Over Annam, a formation of 30 H-37A strategic bombers was flying.

Compared to the H-37 strategic bomber.

The 30 bombers were upgraded models.

The original number of engines has changed from six to four.

However, it is not only a turbojet-5A with more than 3 tons of thrust, but the latest turbojet-6 engine.

The turbojet 6 has a single thrust of 6 tons.

The thrust of the four engines reached 24.

The thrust of the original H-37 six engines was close to 20 tons.

With the upgrade of power, the H-37A strategic bomber was also reinforced on the airframe and the magazine was modified.

Performance in terms of speed does not change much.

The range was increased to 9000 km, and the bomb load was also increased to 20 tons.

Although in performance it is somewhat inferior to the H-40 strategic bomber.

But this is also a strategic bomber, and the performance is still quite strong.

The most important thing is that this thing is cheaper.

The cost of a single aircraft is only a little more than half that of the 29H-40 strategic bomber.

It is currently widely used in the Air Force and shore-based aviation.

The total number has reached the size of 1,000.

Among them, shore-based aviation alone is equipped with more than 300 aircraft.

It is precisely because its performance is very suitable and the price is relatively cheap.

HNA needed a fighter capable of carrying air-launched heavy anti-ship missiles.

The H-37A was the only option for them.

Now these 30 H-37A slightly bombers carry the air-launched FJ-35K-1 developed on the basis of the FJ-35 anti-ship missile.

In terms of weight, it was reduced to about 2 tons.

Due to the use of air launches, the range increased to 300 kilometers.

It is still the method of mid-course inertial guidance + terminal active radar guidance.

An H-37A slightly bomber is capable of carrying 4FJ-35K-1 anti-ship missiles.

Their target was the First Battle Fleet of the Combined Fleet in the harbor of Bangkok.

Just knock out these battleships.

Then there are basically no main warships in the country.

Only a few small and medium-sized ships such as cruisers, destroyers remained.

Just take your time and clean up.

The Huaxia Navy will not allow any sampans of the Yin Kingdom to appear on the sea.

"Arrive at the attack area and request confirmation of the target!"

Soon the news came from the joint reconnaissance formation consisting of FR-40 reconnaissance aircraft and YJ-100 AWACS aircraft.

The fleet of the Yin Kingdom remained in the port of Bangkok, unmoved.

It is under the close protection of the air defense of Bangkok.


In the air almost 100 kilometers from the port of Bangkok.

One after another H-37A bombers dropped 4FJ-35K1 anti-ship missiles suspended under the wings.

120 anti-ship missiles formed a huge missile group of four batches.

This scene is extremely spectacular in the air.

Anti-ship missiles came very quickly.

The distance of 100 kilometers is only about five or six minutes for a Mach 0.9 missile.

The air defense forces on the Bangkok side are still very fast to react.

The missile group reacted when it was still ten kilometers from the port.

And the battle alarm was sounded.

All the batteries of the ground air defense forces went into combat condition.

One after another fighter planes also took off from hidden field airfields.

However, this is destined to be an asymmetrical crushing war.

Their pride - the battleship Yamato.

Under their gaze, they were hit by one anti-ship missile after another.

It fell into a dense explosion.

The damage inflicted on the battleship Yamato by an armor-piercing warhead of 500 kg should not be underestimated.

This time, the Navy used 120 anti-ship missiles to wipe out the fleet.

But a lot of blood was put in.

After hard resistance to more than 20 FJ-35K1 anti-ship missiles. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The battleship Yamato finally couldn't carry it.

The port of Bangkok collapsed and rolled over.

It was accompanied by a wave of martyrdom.

Quickly sank in the port of Bangkok.

The sinking of the battleship Yamato also meant the destruction of the combined fleet.

News of the attack on the port of Bangkok and the destruction of the task force reached the stronghold of the Ukoku.

Everyone who heard the news was incredulous.

Or rather, they simply couldn't believe that such a powerful fleet was so easily annihilated by Huaxia.

This is a powerful fleet of nearly 20 capital ships.

Even if it is placed in the world, it is a top five existence.

In front, there are only English, American and Chinese countries.

With the collapse of the Pacific Fleet of the United States.

The enemy annihilation of the country is also ranked among the top three in the world.

However, it was such a powerful fleet that was so easily annihilated.

From the war report that came back, they drew a key point.

Most of the aircraft were sunk by an airplane-like flying weapon.

This flying weapon is as if they have eyes, knowing where their battleship is.

And it's also very fast, with almost zero chances of interception.

Emotions such as fear, panic, despair, panic, etc. fill their hearts.

Emperor Hirohito couldn't stand this blow for a while, and fainted directly.

Navy Minister Osamu Nagano also chose to cut himself in despair.

But he was saved.

The news of the destruction of the main forces of the combined fleet was blocked by a tacit understanding between the two sides.

Huaxia's side does not want to be too high-profile.

Once the West discovers the secret of missiles, they are also capable of developing this route.

And the 660 sides of the Yin Kingdom naturally cannot publicize this kind of thing.

The collapse of the combined fleet basically means that the fortunes of the Yin Kingdom have ended here.

And Huaxia's side also began to launch a more violent attack.

The main thing is still air strikes.

But the airstrikes were not limited to the Korean Peninsula, Gulf Island and Southeast Asia.

Instead, it spread to their homeland.

The Huaxia Strategic Air Force Command gathered a total of 210 H-40 strategic bombers and more than 600 H-37 strategic bombers to carry out large-scale air raids on major facilities such as large shipyards, steel factories, aircraft factories, power plants, and military factories in the country.

The number of bombers combined exceeded 800.

This wave of air strikes was quite fatal for the Yin Kingdom.

Although the news outside is being tightly sealed within the country.

But with the bombing of the mainland, many things could not be concealed at all.

The first bombing dealt a huge blow to the industry of the Ukoku homeland.

In particular, the bombing of the Hachiman Steel base and the bombing of multiple shipyards.

Directly hit the seven inches of the Yin Kingdom.

This also shows the power of strategic bombing.

Along with the uninterrupted air strikes, it also means that the countdown to the all-out attack against the Yin Kingdom has begun.

China's four major branches of the navy, land and air force and strategic services have long been ready.

PS: The next plot is the extinction of the sun, which will not drag mud and water.

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