Aoba Office

Chapter 1123 No. 043-Abandoned Farm (7)

"Do you know that old Xie's full name?"

"I don't know. I didn't pay attention. I was still young at that time, not very old. I heard that people called him Lao Xie Lao Xie, but no one called him by his full name. Probably no one in the whole village knew about him. When the police came to find him, , I can’t seem to figure it out. I only know that the surname is Xie, and the name he told the village chief may also be false.”

"Where's his nephew?"

"His nephew stayed here and doesn't know anything. People live well here. To be honest, his nephew is a nice guy, he's probably about the same size as me. He's been nice and kind since he was a kid, but he was bullied. She also cries. A bit... girlish... but she is really nice. She has been living with us, got married, and has a daughter. Her daughter is good at school. Daughter, transfer all the houses and land here, move to the city, and open a small shop. During the holidays, you will sometimes come back to see the old village chief, who also has contact with us. A phone number or something. We need someone from the village to go to the city to do something, and he’s willing to help.”

"What does he think about his uncle's affairs?"

"How else can he see? When the police came to the door, he was blinded. My dad said that everyone was blinded. He really didn't know what happened to his uncle. He even explained to his uncle and took the police to search in the field. When the house was being searched, he was very well-behaved. When the police said something loud, he would tremble in fear. "

"Does he know about the Ghost March?"

"He doesn't know this. His family didn't hear it. But people are timid and very scared."

"Has he heard about the rotary cultivator later?"

"I heard about it. This is what happened to his family. My mother even called them and talked to his wife for a long time. Maybe his family really didn't know about this matter. But when the rotary tiller came out, after all It makes people...uncomfortable..."

"What do you think in the village?"

"Well... I have a lot of ideas... As for the ghost march, it's not easy to talk to the police, right? So this matter... later we said privately that it wasn't necessarily the ghost march. How could those dead people in ancient times open fire? Rotary tiller? I can't tell, it's the man named Xie... I mean that uncle, the wanted criminal. He might have died in the field, at the hands of the ghost marchers, or he might have died outside and come out now. It’s a monster. You’re right? It can’t be such a coincidence. It’s either this or that. There must be a reason.”

"Well. Can I ask again, do you have any impression of this girl?"

"Hey, isn't this the daughter of the Xie family?"

"Have you seen her around here lately?"

"No. They haven't come back. This...oh, I just heard about it. His daughter seems to be missing, right? Hiss - no way? This..."

"Have you ever seen this boy?"

"No, not this either. Hey, are you looking for something? What do you know?"

"We want to investigate everything related to the labor farms."

"Oh...just, that's what I said. That's pretty much it."

"thank you."

On November 2, 2007, audio files were analyzed. Audio file 04320071101G.wav.

"...Head! I dug the head! Skull!..."


"What? Did you hear the sound?"

"Not very clear...wait for me to zoom in."

click! click! click!

"...Head! I dug my head!..."

click! click!

"...the head... bag... dug... the... head... bag..."

"Well, this voice..."

"What did you hear, Mushroom?"

"It's hard to say. This sound is a little strange. It's not ghosts marching, it's not footsteps, it's just... the sound of the wind doesn't feel right, maybe it's soil..."

"what are you talking about?"

"Hey, I can't tell you clearly. I'll listen to you again."

"...But there are still some...some evil ways..."

click! click!

"...But there are still...some...there are...some...evil...doors..."


"How's it going? What did you hear?"

"Hmm - well, it's hard to say. Where are you asking questions?"


Rustling, rustling...



"Here was the first villager to ask, then this way, then this way... the last one with the surname Zhao was here. The farm is here."

"The location should be correct. The sound came from the farm. The sound from the farm..."

"So, what exactly is that noise?"

"Hiss - I just can't tell. I've never heard this kind of sound before. It's very strange. It's not a human voice or a ghost's voice, I can't tell. What should it be... How do I put it..."

"You describe it."

"Just, Guchi Guchi, and then, Kasha Kasha..."

"What are these?"

"It's not like what I described. I'm not a ventriloquist. But..."

"But what?"


"You said before, what is the sound of wind and earth?"

"Huh? That's...oh!"


"I know! That sound of plowing! The sound of plowing! Things are being dragged through the soil, digging the soil, but the soil is not, not that... oh, how can I tell you..."

"Do you think that's the sound of someone reclaiming land?"

"Yeah! That's it."

"This is interesting."

"Hey, are you mistaking the sounds of people farming in the village over there as a supernatural phenomenon?"

"Do you think I'm as dumb as you?"

"If it's really the sound of farming... isn't it right? One moment the ghosts are marching, and the other is farming..."

"You still need to enter the scene. Before, you just watched from the outside..."

"What did you see on the outside?"

"Hard to say."

"It's hard for you to tell? Did you see Yin Qi, or did you see a ghost?"

"None of them. It's not Yin Qi, and I didn't see any ghosts. However, there is indeed something wrong with that land. That place... seems more like it is cursed."


"Curse, do you understand?"

"This...what curse?"

"I don't know. You can't see it yet. Maybe someone did it there a long time ago, or maybe something was put there... We have to go in and take a look to find out."

"Then please pay attention to your safety."

On November 3, 2007, he went to the labor camp. The video file 04320071103.w shows a bumpy road at the beginning.

The car drove into a small village. The people in the car got out of the car together and said hello to the people in the village.

"Do you really want to go in? What if, what if I get lost..."

"Don't worry, we have already informed the company. If we don't contact them by the time, they will handle it. You will not be involved."

This is Wu Ling's voice.

"Oh." This male voice is the voice of the person named Zhao in the previous audio, "Be careful. You don't have to fight so hard. You can write whatever you want about the story I told you..."

"Thank you for your concern." Wu Ling said.

The camera turned from the flat road in the village and scanned a strange man and the farmyards behind him. Then, there was a greenhouse and a piece of grassland as high as a person in the distance.

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