Tang Lei of course also wants to refining all the energy in the Array as soon as possible, but even if Tang Lei has done his best to refining, the energy in the Array is really It’s too big, and Tang Lei regrets it a little bit. He had known that he would not refining all the ice rocks. You can refining half of it. The other half waited for the opportunity to refining.

At this moment, Tang Lei is still rapidly devouring the strength of Cold Ice that is refining within the body. The mountain where Tang Lei is located has completely turned into an iceberg, and the strength of Cold Ice continues to penetrate into the mountain. , Making the stones in the entire mountain changed.

It can be foreseen that after Tang Lei consumes these energy, this place will also become an excellent cultivation Holy Land for Ice Attribute Martial Artist, because Tang Lei cannot escape the strength of Cold from all the ice rocks. Ice is completely absorbed, and a considerable part of the strength of Cold Ice has penetrated into the surrounding icebergs, as well as the underground ice.

As the strength of Cold Ice swallowing more and more refining, the breath of Tang Lei within the body suddenly changed again, finally making Tang Lei breakthrough to the 12-layer Martial Sovereign Peak Realm.

With the further improvement of the cultivation base, Tang Lei also regained consciousness in the breakthrough process. Just now Tang Lei’s consciousness has been in a semi-comatose state. It is entirely instinct to refining strength of Cold Ice.

“Isn’t it over yet? What happened?”

After Tang Lei woke up, he felt that one after another strength of Cold Ice was still pouring into his Within the body, Tang Lei felt that a few years had passed, but after waking up, he realized that the operation of Array was still not over. He also needed to swallow and refining the strength of Cold Ice that was continuously flowing around him.

“It’s too early, now you have reached the 12-layer Martial Sovereign Peak Realm, then you need to break through Martial Saint Realm, this step is very important to you, you must accumulate enough energy! “

Jin Chi sighed in secret, lightly saying, if there was no Jin Chi to protect Tang Lei’s body, Tang Lei’s body would have already collapsed during the period when Tang Lei was in a coma.

“Martial Saint Realm? If I break through to Martial Saint Realm, will I be able to condense Martial Soul world within the body? I have two powers of the origin, condensed into Martial Soul world What will it look like?”

Tang Lei couldn’t help but ask, although it is a bit early to say these words, because even breakthrough to Martial Saint Realm, it will take a while to be able to condense Martial Soul world.

“Think about how to escape the danger first. You have to speed up the absorption. When you were in a coma, more and more Martial Artists gathered around Array, although Bai Mo could still be able to Responding, but once they rushed over to the powerful Martial Artist, Bai Mo could not resist!”

Jin Chi lightly saying, Jin Chi has always been paying attention to the surrounding situation, and their situation is definitely not right now. In terms of safety, those Monster Beasts are not a threat, but as Monster Beasts gather more and more, they will definitely be noticed by more Martial Artists.

Sooner or later, Martial Artists from Martial Emperor Realm will rush over. In addition, they have killed the Bingdi’s men. The Bingdi will definitely not let them off easily, so Tang Lei needs to Array them as soon as possible. The energy in the middle was absorbed cleanly, and then quickly escaped here with Bai Mo.

Bai Mo constantly beheaded Martial Artists who came from all directions, but as these Martial Artists became stronger and stronger, even Bai Mo could not easily kill these Martial Artists. Up.

At the same time, more and more Monster Beasts gathered around. Although these Monster Beasts just stayed far away next to Array, there are already Monster Beasts from the demon saint realm. There are more and more Monster Beasts. After that, it will also pose a threat.

After killing two Martial Saints that suddenly appeared, Bai Mo couldn’t help but look at the direction of Tang Lei behind. The good news is that the ice blue aura around the mountain peaks has obviously become weak. Now, although we still can’t see Tang Lei’s silhouette, if we hold on for a while, Tang Lei may be able to refining the strength of Cold Ice in the Array.

Also around Array, Bai Desert has also arranged a lot of space Arrays. If there are really enemies that Bai Desert can’t stop, these space Arrays can also help Tang Lei delay some time, but Bai Desert and Tang Lei didn’t want that to happen.

But Baolie is leading the Ice Guardian to move towards here quickly, and Bingyu has also dispatched a team of Martial Artists to investigate the situation.

What Tang Lei and Bai Mo don’t know is that they are now located at the junction of the realm of the Great Commander Bing and Commander Gaitian, so it’s not just that they perceive the energy fluctuations. It is Baolie and the others, and the Martial Artists under Gaitian also perceive this huge energy fluctuation, and they are also moving towards here quickly.

The three powerful Martial Artists moved towards Tang Lei and Bai Mo’s area almost at the same time, but they didn’t feel the danger yet. Of course, even if they felt the danger, there was no way to go. Avoid, Tang Lei must absorb all the energy in the Array to finish refining, while Bai Desert must stay here to protect Tang Lei.

As the strength of Cold Ice of Tang Lei refining becomes more and more, the energy fluctuation within the body becomes stronger and stronger. This shows that Tang Lei is about to break through Martial Saint Realm, but Tang Lei It was the first breakthrough Martial Saint Realm, naturally impossible and Jin Chi returned to Martial Saint Realm so smoothly.

“I seem to be unable to suppress this force within the body!”

As the backlog of Tang Lei power within the body increases, Tang Lei forbears Can’t help but say to Jin Chi.

“Since you can’t suppress it, you don’t need to suppress it. Release the power, so you may be able to refining the strength of Cold Ice around you faster!”

Jin Chi lightly saying, then Tang Lei directly released the power deposited within the body. For a while, a vacuum zone was formed around Tang Lei, and the surrounding ice blue aura was washed away by this force, but soon Tang Lei is as if a vortex appeared on Tang Lei’s body. Those wandering ice blue breaths were quickly absorbed into Tang Lei’s within the body, and Tang Lei’s body was rapidly refining this force, one after another. A force continuously impacts Tang Lei within the body, making Tang Lei continuously try to break through Martial Saint Realm.

But outside of the Array, Bai Mo’s face changed suddenly, his eyes shrank, moving towards the distance, and the rays of light were moving towards Array quickly approaching, and Bai Mo could feel it, The opponent’s strength is very strong.

The ice guards led by Baolie and Giant Abyss finally came to the place where the energy fluctuations burst out. Seeing the huge array ahead, Baolie’s face was a little shocked because the energy fluctuations emitted were Could it be said that these people used the Array to refining the energy in the ice rock?

As soon as the silhouette of Baolie and the others appeared, a white clothed silhouette appeared in front of everyone.

“It is him, he is one of the murderers and the person who killed Liu Cang with his own hands. His spatial method is very difficult to deal with, must be careful!”

Look at Bao Lie When he arrived at Bai Mo, he immediately roared at Bai Mo.

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