The 54 is actually the first generation of main battle tanks of the Chinese Defense Forces.

By the standards of main battle tanks.

It is to have the firepower and protection of a heavy tank and the mobility of a medium tank.

The T-54 tank, that is, the 54 tank, also meets this requirement.

Therefore, it is also designated as the first generation of main battle tanks by the Huaxia Defense Force Army.

The tank guns of the 54 main battle tanks used ten rifled guns of 100 caliber.

This power can be said to be very large, no tank can withstand it a single shot.

But the army still felt that this caliber was a little smaller.

And the research institute under the Northern Ordnance Industry Group gave a scheme for two tank guns.

The first was a rifled tank gun of 105 mm caliber.

The second was a 120 mm smoothbore tank gun.

After many comparisons.

The advantages of the smoothbore tank gun were huge, and this scheme was finally chosen.

Compared to rifled tank guns.

The smoothbore tank gun, due to the lack of rifling, could fire stabilized tail armor-piercing shells, and the armor-piercing thickness reached 550 mm.

This is something that rifled guns cannot achieve.

There is also its higher bore pressure, faster muzzle velocity of the projectile, long service life of the gun barrel, simple processing technology, shorter barrel, higher accuracy of marching shooting, and so on.

It was precisely in the case of a huge advantage that the 120 mm smoothbore tank gun was equipped on it.

In the design of the tank, special attention is paid to the ability to protect.

So a lot of work was put into the design of the turret.

The turret design was low, making it only 3 meters tall.

The low body also lowers the line of fire.

And for the first time in the front of the turret, multi-layered composite armor was used.

Homogeneous armor protection reached 400 mm.

Even the weakest top armor reached a thickness of 60 mm to 100 mm.

Greatly improved its protection capabilities.

There is also the most critical fire control system.

The Northern Ordnance Industry Group has integrated the most advanced electronic technology on this tank.

For the first time, tanks were equipped with ballistic computers, laser rangefinders, forward-looking infrared systems, two-way stabilizers, automatic loaders and high-precision optical sights.

It is also the application of these advanced electronic devices.

This makes the combat performance of this main battle tank qualitatively improved.

In particular, its firing accuracy is significantly better than that of the 54 main battle tank.

The combination of a laser rangefinder and a ballistic computer has resulted in a starter hit rate of more than 80 percent.

And still at a range of 2000 meters.

In the case of equipped with forward-looking infrared night vision devices.

It also gives the tank the ability to fight at night, which is also very critical.

And its forward-looking infrared night vision device can reach a distance of 800 meters.

At this distance, the enemy does not know what to hit even if he is beaten.

So the Army side is quite satisfied with the performance of this main battle tank.

The only downside, though, is that the tank is too expensive.

One Type 60 main battle tank can buy five 54 main battle tanks.

And the manufacturing man-hours are also 54, and the main battle tank is much more.

A tank factory basically produces less than 200 vehicles a month.

But war is approaching.

The construction of the second and third tank factories is already on the agenda.

China's military enterprises are all state-owned.

This means that manufacturing can be carried out regardless of the cost.

Except for hairy bears, other countries cannot do this.

So it's not hard to increase production.

What's more, now Huaxia is extremely rich in resources.

Oil reserves alone account for almost a third of the world's total.

That's 80 billion tons.

There are as many as five tens of billions of oil fields alone.

These include Anda Oilfield, Changqing Oilfield, Bohai Oilfield, Tarim Oilfield and Yumen Oilfield.

There are also oil fields with billions of tons of reserves.

and oil fields under twenty gigatons.

As for iron ore, coal mine, aluminum ore, copper ore, nickel ore, chrome ore, lithium ore and other ores, it is rich in reserves.

So if it really comes to wartime.

It is not difficult to raise the production of tanks.

And when the output goes up, the cost naturally comes down.

The current production plan for the Type 60 main battle tank is 3,000 units per year. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Priority was given to equipping the five major armies.

Successively replaced 54 main battle tanks in service.

At the same time, the North Ordnance Industry Group will continue to upgrade and iterate.

Production of Type 60 main battle tanks is expected to reach between 15,000 and 20,000 units.

"Chairman, according to the intelligence sent back by our intelligence agencies in the Yin Kingdom, they have a mysterious warship in service.

And they have been a little bit anxious lately, and the reaction to our seizure of Java is very strong.

They seem to be a little uncontrollable'. "

Zheng Yaoxian's intelligence report made Zhang Xueming's eyes freeze.

"Mysterious battleship? This should be their Yamato, right? Unexpectedly, it was served in advance, and it seems that this is inseparable from the support of the English. "

The mysterious warship in service at this time seems to be only the Yamato.

But it doesn't matter much.

In his opinion, Yamato-class battleships were just targets at sea.

It was another piece of information that interested him very much.

"They reacted violently?"

Zheng Yaoxian nodded first, and explained with a smile on his face: "That's right, they have long regarded Southeast Asia as their territory.

Now we occupy the most oil-rich region of Java.

This is very stimulating for the Yan people.

They are now very afraid that we have encroached on all of Southeast Asia.

At that point, they won't have anywhere to expand.

Therefore, the main battle faction of the navy led by Nagano Shushen began to jump up and down in a hurry.

But now they have no reason to start a war. "

Zhang Xueming smiled: "The opportunity will come soon, and the signal of the German side to start is getting stronger and stronger."

I spoke to him before, and he was hinting that I was about to do something to Poland.

After both the English and the French were dragged into the quagmire of war.

At that time, the Yan people will definitely not be able to resist doing it.

You continue to keep a close eye on their movements.

Especially their fleet. "

Zheng Yaoxian nodded solemnly and said, "Yes, Chairman." "

Just when he wanted to leave.

Zhang Xueming suddenly asked: "I split your military intelligence agency, you have no opinion about me in your heart, right?" "

The strength of the military intelligence agency has been very large.

It has extended to all corners of the world, including China.

More than 200,000 people are employed worldwide.

It's not a good thing to be alone.

In the end, the Main Intelligence Agency split in two.

The Department of Homeland Security and the Directorate of Military Intelligence were established.

The main direction of the military intelligence agency in the future will be military intelligence

As well as collection of economic, cultural, military, political and other aspects abroad.

The Department of Homeland Security, on the other hand, is primarily domestic.

This split did not have much impact on the Directorate of Military Intelligence.

At the same time, it also gags some people.

Zheng Yaoxian turned around and hurriedly saluted: "There is no opinion, I, Zheng Yaoxian, can have today's status is brought by the chairman, I dare not and will not have any complaints." "

These words are also his sincere words.

As the time came, it was the early morning of September 1, 1939.

A world-class war began.

The German army began to blitz Poland.

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