At the same time, in the County Palace, Du Shanhe, the prince of Shuanghe County, is receiving Xia Mang in the main hall. Unlike the original Siqi Empire, Xia Mang looks He is full of vigor, and his strength has been upgraded to the realm of the 9th layer Martial Marquis Peak.

On the surface, Du Shanhe was talking and laughing with Xia Mang. In fact, Du Shanhe was still thinking about the residents of Shuanghe County. Now the situation has just recovered. It was when he was busy, but Xia Mang was the prince. He couldn’t put Xia Mang on the sidelines, he could only accompany Xia Mang hard.

Behind Xia Mang, there are five Martial Artists standing there, without a trace of expression on their faces, and without saying a word, standing there like wood.

Du Shanhe looked towards the opponent from time to time. Although the opponent did not release his breath, Du Shanhe could feel that these five people were stronger than one, and each of them was above him.

At this moment, a soldier rushed in from outside, one-knee kneels, and reported.

“Sir, there is a guest coming from outside and he is coming here.”

“What, didn’t you see that I have a distinguished guest here! Take him to the study first In.”

Du Shanhe said quickly.


The soldier didn’t know what to say for a while, because Xia Jun was behind him, time was too late, and looking at Xia Jun’s posture, it didn’t look like It is someone who can negotiate.

“It’s okay, since the prince has guests, then let the guests in, maybe I know it too.”

Xia Mang said with a faint smile.

Du Shanhe didn’t understand Xia Mang’s temper. In fact, this was the first time Du Shanhe met Xia Mang. He had a good impression of Xia Mang. Xia Mang not only had a good conversation, but also had no airs.

“This…is there something wrong?”

Du Shanhe looked towards Xia Mang, hesitated.

“It’s okay. There are more people and a little more lively.”

Xia Mang said with a Hexi smile on his face.

There was a smile on his face, but Xia Mang didn’t think so in her heart. Xia Mang thought it was who, this Imperial Prince is here, and the other party dared to come in directly, and wanted to be with this Imperial Prince. In the same hall, this Imperial Prince should see who are you. If it’s not a popular place, don’t blame this Imperial Prince for being hot, just kill you!

“Well, since Ninth Prince doesn’t mind, let the guests come in.”

After Du Shanhe finished speaking, the soldier got up quickly and was going to meet Xia Jun, but the soldier just Walking out of the main hall, Xia Jun walked over from the side.

Seeing someone entering the hall, Du Shanhe and Xia Mang quickly looked at him. Du Shanhe was taken aback. He had never seen this young man. The other party was who, so what else he wanted to do.

But Du Shanhe didn’t know him, and Xia Mang knew him. After seeing the young man stride proudly ahead into the hall, Xia Mang almost got up from his chair in surprise.

“Xia Jun! Fifth Prince Xia Jun, how could he appear in this place!”

The relationship between Xia Mang and Xia Jun is also not very good, usually at all in contact No, Xia Jun is extremely low-key in the Imperial Family, and Xia Mang is not seen in the Imperial Family, so both of them belong to people with no status.

For this reason, Xia Mang wanted to go out to visit Donghuang World, and eventually met Tang Lei. Xia Mang was so angry with him that he returned to the Great Xia Empire.

As soon as he came back, various major events took place in the Great Xia Empire. At the same time, Xia Mang began to hear about Xia Jun. Xia Jun now is no longer the Xia Jun he used to be. Xia Jun has no power, but Xia Jun is currently trusted by Emperor Xia and often performs various secret tasks for Emperor Xia.

This is all Xia Mang inquired about, so Xia Mang also wanted to find a chance to contact Xia Jun, but he didn’t expect that the two would meet in this place.

After Xia Jun stepped into the hall, Tang Lei and Liu Ying also walked into the hall.

“Tang Lei, you are not dead yet!”

Seeing Tang Lei’s face, Xia Mang couldn’t help it anymore. He stood up with a rush, his face His muscles were slightly ferocious, and he screamed at Tang Lei.

Xia Mang has already heard about Tang Lei in the Great Xia Empire, and he also knows that Tang Lei has been staying with Xia Jun, but he thought it was the same name, and the Tang Lei who angered him Already died in the Siqi Empire.

But seeing the silhouette of Tang Lei today, he can confirm that Tang Lei is not dead, and Tang Lei, who has recently gained fame in the Great Xia Empire, is the same person back then.

Tang Lei noticed Xia Mang as soon as he entered the hall, and saw that the other person stood up with an angry expression moved towards himself screaming, Tang Lei faintly smiled.

“It turned out to be Ninth Prince, really long time no see, didn’t expect that we can meet in the Great Xia Empire. This is also a kind of fate.”

Tang Lei said with a smile.

“Who is fate with you, did not kill you at the beginning, okay, now you have come to the Great Xia Empire, this time will never let you leave alive, Tang Lei, you are dead That’s it!”

Xia Mang yelled out loud when she saw Tang Lei, regardless of her image.

“Oh? I am now working for the Great Xia Imperial Family. If you think you can kill me, you have to ask whether your Imperial Father agrees or not. Besides, you were not my opponent at the beginning. Is it my opponent now?”

Tang Lei walked forward while talking, while Xia Jun just glanced at Xia Mang, walking forward at a moderate pace, Liu Ying still carried Cloak, but Liu Ying’s always pays attention to the five Martial Artists behind Xia Mang.

“You ill-intentioned person, you will never do anything for my Great Xia Empire sincerely. You must be conspiring something. I must expose your nature to the Imperial Father and let the Imperial Father manage You put to death!”

“Okay, I am waiting for you, I also want to see, Xia Huang is not willing to put me to death.”

Tang Lei always has a smile on his face , I am very happy to quarrel with each other.

It’s just that Du Shanhe sits in a dazed face, and doesn’t know what the situation is.

“Dujun King, I am Fifth Prince Xia Jun, this is Tang Lei Young Master Tang.”

Xia Jun walked to the front of the hall, and then confronted the person sitting on it. Du Shanhe said that Xia Jun had already asked the soldiers about some things about the prince on the road just now.

“Fifth Prince?”

Du Shanhe got up from his seat quickly, what day is this today, two princes came one after another.

“Sir, please take your seat.”

Du Shanhe hurriedly walked down to give his seat to Xia Jun.

Xia Jun waved his hand and signaled that Du Shanhe didn’t need to come down, and then directly sat down on a chair beside him, just opposite Xia Mang.

Tang Lei also sat down beside Xia Jun, while Liu Ying was standing behind Xia Jun.

“Nine brothers, I heard that you returned to the Great Xia Empire some time ago. Now it’s so chaotic outside. You are not staying in Xia Di City. What are you doing here?”

Xia Jun looked at Xia Mang, lightly saying, as if he hadn’t heard Xia Mang’s quarrel with Tang Lei just now.

“Heh, Xia Jun, your status and status are different now. After being reused by the Imperial Father, your words have become more confident, but you still can’t control me, where I want to appear, It’s there!”

Xia Mang coldly said that the relationship between the two of them was not good. Now Tang Lei is the person next to Xia Jun, and Xia Mang will not give each other a good face.

What if Xia Jun is reused? He is also a prince, and his identity is the same as Xia Jun. Is it possible that Xia Jun dare to do something with him?

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