Aoba Office

Chapter 129 Yongning

I ignored the burning sensation of the flames.

I was thinking about Ye Qing's words.

"Use your dreams."

Chen Xiaoqiu said that my dreams can affect reality and even change the past.

I don't expect the latter to happen. Now I just hope that after entering the dream, I can change the difficult situation.

To my surprise, I successfully entered the dreamland, but my perspective did not follow any of the thirty-four fire balls.

I heard the wheezing sound, and my vision changed from high walls and blue sky to grass and green trees. A fat hand held the wall, squatted on the ground for a while, stood up, looked around furtively, and walked on tiptoe.

A flash of inspiration came to my mind, and I suddenly had mixed feelings in my heart.

"Go to the senior high school teaching building. The senior high school teaching building!" I shouted.

His vision paused, he changed direction, and he ran quickly. He could hear his heavy breathing and equally heavy steps. Fortunately, No. 18 Middle School was not too big, and the place he chose to climb over the wall was suitable. Within a moment, the senior high school teaching building was appear in view.

Black smoke was rising from the entire building, and shouts for help came from inside the building. Black smoke billowed out from the gate and nothing could be seen.

I saw Chen Yihan and Chen Xiaoqiu.

Chen Xiaoqiu was full of anxiety. He was holding his mobile phone and shouting in an indistinct manner: "Go to Qingye! Go to Qingye to find them! Something happened to Lin Qi! It was the incident in No. 18 Middle School! Find them for help!"

Chen Yihan looked solemn, and while organizing the school to rescue immediately, he glanced at Chen Xiaoqiu who was losing his composure.

"You can't get in! Everyone who went in just now has backed out! There's too much smoke inside and you can't see the direction clearly!"

"Where's the window! Break the window quickly!"

"Get out of your way, we're going to smash the windows!"

There were crying students inside the windows on the first floor. They retreated. The school employees took hammers and beat them hard, but the windows did not move at all.

"What's going on? Why can't it be opened?"

"It's haunted! It suddenly caught fire and I can't get in or get out!"

I heard a whisper.

"It's them...why do they do this?"

After the painful questioning, the field of view changed again, and the teaching building was enlarged in front of me.

"Hey, who are you?"

"Who is this?"

Black smoke filled the field of vision and disappeared in an instant. The corridors in the building were in chaos, with teachers and students wandering around like headless flies.

"Hurry up! It's on the third floor! Hurry up!" I shouted anxiously.

His field of vision moved quickly, he crossed the stairs, squeezed through the people who were running and falling to the ground, and finally made it to the third floor by relying on his body.

"The second classroom ahead!"

I saw my sister in the corridor. She dragged the unconscious "me" out of the classroom. The amulet came out of the collar and swayed due to her movements. Her tears fell on "my" face, and she kept calling me.

The vision passes through my sister.

"Brother?" I heard a confused cry from behind.

Without looking back, he continued running. After entering the classroom, what came into view was Qin Yijuan surrounded by flames.

Qin Yijuan was still shouting like crazy and pulling her hair.

Why not kill her? What do they want to do?

I got angry.

If they don't kill Qin Yijuan and trap a whole grade of students to death, what on earth do they want to do?

"Stop. I've handed the evidence to the police, you don't have to do this."

A somewhat familiar voice rang out.

The flames swayed.

Qin Yijuan looked over and stopped shouting, "Jiang Yongning! Jiang Yongning, is it you! Is it you? It must be you!"

A chill came over me.

These ghosts want to kill people in a building and make Qin Yijuan the murderer!

They don't want Qin Yijuan to die, they want the truth to be revealed, and they want her to be criticized by thousands of people!

Jiang Yongning walked towards the flames and begged: "Let them out. They are innocent, just like you. Zhang Xue... Zhang Xue, are you here? Why are you doing this? I have already investigated the results. , everything should be over, but it doesn’t end like this!”

Twenty-three years later, everything should be over, but it didn’t end like this.

That evidence is not enough.

Clear consciousness came through the flames.

I looked at Huo Huo and Qin Yijuan. I couldn't even close my eyes. I could only harden my heart and said, "There is no need to kill so many people. Qin Yijuan has a mental breakdown. As long as the police interrogate her, she will tell everything."

The fire burned brightly.

Jiang Yongning said to himself: "Yes, so many people don't need to die. As long as one dies, Qin Yijuan will be investigated by the police. She will tell all the truth."

Tick ​​tock!

Amidst the "pibo" burning sound of the flame, there was a clear sound of water droplets.

Jiang Yongning lowered his head. There was a pool of blood at his feet, flowing from his body.

Jiang Yongning!

This is Zhang Xue's voice that I heard in my dream.

"Just one death is enough." Jiang Yongning whispered and walked into the flames.

My vision was covered in flames and I saw sounds beneath the flames.

A girl with a ponytail and a white shirt; a boy with a short cut and a black jacket; a tall and thin boy; a girl with acne; a fat guy with a double chin and a big belly...

Finally, there is the girl with a round face, single eyelids and smiling lips.

Jiang Yongning...

"It's okay. I, I'm happy. It's over, I'll go with you."

An adult man who took twenty-three years to integrate into this class.

Flames engulfed his body and his wounds turned into blackened burn marks.

Qin Yijuan's voice was covered by the flames, and the sound of the flames was replaced by the sirens of ambulances and fire trucks.

I woke up lying in the hospital.

Chen Xiaoqiu and the four of them were all there, and when they saw me opening my eyes, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Qi, you scared us to death." The thin man leaned on the railing of the hospital bed.

I looked at Chen Xiaoqiu, "Where is my sister?"

"She is fine. She is staying in the hospital for examination with the others. Your parents are staying with her." Chen Xiaoqiu replied, "She is in the best condition among everyone. Others have inhaled smoke to some extent and damaged their lungs. .”

"Is there anyone..." My heart lifted.

"Only one person died, and it was Jiang Yongning." Chen Xiaoqiu looked at me deeply, "Jiang Yongning had a car accident this morning and was fatally injured. According to the driver who caused the accident, he suddenly got up from the ground and walked away like a normal person. . I don’t know how he managed to reach eighteenth grade and still get in over the wall.”

I felt strange and immediately asked: "Where is Qin Yijuan?"

"The police arrested her. Jiang Yongning provided some circumstantial evidence about the arson case twenty years ago. It was originally not sufficient and it was impossible to prosecute Qin Yijuan, but now there is another arson case in No. 18 Middle School, and several teachers and students have testified , Qin Yijuan confronted Jiang Yongning, saying that she regretted not burning him to death more than 20 years ago and pushing him into the fire. Jiang Yongning did not escape because of his injuries."

"This evidence is not sufficient either." Fatty commented.

"My brother-in-law personally interrogated Qin Yijuan's husband and proved that Qin Yijuan was mentally abnormal. She herself explained how she committed the murder, including the fact that she pushed the deceased who jumped from the building before. Basically, he will be sentenced."

I heard Chen Xiaoqiu say the first sentence, that "in person", which is really meaningful.

The fat man interjected: "She is mentally abnormal. She won't be sentenced to death, right?"

"Her motive for committing the crime was her mental illness, but she was calm and rational during the crime, with clear ideas and clear goals. The means were bad and the consequences were serious. If she was convicted, it would be the death penalty." Chen Xiaoqiu said.

In this case, they should rest in peace.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

Twenty-three years of madness and hatred are finally coming to an end. In that class, none of the head teacher and thirty-five students survived. Thinking of this, my relaxed mood became depressed.

"By the way, Lin Qi," Guo Yujie said, "This morning, Tao Hai's creditors came to see us."

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