last year.

Huaxia quickly sent a construction team of about 5,000 people to the island. [The money] began to build air bases, ports, and training grounds on it.

It was like a military base.

Since it is a global military deployment, it is natural to have military bases everywhere.

Although the location of this Gomera Island is relatively remote, it can still allow China's hand to reach Europe and North Africa.

North Africa is one of the most important oil-producing regions.

After the mustachioed North African Army fought in North Africa in the future.

Zhang Xueming can also use this military to make some profits from it.

Military bases in Persia have allowed Chinese tentacles to reach the Middle East.

Plus this military base.

It is also an important part of completing the layout.

After this military base is completely completed.

The Huaxia side will definitely station a powerful military force here.

That includes the Navy.

It is a major supply base for the Chinese Navy in the Atlantic.

The strategic implications are enormous.

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