Dutch printing is extremely important for the small country of the Netherlands in Europe.

It is also the main rubber and grain growing area.

Rubber, in particular, is a strategic resource that can bring a lot of economic benefits to the Netherlands every year.

Today's Holland is no longer the sea coachman it once was.

It was also one of their rare colonies.

However, because the Dutch military is not strong, the control of the native natives is not strong.

So they thought of a trick.

That is to provoke a confrontation between native monkeys and Chinese.

And from this, they mediate, reaching the goal of controlling the two parties.

With the rise of China in recent years.

The influence of the Chinese in the Dutch and Indian regions is increasing.

A large number of merchants from the coastal areas of China began to gradually increase their investment in the Dutch and Indian regions.

It also made Chinese Capital the largest rubber planter in the local "943".

It controls about 80% of the rubber plantations in the entire Netherlands.

About 50 percent of arable land.

Among them, the most powerful is the Huang family from Fujian.

There are also the two major families of the Lin family and the Peng family.

The Chinese in the entire Dutch and Indian region are basically headed by these three families.

And formed the Dutch-Indian Chinese Chamber of Commerce with strong business forces.

The president of the Chamber of Commerce is responsible for all affairs of the Chamber of Commerce.

The three major families rotate the position of president every four years.

It was also the newspaper group of Chinese capital, plus the control of the market in the Dutch and Indian regions.

So this also encroaches on some of the interests of Dutch printing companies.

This made Governor Anthony Van Dimen increasingly unpleasant to the Chinese community.

However, due to Huaxia's powerful fleet, he did not dare to provoke the General Chamber of Commerce.

So as not to let Huaxia find an opportunity to meddle in Java's affairs.

But Governor Antony Van Dimen was reluctant to continue to see the Chinese expand.

At that time, I didn't know whether Java's surname was Hua or He.

So he was ready to pick up the magic weapon again to deal with the growing Chinese population.

This magic weapon is racial opposition.

The Chinese are too hardworking, and the indigenous monkeys are lazy.

This can be seen in a small way.

Take grocery stores, for example.

The Chinese generally open their doors early and open until very late.

Native monkeys, on the other hand, generally sleep until they wake up naturally and then open their doors before sunset.

So how can they compete with the Chinese?

And the competition was not enough, and the more they resented the Chinese.

It is believed that the Chinese have encroached on their living space.

So the relationship between the indigenous monkeys and the Chinese community is very tense.

The two sides have irreconcilable contradictions.

As long as someone lights a fire in the middle.

Then this powder keg will definitely explode.

And Antoni Van Dimen decided to light the powder keg himself.

Use local monkeys to reclaim some of the wealth gathered by the Chinese.

As long as it is not too excessive, there is no reason for Huaxia to intervene.

After all, this is an internal contradiction.

And he also received support from England.

If the Chinese side dares to intervene in the Netherlands and India region.

Then they will strongly oppose and send warships to protect their interests.

It was for this reason that prompted the Governor to make this determination.

Otherwise, he really didn't have the guts to provoke Huaxia.

Trying to light this powder keg is actually very simple.

Just signal to a few local tribal leaders and they will know how to do it.

But this time Anthony Van Dimen thought things too simply.

Also too underestimated the madness and greed of the indigenous monkeys.

Subert is a famous name in Jakarta. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He is not only the most ruthless person in the Jakarta area, but also the most prestigious person.

It controls one of the largest gangs in the region, with more than 3,000 members and even a hundred guns in their hands.

Even the Dutch were reluctant to provoke them.

Because the Subi Gang is extremely spicy, especially the leader Suberto.

There are even rumors that this person likes to eat human flesh, but I don't know whether it is true or not.

But from here, you can see how notorious this person is.

The three major local families also respect this person.

However, since the Chinese had their own escorts.

They didn't dare to provoke the General Chamber of Commerce of the newspaper group.

At least on the surface, it is very polite.

But in private, of course, the two sides are not very harmonious.

Suberto was both jealous and hot-eyed towards the Chinese.

If he had the opportunity, he would definitely take the Subi Gang to rush up and seize the wealth of the Chinese.

And now he finally waited for this opportunity.

"The Governor told me that from tomorrow, the police will no longer restrict any of our actions against the Chinese..........

You know what that means, right? "


When the subordinates heard this, they immediately boiled.

Of course, everyone knows what this means.

"This group of Chinese is very wealthy, they use milk for bathing, and everyone has a maid in their home.

And these should belong to us, we are the masters of this land.

They came to our land and snatched what was supposed to be ours.

And now is also the time for us to resist.

We're going to get their stuff back from them. "

After hearing this, all the little brothers were enthusiastic, and their faces were very excited.

But now there is a problem in front of them.

"But chief, some of them have guns, and we may not be able to beat them."

Suberto sneered, and a trace of fierceness flashed in his eyes.

"We certainly can't do it alone, we have too few guns.

Now it is not only us who are dissatisfied with the Chinese, we must mobilize it.

Let them also participate in the robbery of Chinese wealth.

We will not only rob them of their wealth, but also kill all their men and rob all their women and use them as slaves for us.

I don't believe the Chinese can beat millions of people in Jakarta. "

Suberto saw very clearly.

Now the Jakartas, whether Sundan, Madura, 2.9 Bardock or any other race.

The relationship with the Chinese is very tense.

This, of course, is indispensable for many years of encouragement by the Dutch printing company.

As long as he raises his arms and shouts, more and more people will participate.

Of course he knew what that meant.

This was a massacre of the Chinese.

But so what.

Even the governor acquiesced in this matter, and naturally he would not let go of this opportunity.

As long as he succeeds, he will be able to enjoy inexhaustible wealth.

However, he did not have a hot head to act as a bird.

Instead, it began spreading unfavorable rhetoric against the Chinese throughout Jakarta.

First provoke the strong dissatisfaction of the local natives against the Chinese.

If you act at this time, the effect will be better.

And this abnormal move also attracted the attention of overseas intelligence services.

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