The A-1 Glowstar submarine-launched ballistic missile is one of the most technologically advanced ballistic missiles in China.

It adopts a high-thrust solid rocket motor with a two-stage design.

The guidance method is inertial guidance.

The range belongs to medium-range ballistic missiles, only 2800 km.

Although the range is not far, it is one of the safest and most effective ways to launch.

Of course, the current three-in-one nuclear strike built by the Huaxia Strategic Forces.

That is, land-based ballistic missiles, submarine-launched ballistic missiles, and expeditionary bombers are extremely safe.

No force is currently capable of intercepting them.

But submarine, both now and in the future, is the safest and most deterrent.

The range of 2800 km is quite enough.

With the advancement of technology, all kinds of performance will be developed by leaps and bounds.

The use of this most advanced missile by the Strategic Rocket Force this time is also the meaning of testing.

The target of this A-1 Luminous Star submarine-launched ballistic missile is Hiroshima, one of the most famous industrial cities in Japan.

Although Hiroshima underwent continuous strategic bombing by the Chinese Strategic Air Force.

But it still can't shake the status of the second largest industrial city in the country.

Another point is that this is also the bridgehead of the invasion of China by the Yan Kingdom.

A nuclear strike on this place would completely destroy the defense industry of the U.S.

The A-1 ballistic missile is much faster than the XL-10 strategic cruise missile.

The ballistic missile dived from a high altitude at a speed of more than Mach 5.

When there are still 1200 meters above the ground.

The remarkable A-1 Glowstar ballistic missile exploded.

Endless light that is enough to blind people instantly.

It was as if the whole world had been rendered in the color of light.

The hydrogen bomb exploded far more powerful than the one dropped in Tokyo.

The immense power seemed to tear the ground apart.

A huge deep pit with a depth of more than 300 meters and a diameter of several kilometers directly blasted out.

The furious energy spread out in all directions with radiation.

No living life survived within 7 kilometers of the explosion.

The huge shock wave even spread 20 kilometers away.

When the mushrooms blooming over Hiroshima dissipated.

This originally vibrant city with millions of industrial people was directly wiped out.

This is also the second gift from Huaxia to the Yin Kingdom.

While the world is still immersed in the destruction of Tokyo by China's superweapon.

A piece of news that shocked the world has spread again.

Hiroshima, the second largest city in Wakoku, has also followed in Tokyo's footsteps.

It became the second city to be directly erased.

And this time, the intelligence gathered by everyone is more detailed.

All of this intelligence has one thing in common.

A huge explosion resembling a mushroom cloud.

This explosion is no less powerful than the end of the world, powerful enough to wipe out any city.

This is also directly confirmed.

Huaxia has taken control of the superweapon.

A superweapon that can flatten any city.

"Atomic weapons, they must be atomic weapons, and only atomic weapons have such power."

Oppenheimer, who was in the White House, said in shock.

Although he knew that atomic weapons were powerful.

Probably one of the most powerful weapons ever discovered by mankind.

But I didn't expect that the power could be so great.

Moreover, Huaxia actually developed it before them and put it into the battlefield.

"Atomic weapons, what Professor Einstein called atomic weapons?"

Roosevelt propped up on the table with some excitement at this time and looked at Oppenheimer.

Oppenheimer nodded with a serious face and said: "That's right, it must be atomic weapons, I can be sure." "

"We also need such weapons, and we must control such weapons."

I'll get Congress to approve this project, and I need your help now.

Let us also have such weapons as soon as possible. "

Oppenheim nodded silently. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

There is no need to say anything more at this time.

Just as Oppenheimer returned to the institute with the good news.

Just as he was on his way back, a runaway truck crashed directly into his car.

Under the huge impact, both cars almost crashed apart.

In this era when there are not even seat belts.

You can imagine the situation of the people in the car.

As for whether this accident was planned by someone, it is really just an accident, and it is not known.

But his unexpected death was overshadowed by the project.

The mustache in Europe is questioning.

0 ask for flowers

"Why haven't we developed atomic weapons yet?

We also need such a weapon, now the battlefield on the Eastern Front needs it, we are going to throw it in Moscow.

Throw it on top of the man's head and burn him to ashes. "

"Your Excellency Fuhrer, we have tried our best, and we will definitely make it appear on the battlefield as quickly as possible."

However, at this time, a top-secret cipher telegram was sent to MI6.

All of the above is information about Germany's development of nuclear weapons.

This situation immediately made English attach great importance to it.

A special unit was even created to find and destroy Germany's nuclear weapons program.

They are unlikely to have let Germany develop it.

The fate of Tokyo and Hiroshima has shown them how terrifying this weapon can be.

Once this thing lands in London.

Then the civilized world will collapse.

The day after Hiroshima was nuclearized.

A certain brigade of the Strategic Rocket Forces, far away in the Western Theater, began the third step of carrying out a nuclear strike.

In a secret base.

The huge manhole cover began to slowly open.

Soon after, huge smoke rose from the deep well.

An SS-4 Giant Spirit God long-range intercontinental ballistic missile roared into the air.

There is only one lone hydrogen bomb in its warhead.

But its equivalent is a little bigger, reaching 800,000 tons of equivalent.

More than 4 times the size of the two mushroom eggs in nuclear Tokyo.

Its target was Nagasaki.

As the largest shipbuilding industrial city in the Wakoku, it is also the third largest industrial city in the Wakoku.

The battleship Yamato was built in Nagasaki.

The fall of the third mushroom egg will completely bury the future of the shipbuilding industry in the country.

SS-4 Giant Spirit God is the longest range and most powerful intercontinental ballistic missile in China.

It is wasted in the real number of thousands of kilometers that are used.

But this is really the best chance to test.

And the SS-4 Spirit God did not disappoint Huaxia.

Successfully hit Nagasaki and exploded directly over Nagasaki.

The power produced is even greater than Hiroshima.

It became the third city to be leveled by China.

That is, after the nuclear neutralization of Nagasaki.

Huaxia was finally no longer silent at this time.

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