Huaxia's first satellite was launched in 1937 by a Wentian-10 medium carrier rocket.

In the following time, the space group continued to launch the Wentian-10 series rockets into space.

After more than two years.

More than 100 satellites have been sent into space by the Wentian-10 medium-sized launch vehicle.

These satellites are also all satellites for military use.

And a month after the launch of the Sky Eye reconnaissance satellite.

The aerospace industry group officially launched the Beidou global navigation satellite project.

In addition, the Beidou Global Navigation System Office was established to develop and operate navigation systems.

At the end of 1937, China's first Beidou-1 test satellite with a verification nature was launched.

The satellite has been in space for more than two months.

During this time, a lot of technology has been validated.

At the same time, "June Four0" found many problems.

After solving these problems.

The Beidou-2 satellite was successfully developed.

This satellite also solved all the problems that arose on the Beidou-1 satellite.

Soon, the Beidou-2 satellite was carried by the Wentian-12 heavy carrier rocket.

Compared to the previous Qiantian-10.

This Wentian-12 is a heavy-duty launch vehicle specially developed by the Aerospace Industry Group for manned spaceflight.

Qiantian-10 in front of it, it looks more petite.

The Qiantian-12A heavy launch vehicle is also a two-stage rocket.

Among them, its universal core stage adopts H-8 liquid oxygen kerosene engine.

This is a high-thrust liquid oxygen kerosene engine specially developed by the Xi'an Aerospace Power Research Institute of the Fifth Research Institute of the Aerospace Industry Group.

Its maximum vacuum thrust can reach 400 tons.

The specific impulse reached 300 seconds.

It is also the liquid rocket engine with the largest thrust in China at present.

The engine is designed with a completely new concept.

A lot of new technologies have also been applied.

Examples include staged combustion cycles and dual combustion chambers.

The appearance of this engine also made the emergence of super-heavy launch vehicles possible.

The upper stage, which is the second stage, of the Qiantian-12A heavy launch vehicle.

A liquid hydrogen liquid oxygen expansion cycle engine with a vacuum thrust of 7 tons is used.

Codenamed R-7 liquid hydrogen liquid oxygen engine.

This engine has a specific impulse of up to 450 seconds.

It has the advantages of high specific impulse, large thrust, and multiple ignition.

Don't look at its thrust is not large, only 7 tons.

But for a liquid hydrogen liquid oxygen engine with expansion cycle, the thrust is already very large.

It should be known that the upper stage of the Saturn 5 super-heavy launch vehicle in the United States is equipped with an RL-10 engine thrust of 6.7 tons, carrying a total of 6 units.

Thanks to these two engines.

The carrying capacity of the Wentian -12 has been greatly improved.

It brought its low-Earth orbit payload to 10 tons.

The carrying capacity in geosynchronous orbit reached 5 tons.

This also means that it can send multiple satellites into orbit at once.

The fairing of the Wentian-12A carrier rocket is equipped with three Beidou-2 navigation satellites weighing 1 ton.

If the Beidou-2 satellite is successfully networked this time.

Then this also means that the time for the real application of the Beidou global navigation system is very close.

September 15, 1939.

The Wentian-12A heavy carrier rocket carrying three Beidou-2 navigation satellites successfully took off in the launch pad.

Smoking huge smoke and tail flames, it rushed towards space.

The huge thrust of the H-8 liquid oxygen kerosene engine.

The rocket, which weighed more than 500 tons, was successfully lifted off.

To increase its load.

The launch also added four G-80 solid rocket motors with a thrust of 80 tons as boosters.

And this launch plan was also very successful.

So far, out of hundreds of launch missions, only 2 have failed.

This success rate can be said to be very high.

More than ten minutes later, three Beidou-2 satellites were successfully sent into synchronous orbit at an altitude of 36,000 kilometers. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Zhang Xueming, who saw this scene with his own eyes, even had a feeling of tears in his eyes.

The importance of navigation satellites could not be clearer to him.

Especially for military use.

Its importance is self-evident.

Although the Beidou-2 navigation satellite is still an experimental satellite, the accuracy is not high, and the performance is relatively poor.

Its single satellite positioning accuracy is about 6 meters, and if multiple satellites are positioned multiple times, the accuracy can reach the level of 2 meters.

But it has a big drawback.

Continuous positioning is not possible...........

Currently, the targeting interval is between half an hour and two hours.

This means that you need to wait more than half an hour for one positioning.

And it doesn't provide height information yet.

This means that only two-dimensional data can be provided.

Speed information is also not available.

Of course, this is also related to its current number of satellites.

If a sufficient number of satellites are launched, the problem of continuous positioning can be solved.

At the same time, the positioning accuracy can also be improved to less than 1 meter.

If you want to achieve the performance of GPS navigation satellites, I am afraid that it will take a long time to develop.

After all, the current level of electronic technology is not high.

If the Beidou-2 satellite can be successfully networked and operated.

This is already revolutionary in the field of navigation and positioning.

After two days of commissioning.

The Beidou-2 navigation satellite has finally completed its networking operation.

The entire navigation system consists of a satellite network, a ground tracking station, a supercomputer center, an injection station, a military observatory and receiving equipment.

When the receiving device successfully receives the radio signal transmitted by the navigation satellite.

This also means that the first phase of the Beidou-2 navigation satellite has been a complete success.

They then continue to collect data, identify problems, and improve them.

The development of the Beidou-3 satellite will also be upgraded.

It is expected that within two years, navigation satellites of a practical nature will be officially operational.

In fact, these three Beidou navigation systems composed of 2.6 stars of the second Beidou guard can already serve the military.

The main service target is still the Navy.

For example, the nuclear submarine forces.

After having navigation satellites.

Submarine forces don't have to worry about getting lost on their way to the ocean.

And warships sailing at sea can also know where they are.

On September 17th.

Another big event has happened in Europe.

Following the German attack on Poland on September 1.

On the 17th, the Soviets also launched a fierce offensive on the eastern border of Poland.

This movement of the hairy bear shook the situation in the whole of Europe.

In particular, Britain and France were particularly shocked.

They didn't expect that they had planned to drive away bears.

As a result, the wolf and the bear actually cooperated and launched a fatal attack on Poland.

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