When Tang Lei went to Ancestral Soul Mountain, what Tang Lei didn’t know was that after the patrolling team left, Heili actually appeared on the patrol of Tang Lei’s team. location.

Although there was no accident, Heili wanted to make a personal tour, and then the Martial Artists in Tang Lei’s team gathered one after another, but Tang Lei was the only one missing.

“One less person!”

Heili is slightly frowned, and then found out that it is the Martial Artist who seems to be the youngest in the team. Heili still has a good deal with Tang Lei. Some impressions.

The other six Martial Artists in the void looked at each other in blank dismay. These people are not familiar with each other. Usually everyone has their own cultivation. They have never cared about each other, but now Tang Lei disappeared unexpectedly, and everyone didn’t know where Tang Lei went.

“Hurry up and find him, he must be found, otherwise you squad will not end well!”

Heili face turned cold, said sharply, and then The six Martial Artists dispersed immediately. In fact, the area they were responsible for was not large, so it was easy to find them. After the time it takes to burn one stick of incense, the six Martial Artists came back one after another.

“We have searched all the surrounding areas, but there is no trace of that young Martial Artist at all!”

The six Martial Artists looked a little ugly at the moment, they and Tang Lei is a team, but now that Tang Lei is missing, they must also be responsible.

“Find it for me, I don’t believe he can escape quietly. There are Martial Artists around the cold front world who are always on guard, and he escaped directly!”

Black Li angrily said, in this case, a Martial Artist disappeared out of thin air, which made Heili vaguely feel a little uneasy, so Tang Lei must be found anyway.

Under Heili’s severe reprimand, the six Martial Artists had to leave again and began to look for Tang Lei around the entire Cold Front Realm. Heili wanted to launch other Martial Artists to search, but he thought of this again. Don’t make any announcements, otherwise it may cause instability of Martial Artists around the cold front world.

So Heili could only start searching in the void around the Cold Front Realm himself, but also found nothing.

At this time, Tang Lei has entered the space of Ancestral Soul Mountain. Like Tang Lei previously guessed, the outer space of Ancestral Soul Mountain in the Cold Front Realm is also full of extreme violent violence. energy of.

A large number of spars are piled up below, and violent energy continues to flow from the Array below. At the same time, the violent energy in the space continues to penetrate into the Ancestral Soul Mountain, affecting The energy in the Ancestral Soul Mountain.

“The purpose of Black Wilderness is really not simple. It is not only around the Black Fiend Realm, but also around the Black Yao Realm. Such an array is also arranged around the Black Yao Realm. Furious, these energies are transmitted to Hei Yao within the realm, and the Hei Yao world is so far away from the Central Great World. How can Hei Huang transmit the energy in the Hei Yao realm to the Central Great World?”

Tang Lei Station In the space, looking at the violent energy in the space, frowned and thought. To be honest, Tang Lei really couldn’t think of any way to do it.

Tang Lei can’t think of it for the time being. It doesn’t mean that Heihuang can’t do it. Since Heihuang does this, he must be sure that he can transfer this energy to the Central Great World!

Tang Lei shook his head slightly!

For the time being, I don’t want to think of it, anyway, this time is to explore the extent of these violent energies, and see if he can calculate when these violent energies can completely violent energy in the Ancestral Soul Mountain.

The time for these Arrays to start and operate should be the same, so when the ancestral spirit mountain energy is completely violent, it is very likely that it is during the black waste operation, Tang Lei no longer stays in the outer space, and Going forward, he wants to enter the inner space of Ancestral Soul Mountain, carefully feel these violent energies in the inner space, and then predict a more accurate time.

When Tang Lei was in action, outside of Cold Front Realm, Heili and six other Martial Artists were quickly shuttled in the void around Cold Front Realm. All seven of them were Martial Emperor Realm and wanted to explore. The void outside of a medium-sized world is not difficult. Soon Heili and the others explored the void outside the entire Cold Front Realm, but still couldn’t find any trace of Tang Lei.

“Damn it, where did that person go? Did he really run away secretly? If this matter goes out, if he gets caught, he will probably be put to death. !”

A Martial Artist in squad angrily said, because when they met Tang Lei before, the Martial Artist who led them had seen Tang Lei’s token, if Tang Lei really If he escaped, then once Haili reported the matter, Tang Lei would definitely be wanted.

Heili is also quite angry. There are that many Martial Artists outside the Cold Front Realm. He does not believe that Tang Lei can escape quietly, but if Tang Lei does not leave the void around the Cold Front Realm, he can Where do you go?

Heili stood in the void, then looked at the space restrictions around the Lengfeng Realm, suddenly the complexion changed, and a bold idea appeared in his mind.

“Did that Martial Artist enter the space restriction of the Cold Front Realm?”

Heili also didn’t quite believe the idea that suddenly appeared in his mind, because of the space around the Cold Front Realm. The prohibition is very powerful, and Tang Lei is just a Martial Artist of the 2nd layer Martial Emperor Realm. If the opponent wants to enter the space prohibition, then Heili impossible does not know that when the time comes, the entire prohibition will also produce strong energy fluctuations.

But if the other party did not enter the ban, how could it disappear out of thin air?

I have searched for Martial Artists in the same team as Tang Lei several times, but there are still no traces at all. The six Martial Artists are also a little scared at the moment. If Tang Lei really has any accidents , Several of them are also responsible.

“You guys, have you observed anything unusual about him? Do you know him?”

Heili looked at the six Martial Artists in the team, coldly said.

But these six Martial Artists were also made up temporarily, and Tang Lei was encountered directly not far from the cold front world. Naturally, they were impossible to understand Tang Lei.

“Heili Sir, we really don’t know anything about that Martial Artist. At that time, we met him next to the cold front world, and we didn’t know that he was doing and so on before.”

A Martial Artist then said. Hearing these words, Heili’s face became even more ugly. The opponent had stayed around the Lengfeng Realm before, and the guess in Heili’s heart suddenly felt that it might be Really.

If the opponent is really observing the cold front realm at first, then the opponent may also be looking for a way to enter the cold front realm, and it happens to become the guard of the cold front realm directly.

Thinking about it this way, Heili suddenly felt that things might be a lot more serious than he thought. If the opponent is really from the very beginning, there is a premeditated plan, then it is indeed very possible for the opponent to enter the cold front world.

“You continue to search around the cold front world. If you can’t find it, the six of you will also be punished!”

Heili coldly said, the six Martial Artists can only helpless He dispersed again and continued to search for Tang Lei’s traces, while Heili looked at the restrictions around the cold front realm. Now he has no evidence to prove that Tang Lei entered the cold front within the realm.

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