“It seems that those foreign world Martial Artists have great determination to occupy the Extreme Cold Great World. This time they retreat, but the next attack will be more fierce, even if It is with the help of bloodfiend, and it may not be able to withstand it!”

Demoness Bloodfiend looked at and said coldly. Although Leng Jue said that he was ready to die in battle, Demoness Blood Fiend did not want to die. Here, the blood concubine is only here to help. If Extreme Cold Great World is really about to fall, then she will definitely flee with the bloodfiend and won’t stay in the Extreme Cold Great World.

“What do you mean? Do you want me to give up Extreme Cold Great World?”

Looking at the Demoness coldly, the blood concubine said, the blood concubine is here to help, so Leng Jue couldn’t get angry, but the words of the blood concubine still made Leng Jue very angry.

“You can ask your Venerable Lord Lanxue, because the foreign world Martial Artist is not only invading the Extreme Cold Great World, but the current situation of the Extreme Cold Great World, you should also know it well, you can Tell Lan Xue all about the situation here, and see if Lan Xue makes you stick to the Extreme Cold Great World or has other orders!” Demoness Blood Concubine shrugged and said, Blood Concubine doesn’t matter, anyway. When the Extreme Cold Great World is occupied, the blood concubine can run away directly, but since Red Slaughter asked her to bring the bloodfiend to help the Extreme Cold Great World, the blood concubine is unwilling to see the clansman of these Phoenix Races all died in battle. Here, after all, this is a battle with the foreign world Martial Artist, and the blood concubine and Leng Jue are still on the same front.

I thought about it coldly, and then nodded. If the foreign world Martial Artists attack again, they will be almost impossible to resist.

Leng Jue told Lan Xue about the situation of Extreme Cold Great World using secret techniques, whether or not to continue to guard Extreme Cold Great World? Such a decision should indeed be made by their Venerable Lord-Lan Xue Out.

At this moment, Lan Xue is still in the void around the Hei Yao Realm. The Hei Yao Realm is being ravaged by violent energy. According to Lu Meng’s instructions, after destroying the Array, Lan Xue still needs to stay Hei Yao within the realm maintains the stability of the Hei Yao realm.

After receiving the cold news, Lan Xue’s face also became heavy in an instant. Extreme Cold Great World will experience the foreign world Martial Artist’s attack. This is what Lan Xue had expected before. However, for the actions in the Black Yao world, Lan Xue could only take away the powerful Martial Artist of Extreme Cold Phoenix Race. At this moment, the power of Extreme Cold Great World is relatively weak.

According to the cold news, the force sent by the foreign world Martial Artist is very strong. It seems that the other party is bound to win the Extreme Cold Great World.

After hesitating for a while, Lan Xue made a decision, and then gave the order to Leng Jue.

Lan Xue will not leave the Hei Yao world, because the battle around the Central Great World is more important than the Extreme Cold Great World.

After Leng Jue in Extreme Cold Great World received Lan Xue’s news, his face also became very heavy.

“How on earth? What do you Venerable Lord want to do?”

Demoness blood concubine lightly saying.

“Blue Snow Sir ordered us to withdraw from the Extreme Cold Great World and use the Array of Extreme Cold Great World to ban the entire Great World!”

Said solemnly .

“This is indeed a wise decision. It doesn’t make much sense to fight those foreign world Martial Artists to death. You can’t hold onto this Great World. It’s better to retreat immediately, when the time comes, etc. You Venerable Lord come back with other clansman, with no difficulty you can retake the Extreme Cold Great World!”

Demoness blood concubine said with a smile, in this way, blood concubine does not need to command bloodfiend continues to fight here. You must know that these bloodfiends are carefully cultivated by Red Slaughter. If any bloodfiend is lost due to the Battle of the Extreme Cold Great World, the bloodfiend will be extremely distressed.

“Blood concubine, we will evacuate the Martial Artists in the Extreme Cold Great World next, and we need your help. We leave the Extreme Cold Great World. Those foreign world Martial Artists may take the opportunity to do something with us. And I want to control the Array of the Extreme Cold Great World, so I can only ask you to escort them away!”

Looking at the Demoness indifferently, the blood concubine said solemnly.

“No problem, I want those foreign world Martial Artists It shouldn’t be to continue their hands. Their goal is Extreme Cold Great World. They don’t want to kill all of you. You should give orders as soon as possible. Well, if you wait for the foreign world Martial Artist to attack again and retreat when the time comes, the loss will become huge!”

Blood concubine lightly saying.

He was nodded, and then immediately issued an order. The order to retreat did surprise many Martial Artists in the Extreme Cold Great World, but after the tragic battle just now, most Martial Artists didn’t want to Continue to fight.

Though the Martial Artists of the Extreme Ice Phoenix Race are determined to die, since this order was issued by the Venerable Lord Lan Xue Sir, they will naturally choose to obey the orders of their own Venerable Lord.

Lan Xue has been operating in Extreme Cold Great World for thousands of years, and has arranged various Arrays in Extreme Cold Great World, and coldly used Extreme Cold Great World’s Array to open each In the Space Teleportation channel, then arranged for the Martial Artists and various forces in the Extreme Cold Great World to evacuate in an orderly manner. Although they have withdrawn from the Extreme Cold Great World, they will stay in the ice field and wait for Lan Xue to return. After that, they will definitely retake Extreme Cold Great World.

Demoness Bloodfiend flew directly into the void around the Extreme Cold Great World with the bloodfiend. The foreign world Martial Artist not at all left, but in the void which is far away from the Extreme Cold Great World. However, after seeing the Martial Artist of Extreme Cold Great World retreating, these foreign world Martial Artists did not at all immediately attacked.

The bloodfiend just now also brought great damage to the foreign world Martial Artists. Their purpose is to occupy the Extreme Cold Great World, not to kill these Martial Artists. Martial Artists are retreating, which means that clansman of Phoenix Race has given up on Extreme Cold Great World, which is also a good thing for them.

After all Martial Artists in Extreme Cold Great World retreated, Leng Jue came to the center of Extreme Cold Great World, and then mobilized the power of the entire Array again, and then moved the ice sword in his hand directly towards the ground Cast.

The ice sword plunged into the ground. In the next moment, a strong extreme chill began to erupt in the Extreme Cold Great World, and huge ice cubes began to bulge from the ground. The entire Extreme Cold Great World It will become a frozen world, allowing those foreign world Martial Artists impossible to easily enter the Extreme Cold Great World.

Leng Jue also left the Extreme Cold Great World afterwards. She failed to protect the Extreme Cold Great World, but they will definitely come back again.

The Martial Artist outside was ready, and he flew out without hesitation, leading the Martial Artist of the Extreme Cold Great World, evacuated to the other world in the ice field, and temporarily lurked.

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