Aoba Office

Chapter 1121 No. 043-Abandoned Farm (5)

"Huh? Is that what you want to ask?"

"Well, yeah, we want to get a full picture, and anything you know can tell us."

"Oh... I have never heard of dead people, but I have dug up dead people... This is quite strange. It was originally set aside as a farm, almost. At the beginning, it was cultivated... It can't be regarded as cultivated. In the early years, there was Farms, however, after the war and the founding of the People's Republic of China, there were a lot of things. The land there was basically vacant and no one took care of it. We were in the vicinity and sometimes occupied some of the land there. If you are too busy, you just sit idle and don't care. At that time, the older generation was very hard-working and could endure hardships, but there were few people and no machines, so it was not possible... It was almost like re-cultivation. Some of it was done by us, and some of it was done by the reform-through-labor prisoners, but a few machines were not enough for more than 100,000 acres. To be honest, I didn’t think so anymore when there were more machines. Really, manpower. And many of the reform-through-labor prisoners have never farmed before, and they are all new and unskilled. In short, that's about it...well...but it's quite strange. "

"The strange thing is..."

"Oh, even at that time when the reclamation was started, no one heard of any dead people being dug up. Later, it was over, it was no longer a labor camp, and the land was divided, and I didn't hear anything about it... I didn't hear anything about it for so many years. Just wait until 00 It was still 2001, and the last piece of labor reform farm was not built. The land there belonged to our village and had to be divided... The village originally wanted to introduce some... some fruit, I forgot the name. , it’s extremely expensive. He also said that he had asked experts to look at it and discussed it with the city government. If we can plant it here, it’s nonsense to plant it next to Minqing. , the farms given to private individuals and other institutions were all closed down later. It would be great to open a factory. We just don’t have the technology and the capital, otherwise we can open the factory.”

"You mentioned that the land was allocated to the village."

"Yes, that's right. We were assigned to the village, and the village organized a group of fields for farming. We had to plow one side, weed and fertilize, that's all. Machines were used at that time. It was a big project, 30,000 acres. Well, how long will it take for this person to do it? We don’t have enough manpower. We’ll just plow the house there, and then we’ll have to demolish it and re-do it in some places. We still have to make some repairs. This is a strange thing. The land we have cultivated for so many years was not very deep before and the things we planted were different. But after decades, someone should have discovered something. ? There was no one there. After we plowed the ground, we dug a hole and started planting. It was not much deeper than before, and we dug out something. "

"Were the bodies dug up?"

"No, it's a bone. At first, the boy named Zhuang who lived there dug up a bone and thought it was a dog bone. Xu Gen's family kept dogs and ate dog meat. They said it was wrong, dog bones were not like that. Some people also said that there were cow bones and pig bones, but no one took them seriously. Then, in just a few days, many bones were dug out, but no one thought it was right. We went to the village to find the police. The police here have never seen any dead people. Who knows what they are? There are cattle and sheep in the farmland, and there are also pigs. What's so strange about the bones? Hey, we were given a lesson just two hours after he left. This is awesome! Guess what you found?”

"Is it a distinctive skeleton?"

"Yes! Head! We dug up the head! Skull! Now you understand! It's human! The bones are human! Don't you think this is a big deal? When the little policeman was called, the person was stupid. No The only way was to report it to the higher authorities. No one here knew anything about it. The people from the higher authorities came and left with the bones. They also asked us a lot of questions, surrounded the land, and dug hard for several days. , Nothing was found. The news came back that they were human bones, that’s right, not the human bones of us people, not the case.”

"what do you mean……"

"That's called a cultural relic. Human bones from hundreds of years ago, that's a cultural relic. Tell me about this, isn't it evil? It's been planted for decades but has not been dug out. We dug it out just a few days after we started work."

"Well. How did you deal with this incident?"

"I don't know. It seems to have been sent to the museum, right? An old professor came over later and said there might be something in the ground here. After struggling for a long time, they found nothing. They looked at the pit where the bones were dug out and said something was wrong. . This thing didn’t even appear in the newspapers. It seems, I mean, it seems, some of them said it was done by grave robbers, do you understand?”

"Were those human bones brought here by tomb robbers?"

"That's pretty much what it means. We don't have anything here. Those old professors said we shouldn't have anything here either. It's never been recorded. Those bones may have been brought from other places. Except for a few bones, there's nothing else. . This cultural relic is worthless. It would be different if you were the emperor’s bones, right?”

"Well, that's understandable. Did anything special happen after the bones were dug out?"


"What did you think of?"

"Well... there is something, I don't know if it is true or not. I have never experienced it myself, but someone in the village said that they heard people walking outside at night, not just one or two, but many people stamping on the ground Walking. They said it was a march of ghosts... Hey, I have never heard of this, nor have my family members, but those people said it was true. That Zhao Datou was also sick. He said it was no longer possible and he was going to die, so he left his house and land behind and fled to the city. "

"Did he hear the marching ghosts?"

"That's what he said. I think it's nonsense. Some of them also talked about ancient battlefields, mass graves and so on. When the old professor came, he said there was no such history. Who knows what happened to them. Anyway, I It’s fine, my family is fine too, I haven’t heard anything.”

"Are many people hearing this sound?"

"Zhao Datou was the first one. After he spread the news, no one said anything. If you ask me, he was confused and frightened himself."

"Is he among the people who dug up the bones? I mean, the people who dug up the bones with their own hands."

"No, not him. He is a sick person, and he always says that he feels uncomfortable here and hurts there. He is just such a person, and he has fooled many people."

"Can I ask for his full name and contact information?"

"You want to ask him about this? He moved to the city and lost contact with us. He is hiding. His son, his son came back later, built a house, opened an Internet cafe and a small supermarket. You want to ask, find That’s it for him.”

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