“Primordial Beginning Martial Soul? You mean those Yuanshi Emperors? They are impossible to enter the Ancestral Soul Mountain. We have always sent people to guard the Ancestral Soul Mountain, and the Ancestral Soul The inner space of the mountain is filled with your people, how could they possibly enter the Ancestral Soul Mountain!”

Ice Feather complexion changed and said immediately.

The few commanders standing behind Bingyu heard what Akakawa said, but they didn’t believe it. Only Commander Gaitian was shocked. These foreign world Martial Artists could actually infer that they were in Ancestral Soul Mountain. Among them is Primordial Beginning Martial Soul. I’m afraid these people are coming for Jin Chi and Bai Mo. Gaitian can’t help but worry about Tang Lei and Bai Mo.

“Nothing is impossible. If it weren’t for this kind of situation, our Array would never have a natural phenomenon. They are trying to destroy the core of Array. If we let them succeed, we The previous efforts will fall short, I am afraid that you also know how serious the consequences are!”

Akagawa continued, once the core of Array is destroyed, it will cover the entire Moon Kai domain. The barrier will disappear, and when the time comes, they will face an attack from the Martial Artist of Primal Chaos world outside.

Moreover, in order to arrange the Array, the foreign world Martial Artist has spent a huge price, and Ann Sir will never allow his plan to fail.

Bing Yu’s expression kept changing. Although Bing Yu didn’t believe the other party, the interests of both parties should be the same now. If the entire Array can be stabilized, then Bing Yu is of course acceptable.

“What do you want to do?”

Bing Yu said solemnly, since the other party came here to deal with Array, then the other party must have a way to stabilize Array.

“With our strength, Array cannot be stabilized. I have already said that there are people in Array. They want to destroy the core of Array. The only way we can do is to destroy the core of Array. They were killed before, but because of the Martial Soul attribute, we were unable to enter your Ancestral Soul Mountain, so we need you to enter the Ancestral Soul Mountain and kill them, and the Ice Emperor Sir is the best. Candidate!”

Akagawa lightly saying, this is also the reason why Akagawa wants to meet the Ice Emperor. The Ice Emperor is the most powerful among this group of Martial Artists. It is possible for the Ice Emperor to enter the Ancestral Soul Mountain. To complete the task.

“Even if Royal Father leaves the customs, how can Royal Father pass through those crimson rays of light outside Ancestral Soul Mountain?”

Bing Yu continued to ask, Bing Feather can’t Let the ice emperor take risks. The ice emperor is their hope and their backbone. If the ice emperor had an accident, they would definitely not be able to resist these foreign world Martial Artists.

“This is the meaning of our transmission. We will try our best to open a channel for the Ice Emperor Sir to enter the Ancestral Soul Mountain. To do this, we need to pay a great price. But now we have no other choice. If the Array core in the Ancestral Soul Mountain is destroyed, our previous efforts will be wasted, and you will also face attacks from other forces!”

Akakawa solemnly said that this is the most important task of Akagawa’s trip. Of course, Akagawa came here to stabilize the situation in the Moonlight Domain. Akagawa alone cannot successfully complete the 2nd Stage task.

Bing Yu looked at Akawa, Bing Yu didn’t know how many truths and lies Akawa said, but at the moment they seem to have no other choice, but the Bingdi is still in a state of retreat. , Bing Yu has contacted Bingdi many times, but Bing Imperial Capital has not received any response.

“Even if you really want to do this, it will have to wait until the Royal Father exits. The Royal Father is at the critical moment of the breakthrough realm, waiting for the Royal Father to break through to the tenth Martial Emperor Realm and enter the ancestral soul After the mountain, he will be able to kill the opponent more confidently!”

Bing Yu said solemnly, in any case, Bing Yu must ensure that the Ice Emperor can smoothly break through the realm.

“I’m afraid we don’t have that many time to wait. Ice Emperor Sir is the most suitable candidate. I hope you can wake up Ice Emperor Sir immediately and break through one small realm. What impact will it have on the overall situation, not at all! “

Akagawa didn’t want the Ice Emperor to continue to close the breakthrough realm, because now they didn’t know the situation in the Ancestral Soul Mountain, so delaying a moment would be more dangerous.

“We have to wait, I will never allow a silhouette to sound Royal Father breakthrough realm!”

Bing Yu coldly said, although Bing Di breakthrough realm has an influence on foreign world Martial Artist Not big, but for Ice Feather and the others, the ability of the Ice Emperor to continuously improve is of course a good thing for them, and it is also their guarantee.

Akagawa complexion slightly changed. He didn’t want to conflict with these Ice Emperor’s men, but the mission performed by Akagawa is very important. If Akagawa fails this time, I am afraid Akagawa will be executed directly.

“Then there is no way. Since you are unwilling to wake up the ice emperor, we can only do it. The stability of Array is the most important thing. I believe that the ice emperor Sir will also I understand!”

Akakawa heard Bingyu’s words, coldly said, since Bingyu is unwilling to awaken Bingyu, then Akagawa can only take strong measures, anyway, the Bingyu is not here, there is no People are Akagawa’s opponents.

“Dare you guys!”

Bing Yu directly angrily said, and the strength of Cold Ice on his body is also released uncontrollably. If the opponent dares to force the Ice Emperor out of retreat If the state is awakened, then Bing Yu will definitely go to war with the opponent.

Not only Ice Feather, Tianzhen Gaitian and the others also immediately put on a fighting posture. After all, they are the Ice Emperor’s subordinates and absolutely must protect the interests of the Ice Emperor, and Gaitian hopes that both sides will immediately War begins. In this case, the foreign world Martial Artist’s plan will definitely be greatly affected. Maybe the Ice Emperor will immediately choose the foreign world Martial Artist as an enemy after he leaves the level.

“Not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth boy, let us teach you a lesson!”

The stern behind Akawa said with a cold laugh, for them Bingyu and the others are not their opponents at all. Although their realm is not much different, their strength can be described as the difference between Heaven and Earth.

But Bing Yu and the others are not ready to give in at all. Even if they fight to fight the opponent, Bing Yu must ensure that the Ice Emperor can smoothly break through the realm.

Akagawa is slightly frowned. His mission on this trip is to ensure the stability of the Array and to make the Array of the 2nd Stage open smoothly. If he goes to war with the Ice Emperor, it will greatly affect the next 2nd. The tasks of the stage.

“Ice Feather, don’t be afraid of them, if we really want to go to war, we have never been afraid of anyone!”

At this moment, several silhouette dropping from the sky, The leader was also a young man, who looked a bit like Bing Yu.

“Big Brother!”

Bing Yu smiled and immediately shouted to the Martial Artist in the air.

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