The port of Busan is full of people at this moment.

The 10th Division and the 14th Division, totaling more than 35,000 people, together with personnel and equipment, were transported here in one go.

Hours have passed since the wee hours of the morning, and they are still busy in the port.

The main equipment and supplies for these more than 30,000 people are too much.

There is still a steady stream of ships coming behind, almost crowding the sea.

A cursory count shows how to know the various types of transport ships on a thousand tons here. There are more than 50 bulk carriers.

Not to mention more than a hundred fishing boats and small transport vessels of hundreds to hundreds of tons.

Most of the ships are recruited by the navy to recruit enterprises and fishermen.

The 10th Division Hirose Shousuke and the commander of the 14th Division, Shunroku Hata were talking and laughing at the moment.

"Unexpectedly, at this last moment, a Zhang Xueming actually popped up and sank the imperial battleship Nagato.

This time, His Majesty the Emperor, the Prime Minister and the military command were all furious and vowed to severely punish him.

You say we don't have a big chance of winning this time? "

Junroku Hata said with a cold face: "I don't know, but occupying Manchuria is my brother's greatest wish, and it is also the wish of everyone in the empire."

I will definitely do my best to eliminate Zhang Xueming and the Northeast Army. "

Shunroku Hata's older brother, Hidetaro Hata was a general of the Imperial Army and a former commander of the Kwantung Army.

He died of illness in Shenyang on May 1, 1930, and was succeeded by Honjo Fan.

Suddenly there was a commotion ahead, which also attracted the attention of the two division commanders.

Hirose shouted, "What happened?" "

An officer ran over panting, pointing to the sky behind him.

"Over there.... There is a large fleet over there, which seems to belong to the Asamoi Land Aviation Flight Team.

Many soldiers have never seen such a scene, and the sound is slightly louder. "

Hirose Shousuke and Shunroku Hata looked at each other.

Junroku Hata vaguely felt that something was wrong.

So he walked out of the port building and came to the open space outside.

When I looked up, I was immediately shocked by the scene in front of me.

I saw a large aircraft in the sky forming a flight formation, flying in the air of only two or three kilometers.

There are dozens of small planes around.

The fleet flew by, dragging long trail clouds in the sky behind them.

It's like a beautiful landscape painting.

But Junroku Hata's heart became more and more uneasy at this moment.

He had never seen such a huge plane.

And if it was an imperial plane, there was no reason why he had not seen it.

"This is not an imperial plane."

As soon as Junroku Hata's words came out, the faces of everyone around him suddenly changed greatly.

At this time, I realized that something was wrong.

This swarm flew towards them.

If not the planes of the Reich, then there are only enemies.

"Baga, this won't be a fighter sent by the Northeast Army of China, the Kwantung Army flight team has suffered a big loss on them."

"Not good, sound the alarm, evacuate the troops immediately, all ships leave the port immediately, at a fast pace."

Junroku Hata's face changed drastically, suppressing the panic in his heart and giving the order.

But tens of thousands of people are crowded on the beachhead, and it is not easy to evacuate.

And the port of Busan is not equipped with air defense sirens, and can only shout orders.

"The planes of the Chinese people came, all scattered, all scattered..."

Suddenly, the Japanese troops in the beach rioted, and they all got up, looking at the approaching aircraft group with some confusion.

Flying in the front were three B-29 strategic bombers, which were also where the group headquarters were located.

As navigation aircraft, they will be the first to complete the bomb drop and indicate the bombing target to the rear group.

"Disperse the bomb drop and maintain a bomb drop height of 3,000 meters."

The Japanese army below simply did not have much anti-aircraft weapons.

And even if they have anti-aircraft machine guns, they do not threaten the group of bombers flying in the air at three thousand meters.

As they approached the beach, three B-29 strategic bombers opened the magazine gates.

An M69 napalm hanging from a single rack was revealed.

Each one is 300 kilograms, and napalm alone contains about 400 liters of it.

One piece is enough to cover half the area of a football field.

This is one of the best weapons to use against imps.

Another one that works better is the nuclear bomb.


When the Norton scope on the bomber was aimed at the fleeing Japanese troops below, gathering a crowd.

The 30 M69 napalm bombs on the pylons fell like dumplings in free fall downwards.

"This group of little devils, grandpa has brought you gifts."

The bombardier had a cruel smile on his face.

"Tweet tweet..."

Hearing the sound overhead, the little devil in the running road looked up.

I saw black dots falling towards them.

Immediately, I was so frightened that I couldn't possess my soul.

"Lie down..."

An experienced veteran shouted.

Soft sand absorbs most of the shock wave, so it's safer to lie down.

But this is napalm, and lying down will only make them burn faster.

The first napalm fell and hit the ground.

Huge amounts of napalm flew around.

When exposed to air, these napalm suddenly deflagrated under the action of a catalyst.


A large area ignited a sky-high fireball, and the flames instantly engulfed the surrounding Japanese troops.

Many little devils didn't even scream, and they were charcoal roasted by the temperature of thousands of degrees.

Thirty napalm dropped, covering a large area in an instant.

As a sea of fire rose one after another, the Japanese army in the mudflats suffered.

Those that are directly roasted are a little better, and there is no pain in walking.

But more often than not, those that are stuck to the body by napalm and burned.

Burned alive amid a mournful scream.

But they also deserve it.

After seeing this scene, Hirose Shousuke and Junroku Hata were shocked.

"It's over....."

After the three B-29 strategic bombers as navigation aircraft finished dropping bombs, they also marked the bombing area for the next 24 bombers.

When they entered, Busan Port and the surrounding beaches became a real purgatory on earth.

Each bomber carried 300 kg of M69 napalm.

And all are fully loaded 30 pieces, that is, 9 tons.

The 27 bombers carried a total of 243 tons.

The sea of flames seems to have become the theme of Busan Port.

The group of P-51 Mustang fighters escorting them also dived down one after another to join the mending team.

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