December 1941.

A fleet of more than 50 large strategic transport aircraft landed at a large military airfield in Tobruk, North Africa.

This fleet is from distant China.

When they saw the landing Y-18 and -Y30 strategic transport aircraft, the shock was still very great.

Among them was Rommel, commander of the German North African Corps.

The largest aircraft they had ever seen was the Y-10 strategic transport plane from Huaxia.

They are also equipped with this transport aircraft, or they are second-hand models purchased from Huaxia.

But the two transport aircraft are even larger than the Y-10.

Especially the Y-30 strategic transport aircraft.

It was the first time they had seen such a large jet transporter.

When the Type 60 main battle tanks are unloaded from above, the shock is even greater.

This is the first time they have seen a transport aircraft capable of carrying more than 30 tons of tanks.

However, the military uniform worn by this unit is not that of the Huaxia Defense Force.

It is the combat uniform of the National Defense Forces of the Republic of Lanfang.

But their real identity is the Huaxia Defense Force.

This is actually quite understandable.

Huaxia has not yet turned its face with Britain and the United States.

If troops are sent directly to North Africa to fight with his 30s.

In this way, everyone has no room for maneuver.

Therefore, Huaxia entered the battlefield in the name of the Lanfang Republic.

Everyone knows very well what is going on.

But with nuclear weapons in their hands, they categorically do not dare to turn their faces.

So even if they know it's Huaxia.

They also did not dare to declare war and draw Huaxia into this war.

I can only grit my teeth and swallow it in my stomach.

This is the power of nuclear weapons, which can also be seen as nuclear blackmail.

This is also the benefit of the early appearance of nuclear weapons.

When they face Huaxia, they often tie their hands.

After the Tobruk military airfield was taken over by Huaxia.

A large fleet of aircraft began to take off and land frequently at the military airfield.

More than 100 JF-5C fighters are also stationed.

It is also printed with the air force emblem of the Lanfang Republic.

Anyway, the Lanfang Republic is also equipped with JF-5 jet fighters from the Huaxia Air Force.

The Air Force is now starting to install the JF-8, a second-generation aircraft, in batches.

This transport, which spanned thousands of kilometers, was the responsibility of the Western Theater of Operations.

Strategic Air Command mobilized more than 300 two-type strategic transport aircraft for this purpose.

More than 200 Y-12 tactical transport aircraft were also assisted.

Together with fighters, attack aircraft, AWACS aircraft, patrol aircraft, electronic reconnaissance aircraft, electronic warfare aircraft, tankers, etc., the number of fighters invested exceeded 1,000.

During a month-long shipment.

Relying on air transportation, more than 300 tanks, more than 2,000 armored vehicles and trucks were transported, and more than 30,000 troops were transported.

This is the strength of a full heavy composite division.

And this division was precisely the 25th Composite Division subordinate to the Third Army of China.

The strategic airlift capabilities demonstrated by China shocked the whole of Germany.

The strength of this division is enough to sweep the entire North African battlefield.

This is not an exaggeration, but a fact.

The strength of this division in Huaxia is equivalent to an army.

It must be known that the German army in the North African Army has a total of 4 divisions, with a total strength of about 4 people.

And this division of Huaxia is equivalent to the strength of one of their corps.

In addition to this division, Huaxia also plans to send 2-3 light composite divisions to join the Huaxia Afrika Korps.

Because according to intelligence, the United States will also join the North African battlefield.

It will also become a major wrestling ground between the two sides.

Suez Canal, Zhang Xueming is imperative.

There is also the Strait of Gibraltar, which he will also find a way to take.

In this way, the fleet of Huaxia could go to the Atlantic Ocean unimpeded.

As for how to take it back, he already has a way.

Gibraltar is the Western Pinya field that Yingji forcibly occupied by means of war.

Franche also had the idea of taking it back.

If Huaxia supports them behind their backs.

Frange will never miss this great opportunity.

Of course, there is a premise here.

That is, China must take the Suez Canal. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In this way, the Chinese fleet was able to enter the Mediterranean.

As long as an aircraft carrier battle group is maintained in the Mediterranean, an adequate deterrent can be formed.

Then Frange naturally has no worries.

In the face of Huaxia's entry into the North African War, Downing Street was naturally extremely angry.

They did not understand why Huaxia was thousands of kilometers away and spent so much money to participate in this war.

Is there anything else that Huaxia can see in this place where birds do not?

But they soon got some information.

"The Chinese people want the Suez Canal, and their ambitions are too great.

Aren't they afraid that we will declare war on them? "

"The Chinese have atomic weapons."


These words left all the cabinet ministers present at Downing Street speechless.

"This damn atomic weapon, Fak!"

At this moment, Chuan Qiu Fatty also burst into foul language helplessly.

In the face of atomic weapons, which are world-destroying weapons, he has no choice.

If there is a war with Huaxia.

Who dares to guarantee that Huaxia will not throw it on their heads.

China has air bases in Africa and has such good relations with Germany.

It is not difficult to throw atomic weapons on their heads.

Perhaps only the United States can sit back and relax.

After all, China and the United States are separated by tens of thousands of kilometers.

And the American side also holds this idea.

So when China joined the North African battlefield.

The United States increased its assistance to the North African battlefield.

For the first time, ground forces and the Atlantic Fleet were sent to support.

At present, the United States of America and Germany have declared war.

And Huaxia's side also quickly responded to the behavior of the United States.

"Send bombers over the United States, pass directly over 580 New York, and then go to West Banya for resupply and return.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has already communicated with the West Banya side to allow our strategic bombers to stop and resupply. "

The United States has always believed that it can rest easy with the two natural barriers of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

Then Zhang Xueming told them with actions.

Their domain is also within the range of Chinese bombers.

The so-called truth is within the range of bombers.

The Strategic Air Force side quickly made a plan.

The trip will be picked up from an air base on the Yin side.

Fly across the Pacific Ocean and the United States, then across the Atlantic Ocean to West Banya for resupply.

The total distance is about 18,000 kilometers.

With the range of the H-41 strategic bomber, it is barely enough.

Therefore, this requires large long-range aerial refueling tankers to assist.

The KY-30 large long-range aerial refueling tanker developed by Huaxia on the basis of the Y-30 strategic transport aircraft is fully capable of this task.

One H-41 strategic bomber needs at least 3 KY-30 tankers to resupply.

This time, the Air Force will send 3 H-41 bombers and 10 KY-30 tankers.

For the Huaxia Strategic Air Force, this is also a test.

If this mission can be successfully completed.

It also shows the world the invincible strength of the Huaxia Air Force.

The whole flight is almost 20,000 kilometers, and no aircraft can do it at present.

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