“Is it Zheng Hua?”

“It is very possible that Zheng Hua went out with Ninth Prince Xia Mang, and was directly given by Xia Mang when he came back. He was driven away. It is said that even the pill furnace was lost. During this time, he was pill concocting in some families in Xia Di City. It was really a shame. I heard that he will be kicked out of the Imperial Family next year. Alchemist Association is here!”

“Must kick him out, the dignified Imperial Family Alchemist, it is really embarrassing to work as a coolie for some families. I don’t want to pill concocting with such a person!”

“But how could Zheng Hua’s pill furnace be in this person’s hands? Although Zheng Hua’s Alchemy Technique is very common, after all, after so many years of mixing, he can refine some Grade 5 Medicine Pill, is it possible that Will you lose to this boy?”

“Impossible, look at his appearance, how could it be possible to refine the Grade 5 Medicine Pill, 80% of it was stolen from Zheng Hua!”

There was a tumult among the people around. After seeing the pill furnace that Tang Lei took out, the faces of the middle age person and the elderly became more and more ugly. The value of this pill furnace was indeed high. They couldn’t believe that Tang Lei could actually do it. Take out this kind of pill furnace.

“How about? Is this pill furnace okay, is it qualified for betting?”

Tang Lei looked at the old man, lightly saying.

The old man can’t say no, because the style of this pill furnace is the style of the Imperial Family Alchemist pill furnace. If you say no, wouldn’t you just smash yourself in the foot?

The middle age person next to him wanted to say something, the old man directly reached out and stopped the other person, not allowing the other person to continue talking.

“Well, in that case, the old man is willing to take action and play with you. In order to prevent outsiders from saying that I am bully the weak, I let you choose medicine pill. Since you want to pass the test, at least I also need to refine the Grade 5 top grade medicine pill. Today, as long as you can refine the Grade 5 top grade medicine pill, my pill furnace is yours, and I am willing to abdicate immediately and never ask anything about the Alchemist Association. !”

Dao Pill’s temperament finally can’t be restrained. He didn’t take action before, mainly because he was worried that outsiders said he was bully the weak, but Tang Lei said that just now, and he proposed to bet on the pill furnace. , If he should not fight again, he will be laughed at by others in the future.

A purple-golden pill furnace emerged from Dao Pill’s hand, and then fell to the side with a bang. Dao Pill’s pill furnace was a circle larger than Tang Lei’s pill furnace, surrounded by inlays Several Fire Spirit Stones the size of a bowl.

“Grade 6 Fire Spirit Stone! The Alchemist of the Great Xia Empire is so rich!”

Tang Lei couldn’t help but smile when he saw this pill furnace. Although the pill furnace is not as good as the pill furnace of Tang Lei previous life, it can still be in the eyes of Tang Lei. In the future, Tang Lei can use this pill furnace for pill concocting. There is no need to build a pill furnace for the time being.

“President Dao Pill, this can’t be done. What kind of identity are you, how can you bet Dan with him!”

The middle age person is immediately persuaded, and other people next to him are also persuaded. When I started talking, most of them were to make President Dao Pill not lower oneself to somebody’s level with Tang Lei.

Xia Jun looked at Tang Lei and felt a little anxious. He also wanted to hope that Tang Lei could become the chairman of the Alchemist Association. Who knew that Tang Lei would get along with him as soon as he came.

“I have decided, you don’t have to say much, youngster, what is your name, I hope your Alchemy Technique is as surprising as your ignorance!”

Dao Pill Look With Tang Lei, lightly saying.

“That might disappoint you!”

Tang Lei lightly saying, then Tang Lei and Dao Pill walked directly into the house, two huge pile furnaces Standing on both sides of the room, Tang Lei and Dao Pill were standing next to their pill furnace.

The room was full of people, and most of them wanted to see how President Dao Pill taught this hairless brat who is not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth.

Xia Jun stands behind Tang Lei. It’s useless to say anything until now. He can only hope that Tang Lei can win. But even if Tang Lei wins, he will take Imperial Family Alchemist today. The Alchemist of the Association offended all.

Xia Ying and Situ Ming stood in the crowd. Xia Ying had a smile on his face. This kind of good show was rarely seen. He was originally interested in Tang Lei’s identity, but now Tang Lei is actually To bet against Vice-President of Imperial Family Alchemist.

I don’t know if this is a teenager fearless or if it is really capable.

But Tang Lei’s age is still too young. Reason tells Xia Ying that Tang Lei is definitely asking for trouble, but Xia Ying still has a trace of expectation in her heart, as if Tang Lei can really create miracles.

“Mr. Situ, do you think it is possible for Tang Lei to win?”

“Why does Young Master ask such questions? This Tang Lei is definitely asking for trouble. Where did you get a pill furnace? After learning a few jack of all trades skills, I want to show off and learn from others to bet on pill. If he loses the pill furnace this time, he will be able to learn better!”

Situ Ming said disdainfully, without a smile on his face.

In fact, Situ Ming was very puzzled. Where did this young man’s self-confidence come from? Judging from the appearance of the young man, it seemed that he was really confident, which made Situ Ming the most angry.

Because this is exactly the same as Tang Lei back then. Tang Lei is very confident in his pill concocting technology. Some pill concocting methods have never been tried, but Tang Lei dares to try even if it fails. After hundreds of times, Tang Lei will stick to it because he feels that he is on the right path.

Situ Ming has never been able to do this. Situ Ming uses pill concocting according to the ancient book and various experiences. Every time it is cautiously, I am afraid that there is a little discrepancy with the Danfang records.

And Situ Ming asked himself that his level of effort was several times that of Tang Lei, but Tang Lei was always one step faster than Situ Ming. In the end, Tang Lei was able to skillfully refine Grade 7 Medicine Pill, and Situ Ming still In diligent research Grade 6 top grade medicine pill.

Situ Ming doesn’t understand why God treats himself like this. He has done nothing wrong. He is 10,000 times more careful than Tang Lei, and works dozens of times. He also comes into contact with pill concocting earlier than the other person. Several decades, but why is my Alchemy Technique not as good as Tang Lei.

So Situ Ming gradually cleared the comprehension. Tang Lei was the magic barrier on his Alchemy Technique path. Only when Tang Lei disappears, he can stand out, otherwise others will only notice Tang Lei forever.

Situ Ming succeeded. After Tang Lei disappeared, Situ Ming finally started to shine in Donghuang World.

At this moment, the young man in front of him actually reproduced Tang Lei’s self-confidence that made Situ Ming hate and jealous, and even for a moment he appeared in a trance, as if seeing Tang Lei Came alive again.

Situ Ming’s fists clenched, and looked towards the young man’s eyes were full of killing intents, even if Situ Ming knew in his heart that this young man and Tang Lei were completely two people, but the two people not only have the same name, but they also have the same name. A character that aroused Situ Ming’s strong disgust.

Almost at this moment, Situ Ming had already murdered. In any case, he will not let this young man live.

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