With an order from the commander of the fleet.

All ships went into action.

The first to react was the Type 55 nuclear-powered cruiser Zheng Chenggong.

The two quadruple launchers are stuffed with 8 FJ-40 heavy supersonic anti-ship missiles~.

As one of the strongest knife-wielding guards in the aircraft carrier battle group.

Super firepower - naturally a must-have.

With the opening of the launch cover, the Type 55 nuclear-powered cruiser, which had already adjusted the launch angle, opened fire.

"Swoosh.... Sou..... Swoosh....."

FJ-40 supersonic anti-ship missiles were fired at intervals of five seconds.

The Project 450 10,000-ton cruiser is also arranged with heavy anti-ship missiles according to the standards of nuclear-powered cruisers.

However, the Type 50 is smaller, so it is not equipped with a large quadruple heavy anti-ship missile launcher.

Instead, twin cylindrical anti-ship missile launchers were adopted.

They were arranged on both sides of the ship on the island and the side of the ship in the middle of the main gun.

It is also currently equipped with the larger FJ-40 supersonic anti-ship missile.

Accompanied by the launch of these 4 cruisers.

One FJ-40 anti-ship missile after another whistled into the air with white smoke.

White trails were left in the air.

At the same time, the Type 40 destroyer joined the launches.

The new 40A destroyer, in addition to replacing a heavy gas turbine as a power system.

Two single-mount anti-ship missile launchers were also installed.

The main equipment is FJ-35 anti-ship missiles.

Due to the smaller size of this anti-ship missile.

So the Type 40 destroyer can still be stuffed.

This also increases its anti-ship capabilities to some extent.

Otherwise, when facing the ship alone.

Its countermeasures will be poor.

Nine Type 40 destroyers fired a total of 18 FJ-35 anti-ship missiles.

A total of 58 anti-ship missiles.

It's already enough for the combined fleet of little devils to drink a pot.

This fleet concentrated all their aircraft carriers.

As long as this fleet is annihilated, the Yin Kingdom will completely lose its means of countermeasures at sea.

Watch one anti-ship missile after another take off into the air.

Everyone who saw this scene felt the mood surging.

Because even they were the first time they had seen such a spectacular scene.

After all, the price of anti-ship missiles is still relatively expensive, and they are rarely fought in peacetime.

58 pieces in a salvo at once, which is still very shocking.

In addition, two Midway-class medium aircraft carriers have also begun to release fighters.

A series of JF-8 heavy fighters and AD-4B attack aircraft were ejected and took off.

Both fighters have various aerial bombs and air-launched anti-ship torpedoes hanging under the pylons.

Among them, this air-launched anti-ship torpedo is also a long-range anti-ship torpedo for now.

It was codenamed YL-8 light air-launched torpedo.

Its power plant uses a rocket engine, which can reach a maximum speed of 40 knots.

The firing range reached 5 km.

Its projectile body diameter reaches 450 mm, the combat weight is 800 kg, and it adopts active acoustic homing mode, that is, active sonar guidance.

This YL-8 light aviation torpedo has also become one of the main anti-ship means of current carrier-based aircraft.

But this time they also went to mend the knife.

58 anti-ship missiles under the cover attack.

It is hard to imagine how many warships will survive in the combined fleet of the Uguo.

The FJ-40 anti-ship missile group flies above an altitude of 3,000 meters and flies at Mach 0.9 per hour.

Just 150 km away.

For anti-ship missiles that reached a speed of Mach 0.9 per hour.

It's just a few minutes.

Ryo Mizuma is a carrier-based reconnaissance aircraft pilot from the aircraft carrier Shohe.

At the moment, he is carrying out reconnaissance missions in the airspace in front of the fleet.

The endless deep green sea made him feel strangely bored.

However, when he looked up, he was directly stunned. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

I saw FJ-40 anti-ship missiles with orange-red tail flames passing over his head.

Now he is at an altitude of 1,000 meters.

"What's that?"

"The plane is a jet of the Chinese people, and the fleet of the Chinese people is in front of us."

Jet aircraft are currently only equipped by Huaxia in the world.

And the appearance of these anti-ship missiles, although strange, is very much like an airplane.

So Ryo Mizuma immediately determined the identity of these missiles.

At the same time, this news was also learned by the combined task force fleet in the rear.

"The whole fleet entered a first-level combat state, immediately took off fighters to intercept, all the warships moved closer to me, ready for air defense."

However, at this time they found it too late.

When the FJ-40 anti-ship missile is only about 5 km from the fleet.

The anti-ship missile group began to reduce the flight altitude to about 200 meters.

At this time, the Zero fighter of the Yin Kingdom completed takeoff.

One by one, they rushed towards these dozens of incoming anti-ship missiles with full power.

And by this time the active radar seeker of the FJ-40 anti-ship missile was already turned on.

With after locking the target.

The engine in the tail section began afterburning.

The speed of the missile is soaring like crazy.

Coupled with the dive state, the speed broke through supersonic speed in a short time, reaching a top speed of Mach 1.5.

And this speed is not what their Zero fighters can intercept.

Despite their frantic fire to intercept, to no avail.

At this time, the anti-aircraft fire of one battleship after another opened fire.

However, the anti-ship missile group ignored their anti-aircraft fire.

Go straight to the area where the 8 aircraft carriers are located.

The first to be attacked was the aircraft carrier Kaga, which sailed at the forefront.

The carrier has a full load displacement of more than 4 tons.

It is also one of the largest aircraft carriers in tonnage at present.

The other is the aircraft carrier Akagi, which is a little further behind.

"Stop them, stop them."

When looking at the 4 heavy supersonic anti-ship missiles coming at great speed towards the Kaga aircraft carrier.

The barrels of the anti-aircraft guns on board the aircraft carrier began to turn red.

Still not a single one was intercepted.

It is completely impossible for ordinary anti-aircraft artillery to intercept targets flying supersonic in a dive state.

Under their desperate and horrified eyes.

These 4 anti-ship missiles successively penetrated into the deck of the aircraft carrier Kaga.

The upper flight deck is like paper paste.

"Boom... Rumble.... Rumble.... Boom..."

A violent explosion sounded inside the aircraft carrier.

Under the huge shock wave, the deck of the aircraft carrier was easily torn to shreds.

The warhead, which weighs up to 1 ton, is almost about to blow up the aircraft carrier to pieces.

Smoke and flames quickly filled the 40,000-ton aircraft carrier.

Especially as the flames spread below deck.

Aviation fuel and ammunition were detonated directly.


A series of earth-shattering explosions have already announced the fate of this aircraft carrier.

And other ships are also waiting for the trial five.

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