Gulf of Siam off Bangkok.

The commander of the combined fleet, Sanben Fifty-Six, waved his hand.


The battleship Yamato opened fire first.

Nine 460 mm guns roared with a shocking roar.

This is a super-large caliber naval gun second only to the caliber of the main gun of the battleship Huaxia.

The power is quite amazing.

At the same time on the deck of 6 aircraft carriers in the rear.

One after another Zero fighters and Type 99 carrier-based bombers took off from the deck.

The performance of the Yin Zero fighter in this time and space is still very good in comparison.

Because their aviation industry received support from English technology.

Now the engine used in their Zero fighter, the performance has been boosted to 1,000 horsepower.

Because China's powerful aviation also has to be stimulated, the speed of development of Western powers in the field of aviation is still quite rapid.

During the Battle of Britain.

"637" if it were not for the P-51D Mustang fighter as the main force.

I'm afraid that the losses of the Luftwaffe will not be small.

With the blessing of 1000 horsepower.

The performance of the Zero fighter is still quite superior.

The problem of air lighters was also solved.

Even the Hellcat in the face of the United States has the power of a battle, which is a little worse than that of pirates.

It is also because of the appearance of this Zero fighter.

It also greatly increased the confidence of the entire country.

Many people think that in terms of the performance of the fighter, it is just similar to the Huaxia jet fighter.

But there is also the power of World War I, at least not as big as before.

Apparently they didn't know anything about jet fighters.

The Huaxia Navy and Air Force have been fully jetted, and the number of jet fighters equipped with them is as high as several racks.

With such large-scale service, training is also carried out frequently.

No matter how well the intelligence work is done, it is inevitable that it will be discovered by external forces.

Pictures of many of Huaxia's jet fighters regularly appear in major newspapers.

Although the pictures are leaked, the performance of the fighter has always been highly secret.

The information available to the outside world is still quite small.

Accompanied by the salvo of dozens of large, medium and small warships.

Bangkok's beaches were caught in a dense explosion.

Neither the Siamese nor the English garrison expected the Yan to come.

They didn't take any precautions at all.

When the landing ships of the Yin Kingdom began to rush to the beachhead.

A battalion garrison on the English side arrived in a hurry.

However, it was bombed by carrier-based aircraft.

The vanguard of the Third Division of the Yin Kingdom easily completed the landing operation.

In addition to the Bangkok side, the Ukoku also carried out simultaneous landings in many surrounding areas.

On the Xinjiapo side, it takes a feint posture.

Contain and search for fighters to annihilate the British Far East Fleet.

As long as the Far Eastern Fleet is eliminated, then England is no longer a threat to them.

The invasion of Siam by the Yin Kingdom also meant that Asia was also involved in the war.

When the Downing Street side received an attack on Siam and intended to attack Singapo.

Fatty Qiu was extremely shocked and incredulous.

"Shameless, they're just a bunch of shameless monkeys, they're damn it, what bastards, Fak."

Fatty Qiu directly scolded.

They have assisted so many resources in the country.

It is to support the Yan Kingdom against China and balance the situation in Asia.

But I didn't expect that the first person in the Yin Kingdom to start was themselves.

And still at this critical time.

Of course, this made Fatty Qiu vomit blood in anger.

Because he was secretly pushing this matter.

"Mr. Prime Minister, the situation in the Far East is very critical now, and I think we have to act."

"Immediately declare war on the kingdom and impose an embargo, not a single screw can be bought by them. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Contact me to Washington and hope that they will join us in imposing an embargo on the U.S.

Now that the U Kingdom has made a move on Siam, then they will definitely not let the Philippines go.

Order the Far Eastern Fleet to strike immediately, taking the opportunity to severely damage or even destroy the fleet of the Yin Kingdom. "

After calming down, Fatty Qiu gave a series of orders.

Among them, the embargo is the most deadly for the country.

You must know that most of the oil and some steel in the country are basically purchased from the West.

Especially the United States, which is only one ocean away.

If England really pushes the United States to join the embargo.

Then the blow to the Yin Kingdom is still very big.

Fatty Qiu also saw this very clearly.

The war lasted only three days.

Under the powerful military offensive of the Yin Kingdom.

In just three days, the Third Division completed the capture of all of Bangkok.

Even the Siamese cabinet and the royal family did not have time to run ...........

So on the fourth day of the outbreak of war.

Siam Prime Minister Songkhan issued a telegram to the outside world.

Let the whole country give up resistance from the military and civilians, and all areas are open to the Japanese army.

This also made Siam a base for the Yin kingdom to attack all of Southeast Asia.

At the same time, this also made the Lanfang Republic highly vigilant.

However, with the suzerainty of Huaxia behind them, they would not be too worried.

But the necessary precautions are still necessary.

"Immediately ask Huaxia for help and let them strengthen their garrison in our region."

Prime Minister Su Zhengcheng of the Lanfang Republic began to ask for help very decisively.

At present, there are still quite a few Chinese garrisons in Lanfang.

On the ground side alone, there is a Marine Division, an Airborne Brigade, an Army Aviation Brigade and an Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade, with a total strength of more than 50,000 people.

The Air Force has about 200 or so fighters stationed here.

A third of them are reconnaissance aircraft, tankers, patrol aircraft, etc.

A state-of-the-art JF-8 jet fighter group has also been deployed.

A cruiser squadron was also arranged on the side of the Navy.

8 guided-missile destroyers and missile cruisers were deployed.

The Lanfang Republic also became a major military base of Huaxia in the Nanyang region.

and China, one south and one north, bringing the entire Southeast Asian region into the range of military power projection.

It will also become the main location of the 2.9 Battalion of the Chinese offensive throughout Southeast Asia.

Therefore, a large number of military facilities and arsenals were also built in the Lanfang Republic.

The Japanese side received the Treaty of Japan-Thailand Alliance signed by Siam.

Suddenly, the whole country fell into a carnival.

It greatly encouraged their confidence.

This also proves that their strategy of moving south is correct.

But soon something happened that affected them a lot, pouring cold water on them.

England and France declared war on the United States.

At the same time, he also brought a group of younger brothers to declare war.

My country didn't care about that, but it followed.

The U.S. Congress passed a bill imposing a total embargo on the United States.

For the passage of this bill, the English side spent a lot of money.

The passage of this bill made the entire high-level of the Yin Kingdom a little panicked.

This also became the trigger for their attack on the United States.

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