“Nian’er, did you break through to Martial Saint Realm? Your breakthrough speed is too fast!”

The two people hugged each other very much. For a long time, until Lin Nian suddenly realized that Jin Chi was still within the body of Tang Lei, and then he quickly separated from Tang Lei with a red pretty face. Tang Lei also thought of Jin Chi. With Jin Chi there, he and Lin Nian Getting along is always a little uncomfortable, especially some intimate actions are not easy to do!

When he thought of this, Tang Lei also thought about when Jin Chi could be separated from him.

“The Master is helping me, and the Master has already said that if I don’t break through Martial Saint Realm, I will not be allowed to leave, so I can only continue to work hard for cultivation!”

Lin Nian put out his tongue playfully and said that only in front of Tang Lei can Lin Nian be so relaxed and show the state of a girl he should be.

“Junior Lin Nian, I have seen Jin Chi Senior!”

Then Lin Nian said solemnly.

“You don’t need to see outside, just treat me as if I don’t exist. If there is anything, I will notify Tang Lei directly!”

Jin Chi responded indifferently.

“This time Master has already told me the specific things. For our safety, Master has also dispatched several teams into the Moon Kai domain. These teams are patrolling the Balrog on the surface. In fact, it is to protect our safety, and they can also confuse the eyes and ears of the ice emperor!”

Lin Nian said again, facing Jin Chi, Lin Nian is of course very respectful, because Lin Nian also Know some of the relationship between Lan Xue and Jin Chi.

“By the way, did Lan Xue Senior give you any treasure? The last time we met Wu Emperor Level and other foreign world Martial Artists, it was too dangerous!”

Tang Lei seemed to think of something, and quickly said to Lin Nian.

“You good-for-nothing!”

Jin Chi couldn’t help but said in the heart, Tang Lei didn’t bother to talk to Jin Chi and looked at Lin Nian intently.

“Well, the Master is also worried about our safety, so he gave me two treasures before leaving. One can contact the Master immediately, and the other can protect us, even if we encounter ice The powerhouse of the emperor’s level can also protect us for a long time, enough for the Master to come and rescue us!”

Lin Nian said with a smile, Tang Lei finally heard Lin Nian’s words Feel relieved, but those foreign world Martial Artists are very powerful, and they can even be dragged into the Martial Soul world within the realm. At that time, Jin Chi and Bai Mo could not contact Lumeng, and I wonder if Lan Xue’s treasure can be lifted. To work.

Of course Tang Lei did not tell Lin Nian about these things. Once he tells Lin Nian, he can only worry Lin Nian. It is important to be more careful when acting.

“Then where are we going next? What information does Lan Xue Senior have?”

Tang Lei then asked, Lan Xue not at all told Tang Lei about the details. Case.

“Let’s go, let’s go to a Small World first, when the time comes, I will tell you the situation slowly!”

Lin Nian said lightly, and then Lin Nian flew away with Tang Lei moved towards a Small World on the edge of the Moonlight Domain. These Small Worlds are all Small Worlds that Lan Xue’s subordinates have determined. They are also the worlds where the foreign world Martial Artist has found anomalous traces, but Lan Xue did it for Don’t beat the grass to scare the snake, don’t take any action, and now this task is handed over to Lin Nian and Tang Lei.

The Moon Kai domain is similar to the Heavenly Dragon domain, and it also has a large number of small Primal Chaos worlds, and these small Primal Chaos worlds are also the places where Balrogs appear. Among them, there are many Small Worlds because they were discovered relatively late. As a result, the entire Small World was turned into a fire sea. Only a few Martial Artists escaped, and all other Martial Artists were buried in the fire sea.

Walking in the void for about an hour, Tang Lei and Lin Nian entered the space fluctuation of a Small World, and then directly descended to the top of Small World.


Tang Lei and Lin Nian stood high in the sky, looking at the Small World below, they were speechless for a while, although Tang Lei knew the moon The Small World in the Kai field is definitely different from the Heavenly Dragon field, but the Small World below has completely turned into a piece of scorched earth.

All the plants are gone, as well as the rivers and lakes, all have been evaporated, leaving only countless huge potholes, like huge mouths.

It is obviously the first time Lin Nian has seen this kind of sight. Although Lan Xue has told Lin Nian the specific information, Lin Nian has never really been to such a place, although before Lan Xue You can also imagine how tragic the specific situation is in the description, but this is totally different from seeing it with your own eyes.

If the corpse mountain and the sea of ​​blood make people feel scared, then this situation now makes people feel a kind of sadness and shock.

“What are you still doing? Did you come here just to be in a daze? This little scene was shocked, and they said that they would become the master of the Primal Chaos world!”

Jin Chi said to Tang Lei lightly saying, this kind of sight is nothing to Jin Chi. When the Primal Chaos World War was at first, the situation was many times more tragic than this.

“Let’s go, let’s go down and take a look!”

Tang Lei settled down, took Lin Nian’s hand and flew down. Although Lin Nian was a little scared, there was With Tang Lei by her side, Lin Nian felt much better in her heart.

After falling on the ground, Tang Lei looked at the scorched ground and felt that it was not as shocked as before, because the Balrog had burned most of the things in Small World, and there was nothing left. Except for the land, there are mountain peaks, but these peaks are all scorched black.

“Damn, must smash those foreign world Martial Artists to pieces, let them a debt of blood must be paid in blood!”

Tang Lei touched it with his hand The scorched ground, although no other things can be seen, there are still some breaths around it. These breaths remind Tang Lei that a large number of Martial Artists once lived on this piece of land. This makes Tang Lei feel a kind of sadness and anger.

Lin Nian didn’t speak on the sidelines. He was able to perform tasks with Tang Lei. Lin Nian felt very happy, but didn’t expect the Master to let her perform such tasks.

This is also Lan Xue’s deliberate experience of Lin Nian. To become the great character of Primal Chaos within the realm, strength and realm alone are not enough. Lin Nian needs to experience a lot.

“Since these Small Worlds have become such a situation, what are the foreign world Martial Artists doing here? Are they to test the tragedy they have caused?”

Tang Lei angrily said.

“At present, we don’t know why those foreign world Martial Artists appeared here, but according to intelligence, we did find signs of foreign world Martial Artist activities, and not only this Small World, many of them were completely destroyed. Around the fallen Small World, I found the foreign world Martial Artist’s whereabouts!”

Lin Nian said softly, these all are its Master-the information Lan Xue told her.

“Stay here, there will be nothing to discover, the entire world has become a piece of scorched earth, let’s go to Ancestral Soul Mountain to see if there is anything valuable here, then Only Ancestral Soul Mountain!”

Jin Chi lightly saying.

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