"Rapid reaction force?"

Bai Chongxi, chief of the General Staff, Zhang Lingfu, commander of the Airborne Forces, Xu Tianhang, commander of the Air Force, Chen Shaokuan, commander of the Navy, and Huang Baitao, commander of the army, gathered together.

A high-level military conference was convened.

At the beginning of the meeting, Zhang Xueming immediately threw out a new concept.

It is precisely about the formation of the Huaxia Strategic Rapid Reaction Force.

Many people are no strangers to the Strategic Quick Reaction Force.

The quick reaction force is a combat force that rushes to the battlefield as quickly as possible in a medium and low-intensity war to intervene by force.

For the current Huaxia, it is very necessary to form such a force.

Zhang Xueming was born this idea after the Platoon incident in Java last year.

If at that time Huaxia had formed a special rapid reaction force.

Then it will be very simple to deal with this kind of thing.

The most important thing is that the current Huaxia has the ability to form such a force.

But Bai Chongxi, they didn't know what the quick reaction force was.

Where is the purpose of the formation.

What role can be made.

So Zhang Xueming patiently explained to them in detail29.

When hearing this concept.

Bai Chongxi's eyes began to light up.

Everyone looked at Zhang Xueming's eyes with special reverence and admiration.

The chairman is indeed the chairman.

Such a high-tech concept can only be imagined by him.

None of them had any opinion on the formation of a strategic quick reaction force.

And the reason why Zhang Xueming summoned them was also because he needed their cooperation.

After all, they are all the heads of the three armed forces.

They still need to be consulted.

Of course, no one will oppose Zhang Xueming in the open.

Because this is an act of looking for death.

"It is imperative to form a strategic quick reaction force.

With a scale of about 200,000 people, a special strategic rapid reaction force command will be established.

It belongs to the direct department of the Supreme High Command, and its level is lower than that of the sea, land and air strategy, and is on an equal level with the Marine Corps and the Airborne Army.

In peacetime, the rapid reaction force is under the training of the original unit, and when carrying out combat missions, it is under the responsibility of the Strategic Quick Reaction Command.

The specific selection of the unit Supreme High Command will be completed within a month.

You all have no opinion, right? "


How can they have an opinion.

After all, the command of these troops is still in their hands.

It's just that it will be temporarily transferred to the hands of the Strategic Quick Reaction Command at the time of the mission.

The establishment of this quick reaction force is also beneficial to Huaxia.

Within a month.

The Strategic Rapid Reaction Force Command was officially established.

And the formation of the troops has also been completed.

The 50th Army, the 89th Air Assault Division, the 2nd Heavy Combined Infantry Division on the Army side.

A total of eight divisions were selected for the Quick Reaction Force.

In terms of the Air Force, the units of the two divisions of the 1st Airborne Division and the 2nd Airborne Division of the Airborne Army were selected into the Quick Response Force.

In addition to this, there is a strategic bomber wing, 6 fighter wings, 4 attack aircraft wings.

On the naval side, the 1st Marine Division, the 1st Aircraft Carrier Battle Group, the 7th and 9th Amphibious Squadrons, and 5 Maritime Patrol Aircraft Groups were selected.

In addition, the Lancet Special Forces and the Jiaolong Yezhong troops were also successfully selected.

This quick reaction force mainly needs to achieve three points: rapid deployment, rapid raid and rapid reinforcement.

Able to enter the combat zone in the shortest possible time.

This can be seen in the composition of this quick reaction force.

This force mostly uses rapid airborne and airborne landing as a surprise attack.

The point is to highlight a fast word.

At the same time, it is also required that the navy and army of the three armed services be selected as units.

At least one brigade-level unit must be guaranteed to be in a second-level combat readiness.

This is also the highest combat readiness in addition to combat readiness.

And the first-level strategic state is a very critical time.

For example, the war of extinction of the country.

The only special of these units was the 89th Air Assault Division.

Because this force was just formed at the end of last year.

Equipment, staffing and staffing are already in place.

But the unit is still in urgent training. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The intensity of training every day is very high.

At the same time, the wear and tear of equipment is also relatively large.

The 89th Air Assault Division is a division-level unit formed on the basis of the Army Aviation Brigade that specializes in helicopters as the main combat equipment.

This unit has a total of three air assault brigades.

Each brigade has 4 infantry battalions, for a total of 12 infantry battalions.

It also has a combat aviation brigade.

It has three attack helicopter battalions, three utility helicopter battalions, three medium transport helicopter battalions, one aviation command battalion and one armed reconnaissance helicopter battalion.

It is also the largest helicopter combat unit in the brigade.

Each of the three attack helicopter battalions has 40 Wuzhi-38 attack helicopters, for a total of 120.

Each of the three utility helicopter battalions is equipped with 50 Z-20 utility helicopters, for a total of 150 helicopters.

In addition, coupled with logistics support and front-line support forces equipped with Z-20 utility helicopters, a total of about 220 are equipped.

Each of the three medium transport helicopter battalions is equipped with 40 Zhi-22 medium transport helicopters.

The helicopter has been massively equipped in various army aviation units.

Became the main medium transport helicopter of the Army.

The helicopter uses a layout similar to that of the Z-3 transport helicopter.

It adopts a five-blade propeller and tail rotor design.

Aluminum alloy as its main production material.

The engine is powered by two 2500-shaft horsepower turboshaft-22A engines.

This also gives the medium transport helicopter a maximum take-off weight of 20 tons.

However, it has not yet reached the standard of a heavy transport helicopter.

Under the maximum take-off weight of 20 tons.

Its cabin interior payload can reach 4 tons.

The external lifting load can reach 5 tons.

In terms of transporting people, the 063 can carry 30 heavily armed soldiers at once.

There is also its maximum flight speed of 200 kilometers per hour.

With an auxiliary fuel tank attached, it is possible to fly 1000 km.

The Army is quite satisfied with the performance of this medium transport helicopter.

This helicopter will also become the most classic medium transport helicopter in China in the coming decades.

It is also due to the service of this medium helicopter.

The 89th Air Assault Division became an artillery brigade.

A total of 5 battalions of Type 40 ultralight 155mm howitzers.

This howitzer has an extremely lightweight construction.

Of course, weight reduction without compromising performance.

Its weight is controlled to about 4.5 tons.

The Z-22 medium transport helicopter is fully capable of hoisting.

This ultralight howitzer due to the large number of alloys.

The price is also very expensive.

One can be worth five guns of the same class.

So currently serving only in the required units.

In addition to combat units.

There are also units directly under the division, support units and logistics support units.

It has a very powerful air assault capability.

It can also easily defeat enemy armored forces head-on.

The premise is that air supremacy is obtained.

The only drawback is that the requirements for logistics units are very high, and the operation cannot be sustained.

But as a quick reaction force, it is undoubtedly very suitable.

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