“Sir, what should we do now? Although we have found Ann Sir’s subordinates, but not at all tangible evidence, and Ann Sir is also one of the five lords, if We went up like this, I’m afraid Ann Sir will not admit it, and according to our news, just yesterday, Ann Sir and Glacier had a dispute in Death Canyon, and Ann Sir has already appeared!”

Blasting The high lord’s men told Blasting the news of the investigation. Although they said they had found Ann Sir’s body, there was not at all enough evidence. It would be unrealistic to ask Ann Sir to surrender the treasure based on the evidence now. .

“Evidence? What is evidence? Since I know he did it, then Ann Sir must spit out my things, and immediately send someone to notify Ann Sir, so that he can deliver the things immediately. Come out and give me double compensation. Otherwise, I will directly attack, and at the same time inform the two high lords Binghe and Wukong, let them know about this, when the time comes Ann Sir Become the target of everyone’s siege, I don’t believe that he dared to be an enemy with us!”

Blasting angrily said, Blasting knows that Ann Sir and Huo Lian have an unusual relationship, since the master of this matter is Ann Sir, then the lord Huolian might have also got involved to a large extent, so there is no need to notify Huolian of blasting, just let the two lord Wukong Sir and Glacier know about this matter.

The demolition’s subordinates left immediately. This is indeed a very important thing. If Ann Sir did it, then not only the blasting lord, but also the two lords of Wukong and Glacier. Will spare Ann Sir.

Now there are only twenty-six days left before Huang Lie dominates the pass and wakes up.

After Wukong Sir got the news from the blasting, his face was very calm and he didn’t seem to be surprised.

“Sir, if this thing is really done by Sir Ann, we must not let Sir Ann, we must let Sir Ann return our things!”

Below, Wukong Sir’s other confidant-White Dragon said sharply.

“Things are not that simple. So far, things have just begun. Undercurrents have begun to flow in Huanglie Primal Chaos Great World, and the directions of these undercurrents are all pointing to Ann Sir, no matter which The thing is true or false, at least behind it is aimed at Ann Sir!”

No empty lightly saying.

“Sir means that this matter was deliberately done by foreign world Martial Artists? The purpose is to let us big lords deal with An Sir?”

White Dragon For a moment, he naturally knew about Tang Lei’s cooperation with Wukong Sir. At first White Dragon felt that Wukong Sir should not cooperate with foreign world Martial Artists because they did not know the purpose of these foreign world Martial Artists, and these Foreign world Martial Artist staying in Huanglie Primal Chaos Great World is also a huge threat to Huanglie Primal Chaos Great World.

“These foreign world Martial Artist’s methods surprised me a bit. It seems that their determination to deal with Ann Sir is great. Whether or not Ann Sir does it, at least Ann Sir has already Become the target of public criticism, it depends on whether Ann Sir can survive this level, but if Ann Sir is killed before Huang Lie wakes up, it would not be a bad thing for us!”

None Empty Sir said in a tranquil voice.

“Even if Blasting and Glacier both attack Ann Sir, Ann Sir still has fire, two-on-two. Even if Blasting and Glacier join forces to deal with Ann Sir, it’s not that easy. !”

White Dragon said afterwards, if there is only Ann Sir himself, it is easier to deal with Ann Sir, but Ann Sir also has a helper, that is, the fire of the same high lord.

If it weren’t for fire, An Sir had disappeared for thousands of years in the Primal Chaos Great World, and Ann Sir’s territory had long been invaded by other great lords.

“I said, don’t underestimate the methods of these foreign world Martial Artists. The show has just begun. I believe they will have bigger moves in the future, maybe the relationship between Sir and Huolian I will be provoked too!”

Faintly smiled said Wukong.

“Then what should we do? Since the blasting lord told us the news, we can’t do nothing, right?”

White Dragon said afterwards, now knowing those foreign The world Martial Artists are only themselves acting. Although Ann Sir has fallen into vortex, Ann Sir is currently not aware of his situation, let alone who is secretly dealing with him.

“For us, the situation in Huang Lie Primal Chaos Great World is naturally the more chaotic the better. Send someone to Ann Sir and tell Ann Sir the matter, just like the blasting request. Ask for our lost treasure and double compensation.”

Wukong Sir lightly saying, although Wukong Sir has reached an agreement with Tang Lei and will help Tang Lei kill Ann Sir, but Wukong Sir is What an identity, he would never do it himself. Tang Lei wanted to murder a person with a borrowed knife, and Wukong Sir also had the same idea.

Now that the relationship between the two lords of Blasting and Glacier and Ann Sir has deteriorated rapidly, Wukong Sir only needs to fan the flames next to him. When Wukong Sir is really needed, he must be able to When killing Ann Sir directly!

“I get it!”

White Dragon bowed and replied, followed by White Dragon and dispatched a team of Martial Artists to the territory of Ann Sir.

On the other side, after returning to his palace, Glacier was still considering how to deal with Ann Sir. He received the news from the blasting. After understanding the content of the news, Glacier was naturally extremely anger.

“It turned out that this Ann Sir did it. No wonder this Ann Sir did not participate in the transaction even if he returned to Huang Lie Primal Chaos Great World. It turned out that the main agent behind it was him. This time absolutely You can’t let Ann Sir go. You immediately tell the Explosive Lord that I am willing to act with him. If the Explosive Lord directly breaks out with Ann Sir, then we will definitely take action against Ann Sir!”

Binghe immediately said that if only Binghe was alone, Binghe would naturally not dare to do anything to Ann Sir easily. After all, Ann Sir still had Huo Lian to help, but if the Blast Lord also took action against Ann Sir, the situation would be different.

The combined strength of Glacier and Demolition is definitely stronger than that of Ann Sir and Huo Lian.

Crystal Glacier also immediately sent a team of Martial Artists to the site of Ann Sir to ask for an explanation.

At this moment in An Sir’s territory, Ann Sir is talking with the Lord Huolian. Although Huolian knew about the news that An Sir had returned to Huanglie Primal Chaos Great World, this It was also the first time Huolian saw Ann Sir.

The relationship between Lord Huolian and Sir Ann is very unusual. Sir Ann wanted to see Huolian again after a while, but because of the issue of Glacier, Sir Ann met Huolian in advance.

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