In World Tree’s Source Space, Lumeng and Shitian are working together to transfer the power of the original beginning to Tang Lei’s within the body, although Tang Lei within the body three The power of Dao Yuanshi continued to repel, but the energy of the world urging the tree of the entire world finally successfully transported this power of Yuanshi into Tang Lei’s body.

As soon as the power of the original origin entered Tang Lei’s body, the World Tree of Tang Lei Martial Soul within the realm felt the power of the original origin, and suddenly began to absorb the green wildly. The power of the original dream.

The seedling of Tang Lei within the body’s World Tree was originally given to Tang Lei by Lumeng, and now this seedling has grown into a towering tree, and it has become Tang Lei’s Martial Soul world pillar.

Tang Lei within the body’s World Tree also contains some Yuanshi powers, but these Yuanshi powers are even rarer. As Tang Lei’s strength continues to improve, the energy in World Tree has already Gradually assimilated with Tang Lei’s energy.

But at this moment a large amount of the power of the original beginning has entered Tang Lei’s body, making the World Tree of Tang Lei within the body begin to absorb these original beginning powers frantically, and the original beginning power of one after another is taken by the World Tree absorbed, and at the same time, the original power of Green Dream also gradually integrated into Tang Lei’s body because of World Tree.

“World Tree? You actually gave this thing to Tang Lei. It seems that you believe that Tang Lei is the Savior of Primal Chaos World!”

Shi Tian After seeing Tang Lei within the body’s World Tree, he looked at Lumeng in shock and said.

Because if Lumeng does not give it to Tang Lei, Lumeng has the hope to recover to its Peak state with it. Although it takes a long, long time, Lumeng is at least hopeful of.

And now Lumeng’s only hope is to swallow the power of Shitian within the body and regain control of the body of World Tree. Of course Shitian would not want to.

“I keep it to no effect, even if I return to the Peak period, what can I do? The situation of Primal Chaos world is no longer something that a Yuanshi Emperor can change. Tang Lei is our hope In order for Tang Lei to break through the Ruler Realm world, I can even sacrifice myself!”

Green Dream said solemnly.

“Hmph, I don’t have the same level of awareness as you, but if Tang Lei can really break through the Ruler Realm world, at least this side of the Primal Chaos world will be safe, and I don’t need to leave this side. Primal Chaos world, when the time comes Tang Lei, if I can condense the ancestral soul mountain fragments, I will be free!”

Shitian lightly saying, if Tang Lei can break through the Ruler Realm world, for It is also the best result for Shitian. Although Shitian said that he can leave this Primal Chaos world at worst, World Tree is now restricted by the fragments of Ancestral Soul Mountain, even if this Primal Chaos world is really foreign Occupied by the world Martial Artist, Shitian can hardly escape.

“I can assure you that if when the time comes, the fragments of Ancestral Soul Mountain merge again, we will definitely not embarrass you!”

Lv Meng said solemnly to Shitian, Now that World Tree controls the source power of World Tree, it is of great help to Lumeng. Shitian can not only monitor the actions of foreign world Martial Artists, but also can insight into the black waste plan. You must know this time foreign The core of the world Martial Artist’s plan is World Tree. If Shi Tian really cooperates with them, it may not be very difficult to stop the foreign world Martial Artist’s plan.

“Cooperate with you? Don’t think I’m in a group with you now. I’m just thinking about myself. Now my identity has been exposed. These foreign world Martial Artists will definitely not be Will let me go. If there is an accident in Tang Lei today, I am afraid I will not end well!”

Shitian said coldly, Shitian has not decided whether to follow Lumeng and the others, but now Shitian really wants to help Tang Lei, because his identity has been exposed, the foreign world Martial Artist will definitely not let him go. This Sir is very important to the foreign world Martial Artist, if Being able to work with Tang Lei to kill Ann Sir, even if it’s just killing the other’s Avatar, Shi Tian will be much safer in the future.

A large amount of the power of the origin is continuously transmitted to Tang Lei’s body, and the World Tree of Tang Lei within the body continuously absorbs these powers of the origin, making the energy in the World Tree more and more huge At the same time, Tang Lei’s Martial Soul world has become more and more expansive, and soon the energy of Tang Lei within the body has reached Peak.

A majestic energy is released from within the body of Tang Lei. Tang Lei actually broke through the realm at this time and reached the 3rd-layer Martial Emperor Realm. When the breakthrough realm, Tang Lei within The power of the body’s original beginning also fluctuates violently.

Originally, without Tang Lei’s control, it was difficult for the original power of Lumeng to be integrated into Tang Lei’s body, but now because of Tang Lei within the body that World Tree With the existence of, a large amount of the power of the original beginning of the green dream entered into Tang Lei’s body, and because Tang Lei just broke through the realm, the energy within the body is in a very chaotic state, originally fused with the three dao The energy of the power of Yuanshi was affected by the power of Lumeng’s Yuanshi, and it started to continuously swallow and absorb the power of Lumeng’s Yuanshi.

And the outside Lumeng and Shitian can clearly perceive the situation of Tang Lei within the body at this moment, so both of them are very excited at this moment. The force can continuously swallow the power of the original beginning of the green dream, then Tang Lei is really possible to merge the power of the 4th original beginning in this state.

At this moment in Tang Lei’s consciousness, within the realm, the contest between Tang Lei and Ann Sir has not ended. Tang Lei’s body is still burning with golden flames, constantly resisting the pure white surrounding rays of light, but Ann Sir is not at all anxious, Tang Lei’s consciousness is constantly depleting, as time gets longer and longer, Tang Lei will definitely be unable to hold on.

And Ann Sir intends to refine Tang Lei into his own puppet, and later become his loyal subordinate, so Ann Sir does not want to destroy Tang Lei’s soul, but intends to torture Tang Lei to a great extent After the exhausted state, directly grasp the soul of Tang Lei.

“Stop struggling, your consciousness has gradually become weak, give up resistance, I can let you die without any pain, and even I can retain some of your consciousness!”


Ann Sir looked at Tang Lei who was struggling in the Array, lightly saying.

“You dream, here is my consciousness world, it is not your turn to call the shots!”

Tang Lei clenching one’s teeth and said, Tang Lei is indeed about to be unable to hold on , But no matter how hard and hard it is, he has to stick to it. Just after Tang Lei tried his best to say this, a green beam of light suddenly burst out of Tang Lei’s body, and instantly enveloped Tang Lei’s body.

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