After Tang Lei, Xia Jun, and Liuying left Blackstone City, they immediately went to the nearest ward, but because of the relatively long distance, the three of them rushed quickly for two days and two nights. Time, finally arrived in a city in the border area of ​​Shuanghe County, the nearest to Tietong County.

The situation in the city is much better than Tang Lei imagined. It seems that some bustling scenes have been restored. Tang Lei couldn’t help but sighed secretly: Crown Prince Xia Ying’s movements are still quite fast.

As for Xia Jun and Liu Ying, the monk Zhang Er is confused and completely confused. What is going on?

It is reasonable to say that this place is very close to the ward. People here should be in a hurry to flee for their lives. How can it feel like nothing is the same here?

The three of them entered the city. Although Tang Lei roughly knew what was going on, at this time, it was not appropriate to tell. Following Xia Jun Liuying and the two went into the city to inquire about the situation, it was considered that they knew what was happening. What happened in He County, within these two days, the disease in Shuanghe County suddenly disappeared, and those who were sick directly recovered completely.

The news surprised Xia Jun. Although this is good news, the outbreak of the disease was very sudden. How could it end so suddenly now?

After confirming that the news is true, the three people decided to live in this small city. At the same time, Xia Jun used the intelligence of the Great Xia Imperial Family to learn about the latest intelligence of the entire Great Xia Empire.

The task of collecting intelligence naturally needs Liuying to do. Liuying takes Xia Jun’s token to prove his identity to the County City. There is Great Xia in every county’s County City. The intelligence agency established by the Imperial Family is only open to members of the Great Xia Imperial Family.

“What’s the matter, what’s new?”

The speed of Liuying inquiring about news is still very fast. He came back early in the morning on 2nd day and entered the door. Tang Lei immediately asked Tao.

“There are several more important news. The first one is good news. It seems that the disease that broke out in the entire Great Xia Empire has been brought under control in these two days, and those who contracted the disease have all recovered completely Now.”

Liuying said while standing in front of Xia Jun and Tang Lei.

“Has the Empire investigated the cause?”

Xia Jun asked immediately.

“No, there is no news about this.”

Liuying lightly saying.

Hearing this news, Xia Jun seemed to be a little bit more lost. Originally, Xia Jun came out this time to control the disease and to investigate the cause. Now they have finally found a way to control it. As a result, patients in the entire empire have recovered completely, so it is even more difficult to investigate the reasons behind it.

“At present, the empire has sent troops to various counties to maintain the stability of the county. However, the empire’s movement is very large this time. It is estimated that the purpose is not only to maintain stability, but also to prepare for the comprehensive cooperation with Donghuang. Fight.”

Liu Ying continued, this news is not surprising, Tang Lei can guess it, since the disease has disappeared, the Great Xia Empire will definitely take the opportunity to set up the Great Xia Empire. It has become more tight, preventing Donghuang people from infiltrating easily.


After finishing the last message, Liu Ying hesitated while speaking.

“But what, what else, hurry up and say it.”

Tang Lei urged from the side, now why even Liuying has begun to pester and chirp.

“Let’s talk!”

Xia Jun suddenly had a bad feeling, but Xia Jun still wanted Liu Ying to tell the story.

“Because of Donghuang’s pressure, the Imperial Family plans to start the clan association in advance. It is said that the Elder House wants to abdicate Emperor Xia and support Crown Prince Xia Ying to become the new Emperor Xia.”

After Liu Ying finished speaking, she stood there without saying a word. After Tang Lei heard the news, he pretended to glance at Xia Jun casually, and Xia Jun’s face was indeed full of surprise.

The clan meeting of the Great Xia Imperial Family is only held once every ten years. For the Great Xia Imperial Family, the clan meeting is the highest level meeting and can decide any matter in the Imperial Family, even Appoint and remove Emperor Xia!

“I believe that the Imperial Father will not be unprepared. I can’t help you in this matter. Even if I return to Xia Emperor City now, after the clan meeting, I I can’t say a word. I believe the Imperial Father, the Imperial Father will definitely make the best decision for the Great Xia Empire!” Xia Jun was silent for a long time before lightly saying.

Xia Ying and Xia Shun’s fight, Xia Jun couldn’t participate at all, and Xia Jun didn’t have this strength either.

And Tang Lei on the side knows a lot of inside information, and even knows the ultimate goal of Xia Ying, but now Tang Lei can’t tell Xia Jun. With Xia Jun’s current cultivation base and strength, he participates in the throne. The struggle is entirely one’s own courting death.

“Yes, I also believe in Your Majesty.”

Liu Ying said solemnly.

“Since it’s useless to go back, I might as well stay outside. This time there is a sudden outbreak of disease in the Great Xia Empire. I’m afraid no one has investigated the truth yet, so let me do it. Although I don’t know if I can help, I can be regarded as my contribution to the Great Xia Empire.”

Xia Jun decided not to go back for the time being.

Tang Lei in the heart nodded. At this moment, the Xia Emperor City is so chaotic. In the future, even for a long time, various struggles will definitely be staged in the Great Xia Imperial Family. Relatively speaking, Xia Jun may be safer to stay outside.

But Tang Lei must find a chance to go back once, since he decided to cooperate with Crown Prince-Xia Ying, and Xia Ying gave Tang Lei a hundred copies of [War Divine Pill] early. Materials, the value of this hundred parts of materials is even higher than the wealth of an ordinary empire. If converted into Soul Crystal Stone or Primal Chaos spar, it must be a very unimaginable huge sum of money.

However, since he agreed to Xia Ying, Tang Lei will not embezzle this thing. Tang Lei will destroy the people of the cloud heaven in the future. This thing is not too much in his eyes.

Once the refining is successful, this batch of Divine Pill and Tang Lei will be immediately delivered to Crown Prince Xia Ying.

If Xia Ying really fights Donghuang,【Divine Pill】will definitely play a huge role. When the time comes, I don’t know what the chaos will be. Tang Lei wants to go and join in the fun. But I was also worried that if I were to be involved in the war, I would not be able to eat anymore.

“Tomorrow we will leave this place and head to Shuanghe County. Although the patients have recovered completely, but it hasn’t been long since the incident, we must be able to find some clues.”

Xia Jun continued, and then turned to look towards Tang Lei.

“What do you think? Should we return to Xia Di City or continue to stay outside?”

“I can do it. I also want to investigate the black ball more clearly.”

Tang Lei nodded said.

Then Tang Lei suddenly remembered something. He hesitated and didn’t know whether to speak. Xia Jun saw Tang Lei’s expression and knew Tang Lei had something to say.

“Just say what you want. The two of us have gone through so many lives and deaths, there is nothing we can’t say.”

Xia Jun thought Tang Lei wanted to return to Xia Di After all, in comparison, Xia Di City is definitely safer than outside. In addition, Lin Senior Feng seems to take care of Tang Lei. With Lin Senior Feng’s protection, Tang Lei’s safety must not be worried.

“I want to ask if there is a large Soul Crystal Stone vein in Shuanghe County!”

Tang Lei said.

“Soul Crystal Stone vein?”

Xia Jun was taken aback for a moment, wondering why Tang Lei suddenly faced such a problem.

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to steal your Soul Crystal Stone. I’m just asking. Of course, if you show me the distribution of all Soul Crystal Stone veins in the Great Xia Empire, That would be even better!”

Tang Lei said with a smile, but this is almost impossible.

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