The initial period of the Soviet-German war was not much different from what was deduced by the General Staff Headquarters.

From last year's Soviet-Finnish war, the combat effectiveness of the hairy bear can already be managed.

The German army can be said to have advanced by leaps and bounds along the way.

In just half a month, it advanced six or seven hundred kilometers and directly entered the hinterland of the hairy bear.

And the situation is even worse now.

Even their T-34 grams, facing the elite German Panzer Corps.

Still beaten to the north.

If it were not for the fact that they were armed with a large number of anti-tank weapons.

I am afraid that the situation of war will be even worse.

Standing at the height of history, Zhang Xueming saw this war more clearly.

Although the German side had a great advantage in equipment.

But the overall situation has not changed much.

This equipment advantage does not give them a crushing advantage, nor does it change a fact.

That is the issue of logistics.

Perhaps during the blitzkrieg in Poland and France.

Let the Wehrmacht already float.

There is no clear awareness of a problem.

Blitzkrieg relies heavily on logistical supplies.

For opponents with small land areas such as Poland and France, blitzkrieg can indeed work wonders, and there is not much problem.

But 240 when confronted with a hairy bear with deep space.

This problem is exposed.

As the show lengthened, the offensive began to slow down.

It's not that they don't want to keep going, it's that they have a heart and are powerless.

But now they still have a big advantage in the war.

So this issue has not received much attention either.

Because in the eyes of Germany up and down.

With the current offensive, it is easy to take Moscow.

And as long as Moscow is beaten, then the hairy bear will announce its surrender.

It is not even necessary for the participation of the Chinese people of the Far East.

So since the start of the war, Mustache has never contacted the Huaxia side again.

For example, urge Huaxia to send troops to harass the Far East and divide the entire Maoxiong.

And now the mustache does not want to, he wants to swallow the whole hairy bear alone.

Zhang Xueming naturally knew his careful thoughts.

He didn't really care, though.

When he finished cleaning up his little days, he could free his hand to deal with the polar bear.

At that time, it is not a question of whether the mustache wants to or not.

The so-called friendship between China and Germany was itself very weak.

And countless histories have proved that the so-called friendship between countries is complete nonsense.

There are only interests between countries, no bullshit friendship.

Now (CJBJ) is on the German side of the offensive is going well.

The common enemy between the two sides is gone.

Of course, in the eyes of the mustache, it seems to be so.

Without common interests, the so-called friendship is naturally.

But wait until the attack is thwarted.

The mustache will come to the door when the time comes.

Huaxia, on the other hand, can take the initiative and gain more benefits.

For example, it was agreed that the Chinese Defense Forces would enter North Africa.

This is a very important strategic location.

And there is a lot of oil buried under this land.

I want to control the world's energy.

Then you have to have some control over the land.

At least get an enclave here as a military base.

When the time comes, it can echo the island of Gomera.

"Chairman, the command of the Navy has a plan here that needs to be signed by you."

Just as Zhang Xueming was thinking, a crisp female voice interrupted his thoughts.

He looked up and saw that it was his current confidential secretary, Su Ying.

She is the daughter of Su Zhengcheng, the current president of the Lanfang Republic.

Zhang Xueming nodded and took the document and looked at it.

The plan handed over by the naval command was precisely the plan to carry out a complete blockade of the entire island of the Yin Kingdom.

Also known as: Island Siege Plan.

After this period of encirclement and suppression at sea. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The ships of the Ukoku either sank or hid in some small harbor and were not found.

As long as it is the discovery of warships above the thousand-ton class.

It will definitely be met with a combination of H-37 strategic bombers + FJ-35K1 anti-ship missiles.

So how sad the life of the Yin Navy is now, you can imagine.

It is precisely because the sea is almost cleared.

The implementation of the island siege plan can also be put on the agenda.

The plan is actually very simple.

It is to use the fleet to carry out a naval blockade of the entire Yin archipelago.

Three aircraft carrier battle groups will be used and a large number of submarines, patrol aircraft, early warning aircraft, etc. will be used.

As long as it lasts a few months, the country will absolutely collapse.

After all, the Yin archipelago is just an island of hundreds of thousands of square kilometers.

The vast majority of food supplies are heavily imported.

And they themselves do not store much.

After all, they don't have money to buy much.

And the resources they snatched in Southeast Asia have not yet been brought back.

The fleet was completely annihilated by the Huaxia side.

Moreover, China has also been strategically bombed by thousands of strategic bombers from China.

In fact, you can imagine how bad the situation in their country is now.

Add to that such a blockade.

It won't be long before their country descends into great turmoil.

Zhang Xueming directly signed his name on the plan for the siege plan.

At the same time, he also made an approval: there is no need to be soft on the country, and it is recommended that all ports be mine-laid.

To deal with the little devil, what means are directly used.

With the signing of the plan, the Navy side quickly took action.

A part of the ships were directly mobilized from the three major fleets to form three aircraft carrier battle groups.

All three aircraft carrier battle groups are grouped using one aircraft carrier and one battleship as capital ships.

Carrying cruisers and destroyers of varying numbers.

With the naval shipbuilding industry began to gradually open up in the past two years.

The ships on the Huaxia Navy side are like dumplings.

This is no exaggeration.

Like a Type 40 destroyer, it only takes about half a year from construction to launch.

More than twenty ships can be launched in a year.

The Navy also has a new warship launched in the middle of this year.

This ship was called a frigate.

It is considered a light surface combat ship in the Navy.

Its main tasks are to serve as anti-submarine , escort , patrol , alert , reconnaissance , and support landing operations in the fleet.

It was designed to free destroyers from tedious tasks.

After all, destroyers are also considered one of the main ships in the fleet.

And its tonnage is smaller, but its combat effectiveness is not weak, and the cost is very cheap.

The Dolphin-class frigate is its code name.

It has a full load displacement of 3,500 tons, and the power plant is a heavy oil boiler + steam turbine, with a power of 30,000 horsepower.

Compared to the gas turbines of the Type 40 destroyers, this thing is reliable, cheap and fuel-efficient.

The corvette itself needs to take into account the economy.

The technologies used are basically mature, reliable and cost-effective.

A variety of radars are also equipped in marine electronics.

Especially in anti-submarine areas.

A helicopter dock is also specially designed for take-off and landing of Haizhi-20F anti-submarine helicopters.

There are also stand-alone sonar systems and towed sonar arrays.

In terms of weapons, in addition to two two-arm anti-aircraft missile launchers.

There are also two single-mount FJ-35 anti-ship missile launchers, one eight-mount anti-submarine missile launcher, and one twin light torpedo launcher.

Whether it is air defense, anti-submarine or anti-ship, the capabilities are still acceptable.

Count as a multipurpose corvette.

At present, this type of frigate is being built in large quantities.

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