It took more than three full days.

The Navy managed to successfully bring three divisions of the Marine Corps ashore.

The Air Force also transported all the equipment and personnel of the Second Heavy Synthetic Division in just three days.

The 89th Air Assault Division was also ~ in transit.

As a strategic quick reaction force, to the current strategic air transport force - powerful transport capabilities.

It was possible to transport all the personnel and equipment of the entire division in two days - over.

Subsequently, the Huaxia side sent an integrated Marine Division to successfully occupy the port area.

At this moment, the high-speed transport ships gathered in the domestic port began to set sail, and the horsepower was full of horsepower towards the Yin Kingdom.

The Navy has requisitioned more than 1 million merchant ships of more than 10,000 tons.

These include bulk carriers, ro-ro ships, large oil tankers, etc.

At this time, Huaxia's strong shipping capacity was also reflected.

Plus dozens of amphibious landing ships equipped by the Navy.

About 20 dock landing ships, tank landing ships.

It is possible to transport a large number of troops in place in a short period of time.

The little devil already knows that the tide is gone.

It is absolutely impossible to drive Huaxia down.

So they focused their defense on Tokyo.

At present, Tokyo has gathered more than one million troops.

Hirohito also gave the order for popular resistance.

And a scorched earth policy was also implemented.

Tokyo has also become a large urban fortification complex.

A fierce street fight is inevitable.

Hirohito put down his words even more.

Let Tokyo become the Leningrad of Europe.

Germany is now fighting in Lengrad.

There is a lot of armor in the air, but it can't be used.

The Yin side is still very confident in this battle.

A million-strong army, and a steady stream of reserve forces.

Plus street fighting.

At least let them have the capital to lose both in Tokyo and China.

More than half a month has passed.

The Huaxia side has never launched a large-scale attack.

The small-scale tentative offensive did not stop.

The little devil, on the other hand, cowered in Tokyo and never launched a large-scale attack again.

Because they understand that their counterattack is delivering food.

So they also abandoned this meaningless act.

In the past half month, Huaxia has gathered an army of more than 500,000.

And also organized an attack to the north, taking several ports.


After accumulating enough troops, Xue Yue, who was in charge of the commander-in-chief of this campaign, directly gave the order to attack.

More than 1,000 Type 60 main battle tanks and more than 2,000 infantry fighting vehicles surpassed the Japanese defense line.

The fortifications they built were like paper paste under the combined blows of armored forces.

The Type 60 main battle tank is a veritable mobile fortress for the little devil.

Even with anti-tank guns of more than 100 mm caliber, they could not penetrate its armor from the front.

Moreover, the Type 60 main battle tank has powerful firepower.

That 120 mm tank gun was frightening enough.

Despite the many measures taken by the little devils, they could not stop the attack of the tank troops.

It reached the edge of Tokyo, and stopped attacking in the face of the already increasing number of buildings in front of it.

Tokyo, as the largest city in the Wakoku, is also one of the capitals.

The density of buildings in the city is still very large, and there are many high-rise buildings.

The situation in cities can be very complicated.

And the little devil is now up and down.

It's even crazier than a hairy bear.

This can be seen from their suicide attacks.

Facing the city in front of him, Xue Yue also felt a very headache.

"If you want to take this place, you have to sacrifice at least 100,000 people." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This is still Xue Yue's most optimistic inference.

The Chinese soldier is not afraid of sacrifice, but he will not let them make senseless sacrifices.

But soon he received an encrypted telegram from China.

"Evacuate Tokyo at least 50 kilometers away and execute immediately."

When he saw this telegram, his pupils shrank, his hand couldn't help shaking, and he almost didn't even hold the telegram.

Sun Liren, the deputy commander-in-chief on the side, saw something wrong and quickly asked, "Commander, what's wrong?" "

Xue Yue took a deep breath and silently handed him the telegram.

"See for yourself."

When Sun Liren saw the brief content of the telegram, he was stunned and puzzled.

"What a joke, retreat fifty kilometers, all retreat directly to the beach.

So aren't we fighting for nothing these days?

Who gave this order? "

Xue Yue knew very well what this order meant, but Sun Liren did not.

He chuckled, "This order must have been given by the chairman, and only the chairman is qualified." "

0 ask for flowers

At this time, Sun Liren was silent for a while.

Since this order was given by Zhang Xueming.

That must have his truth.

As soldiers, they can only obey unconditionally.

However, when he saw Xue Yue's expression, he knew that he must know something.

"Do you know something?"

Xue Yue shook his head and said, "I know, but I can't say, when the time comes, you will know, I will definitely arrange an audience seat for you." "

As a result, the Huaxia Defense Force, which had just hit the edge of Tokyo, began a large-scale orderly retreat.

This could not help but confuse Hirohito, Hideki Tojo and others.

What kind of moth is this in Huaxia?

They're all ready for a big fight.

As a result, they retreated at this critical node, why is that?

It's hard for them to figure it out.

Because Huaxia evacuated too far.

Abandoning all the territory previously taken away makes no logical sense at all.

The reason for this temporary order was also because of a conversation between Zhang Xueming and Bai Chongxi.

Looking at Bai Chongxi, who was performing military chess, his face was solemn.

Zhang Xueming frowned and asked, "How?" "

Bai Chongxi shook his head and said: "The situation in Tokyo is very complicated, not only the population is large, but their spiritual pillar, the emperor, is also in Tokyo.

If we launch a strong attack, there will undoubtedly be a second Lengrad.

However, we may be better off, but at least be prepared to sacrifice more than 200,000.

And if we attack Tokyo, reinforcements from all over the country will converge on Tokyo.

Although we can bring enough troops through.

But typhoon season is about to begin.

It is difficult to guarantee supplies. "

Zhang Xueming didn't know what he was thinking about when he heard this.

"Taking Tokyo is the same as destroying it.

Since taking Tokyo costs so much, let's destroy it. "

After a long time, Zhang Xueming made a decision in his heart.

After hearing this, Bai Chongxi was shocked, and his eyes looked at Zhang Xueming with some shock and excitement.

"The chairman means to use it?"

Zhang Xueming nodded and said: "That's right, the little devil owes us too much blood debt, so let the whole of Tokyo pay the interest."

Pass on my orders, use nuclear weapons, and wipe out Tokyo.

Have all troops retreat to a safe distance and list Tokyo as Restricted Zone B. "。

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