Two hours later, the violent flame energy around finally calmed down. Due to the influence of the violent energy, the flames within the realm of the fierce prison were weaker than before.

Tang Lei and Huang Bi stand in mid-air, and you can see the huge ocean of flames below.

“Is it down?”

Tang Lei then looked at Tang Xiao and said.

“The last time I saw that thing fly out, it flew out from the ocean of flames below, but my strength was too low, I didn’t dare to enter it!”

Tang Xiao nodded said solemnly, Tang Xiao didn’t know what was underneath, but it is certain that it must be dangerous under the ocean of flames, because those flame pythons live underneath.

“Don’t look here, since there may be some treasures below, let’s go down and take a look!”

Huang Bi said, as this party’s Primal Chaos world highest powerhouse, Huang Bi has absolute confidence in his own strength. He is only interested in this kind of treasure hunting process. In fact, a treasure within the realm of a medium-sized world, Huang Bi really doesn’t care much about it, but if it’s one piece Good treasure, it’s a good choice for Tang Lei.

Tang Lei nodded, they waited here for such a long time for this so-called treasure. Now the violent Flame Power around has subsided, of course they have to go and find out.

“Would you like to go down with us?”

Tang Lei looked at Tang Xiao and said, the other party just broke through Martial Saint Realm, and the strength is quite weak, but Huang Bi is here, Tang Lei doesn’t think there should be any problems.

“You really want to go? The following is very dangerous!”

Tang Xiao suddenly hesitated. Although he knew that these two Martial Artists were very strong, he didn’t know. What level has the opponent’s realm reached?

“Is this still false? You go down with us, at least you can guarantee your life is worry-free!”

Huang Bi lightly saying, Tang Xiao nodded, he stays here After such a long time, he has never entered the ocean of flames below. Now that he has this opportunity, he does not want to miss it, and it seems that the strength of these two Martial Artists is quite strong, even if when the time comes, no treasure can be found. Safety coming out from below should not be a problem.

Then the three people turned into a stream of light and flew directly into the ocean of flames below. Huang Bi urged the power of Yuanshi to form a space of several meters around the three people’s bodies. , The flame flows continuously outside the space, but it cannot penetrate into the space.

“The area of ​​this ocean of flames is quite large. If you want to find something here, it is not that simple!”

Huang Bi lightly saying, and then Huang Bi took himself The power of Yuanshi was released, and the flames of crimson were all outside. I couldn’t see the surrounding situation at all, and could only rely on the power of Yuanshi to perceive it.

Tang Lei slightly frowned, Huang Bi is right. The area of ​​this ocean of flames is huge. If you want to find the so-called treasure in such a huge ocean of flames, there must be at least some Clues are good. If they blindly rely on the power of the original beginning to search for little by little, it will obviously take a long time, and they don’t have much time to waste here.

“The treasure should be in the depths of the ocean of flames. At that time, I still remember that when I saw the first scene, the rays of light of crimson flew directly out of the ocean of flames. But then I never saw its silhouette again, so it should be in the depths of the ocean of flames!”

Tang Xiao told his guess, Tang Lei nodded, Tang Xiao This statement is reasonable, but I don’t know if the depths of this ocean of flames are equally vast and huge.

Then Huang Bi controlled the power of Yuanshi, and the three of them began to quickly sink in the ocean of flames. As the three of them sank, they caused the flame pythons in the ocean of flames. note.

Several flame pythons gathered in the ocean of flames, wanting to swallow the three directly, but with Huang Bi, how can there be so many flame pythons with only the demon saint’s cultivation base? Got hurt.

Huang Bi faintly looked at the fast-swimming flame python, thoughts move, outside the sphere where the three of them are, there is a number of Yuanshi powers, and it is not waiting for these pythons to approach and move away. The power of the original beginning is to condense into a number of long spears, which instantly penetrates those pythons.

The huge body of the flame python that turned into a corpse was swallowed by the raging flame almost instantly, two breaths time, it disappeared without a trace.

But as the three of them continued to sink, more and more flame pythons seemed to have received some kind of signal and began to gather from all directions, even if they were easily killed by Huang Bi. Attack them desperately.

“Interesting, these Monster Beasts are not afraid of death and have been rushing over. It seems that they have been manipulated in some way!”

Although I can’t see the surrounding situation, Huang Bi Using the power of Yuanshi to cover thousands of miles around, you can easily perceive the surrounding flame pythons.

These flame pythons continue to converge from all directions and attack the earth-yellow mask when they know they will be killed. This situation is absolutely unreasonable.

Especially they did not provoke these flame pythons. The only explanation is that these flame pythons are protecting something, and Huang Bi and the others are now threatening something.

“How is the situation outside now?”

Tang Lei did not radiate his original power, because now Huang Bi is fully able to cope with this situation, it’s just this As a result, Tang Lei was unable to probe the situation outside.

“You just need to explore it yourself, not only those flame pythons are constantly attacking us, but the destructive power contained in the surrounding flames is also constantly improving!”

Huang Bi lightly saying, Tang Lei then radiated the power of the origin within the body, because the outside is full of flames, so Tang Lei just condense the power of the origin of the golden flame, the golden streamer flows in the scarlet flame Soon, Tang Lei also discovered the unusualness of these scarlet flames outside.

“As we get deeper and deeper, the power of the surrounding flames is also increasing. This has far exceeded the flames we saw above, and even some approaching the dragon flames. It’s powerful!”

Tang Lei said with a solemn expression, the World Extinguishing Dragon Flame is a special flame unique to the Dragon Elephant clan, especially the World Extinguishing Dragon Flame released by Tang Lei. The power of Jin Chi’s Primal Beginning is stronger than the World Extinguishing Dragon Flame displayed by the ordinary Dragon Elephant clan, but at this moment, Tang Lei feels that the energy in the outer flame is almost close to what he used before fusing the Primal Force’s power. The power of the world-destroying dragon flame!

Be aware that this is just a fire sea in a medium-sized world, but now it contains such a powerful Flame Power, which is absolutely extraordinary!

“It seems that I guessed right at the beginning. The reason for the formation of the Hell World is that this place used to be a huge vein of Fire Spirit Stone, and we are now going deep into that Fire Spirit Stone Ore Vein. Within, it can even be said that we are already not in the world of fierce prisons within the realm. At that time, a considerable part or even most of the Spirit Stone Ore Vein existed in the Primal Chaos void.”

Huang Bi lightly saying, Huang Bi is the Emperor of Yuan Shi after all. Although Huang Bi does not participate in the Primal Chaos world, he immediately analyzed the general situation when he saw this kind of thing.

“Not in the hell world? You mean this fire Spirit Stone Ore Vein is independent of the hell world? The two are just interlinked, but the body of the fire Spirit Stone Ore Vein, Still in the Primal Chaos Void?”

Tang Lei said in shock.

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