“It seems that the situation in Blackstone City is also very complicated. Since the prince is also in Blackstone City, will Martial Artist be slaughtered and framed?”

Underground Liu Ying’s body was picked up, and Xia Jun chatted with Tang Lei as if nothing happened.

“Why don’t we expose our identity first, and go in secretly to find out.”

Tang Lei stroked his chin, and was also thinking about Blackstone City.

“Okay, let’s rush to the side of Blackstone City to talk.”

Xia Jun nodded, and Liu Ying set up the carriage again, and the little girl stayed on the carriage with her head. Did not dare to show it.

The speed of the entire group has accelerated a bit, and many patients have been seen along the way. These people are trying hard to rush to Blackstone City. Some people want to rob Tang Lei’s carriage, but Liu Ying releases There was a breath, these people felt a fierce killing intent, and they didn’t dare to move forward anymore.

The sun is sinking to the west, unconsciously it is dusk, Blackstone City is faintly visible in the front, but Tang Lei and the others not at all enter Blackstone City directly, but stop the carriage in the city. A relatively remote place outside, waiting for the night to come.

It can be seen that many patients are entering from the city gate, and at the entrance of the city gate, not at all people manage the order. The guards in the city do not know where they are.

“It’s too dangerous here. One person needs to stay to protect the little girl. Two people enter the city to check the situation.”

Tang Lei said, there are patients outside, and the little girl stays alone. It’s too dangerous.

“Then we two go in, Liuying is waiting for us here!”

Xia Jun said, Xia Jun looks like going in and the same is true for Tang Lei, but Liuying It was the strongest among the three, and Liu Ying wanted to protect Xia Jun’s safety, not to protect this little girl.

“Young Master, this matter is too dangerous. Do you want to think about it? I can go in and find out, and then come out to join you!”

Liuying Said, he even hoped to inquire about intelligence by himself.

“Don’t worry, Tang Lei and I will be fine. If we really fight inside, it’s not too late for you to support us when the time comes!”

After breaking into the Martial Ancestor realm, Xia Jun was still very confident in his battle strength. Although Tang Lei’s realm was low, his terrifying battle strength seemed to him to be better than his Martial Ancestor realm powerhouse. weak.

With the strength of the two of them, sneaking into the city, unless discovered by a particularly powerful Martial Artist, there will be no danger.

Liu Ying wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Xia Jun.

Then Tang Lei and Xia Jun prepared for a while, then put on a black clothed suit and secretly moved towards the Blackstone City under the night.

The scale of Blackstone City is about the same as Yunliu City. It is the smallest city. Now there are no guards in the city. Tang Lei and Xia Jun easily climbed onto the city wall. There are no guards on the walls either.

Standing on the city wall and looking into the city, the lights inside are very dim, almost nothing can be seen, only some dark shadows are constantly walking, which should be in the dark. Walking patient.

“How does it feel like a ghost town here, if it can treat diseases, shouldn’t it be very lively?”

Xia Jun lay on the city wall and whispered to Tang Lei .

“Who knows, see if you can find the guards here, then ask the location of the City Lord and the county king, and see if they know what the truth is!”

Tang Lei whispered, and then Tang Lei and Xia Jun moved quickly on the city wall, using the faint starlight in the sky to roughly determine the location of the City Lord Mansion.

In order to demonstrate the dominance of the City Lord, the generally speaking and the City Lord Mansion are both built in the center of the city. Tang Lei pointed to Xia Jun to a huge building in the distance, and then two people Turn down the city wall and walk through the silent darkness.

Occasionally one or two Martial Artists passed by, but they seemed to be indifferent to the actions of Tang Lei and Xia Jun, walking around in the dark like a walking corpse.

The two people tried not to make any noise, and quickly approached the huge building. Soon they turned over to the top of the building.

Tang Lei took a rough look. This should be the City Lord Mansion, but there is not even a little light in the City Lord Mansion, you can’t see anything, and you can’t feel the breath of a living person. .

“Jin Chi, can you feel other people’s breath?”

Tang Lei asked.

Then Jin Chi exhaled his consciousness and silently enveloped the entire City Lord Mansion.

“No, there is no living person around, but there is a strange aura shrouded in this place. I am afraid there is something else under the City Lord Mansion.”

“Don’t Things?”

Tang Lei was surprised. Could it be that there is still a place of charm and beauty under the City Lord Mansion?

“It should be isolated by Array. I can’t detect the following situation. Please see if there is any change in that small insect.”

Tang Lei stretched out his hand, the size of the rice grain The insect is still alive in Tang Lei’s palm, but the small insect seems to be very anxious, crawling back and forth, and even wants to get out of Tang Lei’s palm, but Martial Dao True Origin is wrapped in a trace of annihilation. Shilongyan, small insect is afraid of dragon flames, and dare not approach for a while.

“It should have sensed something. You can eliminate the world-destroying dragon flames around you and see where it wants to go.”

According to Jin Chi’s guidance, Tang As soon as Lei dissolved the World Extinguishing Dragon Flame, this small insect began to crawl.

But it always crawls on Tang Lei’s palm, and Martial Dao True Origin on the first floor always holds the small insect.

“Quickly keep up with it, it is probably going to find the poison Insect Queen!”

Jin Chi quickly reminded that Tang Lei waved his hand to Xia Jun, let Xia Jun follow He got on himself, then Tang Lei stretched out his hand, and then kept moving forward according to the direction the small insect was crawling.

Xia Jun didn’t know what Tang Lei was going to do, but he continued to follow Tang Lei behind him, and at the same time he was vigilant about the surrounding situation, worried that others would find them.

Two dark shadows are constantly walking on the roof, and the bugs stop and go, seeming to be constantly looking for something.

Fortunately, the night is relatively dark, with only faint starlight. No one noticed Tang Lei and Xia Jun walking on the roof. There were patients lying on the street below. Some people were dead, and Some people lay on the ground and groaned without seeing any signs of recover completely.

Combined with what the fat man told Xia Jun before he came, at this moment Xia Jun couldn’t help but feel a little worried.

Tang Lei, who was walking in front, stopped suddenly. Xia Jun almost didn’t hit Tang Lei. As soon as Xia Jun was about to speak, Tang Lei made a silent gesture, and then pointed to the front left. .

Xia Jun looked sideways in the direction of Tang Lei’s suffering, and saw that under the faint starlight, a group of Martial Artists were lining up one hundred and fifty meters away. , In front of it seemed to be a big hole. These Martial Artists kept entering the hole, but no one came out.

The small insect in Tang Lei’s palm also wanted to move towards the entrance of the cave, but it was wrapped in Martial Dao True Origin by Tang Lei and could only be twisted back and forth in vain.

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