Aoba Office

Chapter 1311 The Dark Follow-up (15)

Mo Xiaoling was still unconscious and knew nothing about it.

Others were frightened.

But they obviously misunderstood the situation at hand.

They thought it was the ghosts in this place who were causing trouble and killed Mr. Sun.

Several people brought by Mr. Sun immediately wanted to escape.

They threw away the talismans they got from who knows where, as if they were free of charge, and kept mumbling.

I saw a ghost coming out of the room. The ghost followed the shadow of the light, freely shuttled through the abandoned building, and got closer to the panicked people.

Those few people did not leave behind the unconscious Mo Xiaoling, nor did they leave behind the young Wan Jisheng. One person pulled Wan Jisheng, the other wanted to hug Mo Xiaoling, and the remaining two waved a small copper sword and a peach wood sword to clear the way.

I don't know how many times they have rehearsed this posture in private, but there is no doubt that they are doing nothing.

That ghost hooked his hand, and the door closed automatically.

Suddenly a brick fell from the ceiling above his head, hitting the man wielding the mahogany sword on the head. The man groaned and fell to the ground.

This situation deepens misunderstandings among others.

The person who went to hug Mo Xiaoling was unprepared and directly touched Mo Xiaoling's body.

The death scene in Mo Xiaoling's mind played to a scene where a homeless man's neck was cut open by broken glass. A line of blood appeared on the man's neck, and his movements paused. After a burst of blood, the man fell down.

The remaining people screamed in panic.

Two people died, sharing some of the side effects, and Mo Xiaoling woke up from her stupor.

She stared blankly at the corpse next to her and the blood on her body, unable to regain consciousness.

Wan Jisheng broke away from the person who was pulling him and grabbed Mo Xiaoling.

"Run!" Wan Jisheng shouted.

Mo Xiaoling was still a little unable to recover.

She staggered to her feet and looked up to see a distinctive shadow in the darkness.

A face lit up in the shadow. The red eyes and the bloody mouth of the same color surprised Mo Xiaoling. She tripped over her left foot and fell to the ground.

This was her first time seeing a ghost.

The ghost walked out of the shadows and walked towards Mo Xiaoling.

Mo Xiaoling still had scenes of killing people in her mind, and the side effects gave her a splitting headache.

She was unable to escape.

Wan Jisheng hugged her shoulders and held her tightly, "Xiaoling, hurry up! Run quickly!"

Mo Xiaoling endured her fear and tried to get up from the ground.

As soon as the two children turned around, they saw the adult in front screaming in agony, with a big hole opened in his body by the copper sword.

As if going crazy, the man pierced his body with a copper sword, cut a circular incision, and dug out his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys.

Mo Xiaoling screamed and was pulled away from the man by Wan Jisheng.

The remaining adults couldn't care less about their companions. They were already panicking and just wanted to escape.

He stepped into a shadow, and the shadow beneath his feet turned into a mire, trying to swallow him up.

He waved his hands and asked Mo Xiaoling and Wan Ji to have two children for help.

The two of them were trembling with fear and did not dare to approach the shadows in the room.

However, the windows were limited and it was still cloudy outside, so there were too many shadows in this room.

Mo Xiaoling thought of the ghost and turned around to look for it, but in vain.

"Are you looking for me?" A strange voice sounded behind Mo Xiaoling.

Mo Xiaoling was stunned, her whole body turned into a stone sculpture.

Something touched the back of her neck, moving down her spine.

This action has no ambiguous and erotic elements, but is instead full of blood. It seemed like a knife was going to cut open Mo Xiaoling's body, remove her spine, peel off her skin, dig out her internal organs, and turn her into a specimen.

She'd seen people die like that in death scenes.

The specimen was still buried under the wooden floor of the room.

Mo Xiaoling was so frightened that she cried.

Wan Jisheng hugged Mo Xiaoling, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid..." Wan Jisheng himself was trembling with fear.

His hand covered Mo Xiaoling's back, blocking the cold knife.

Mo Xiaoling cried harder.

Wan Jisheng said regretfully: "It's my fault, it's my fault. I shouldn't have let you..."


The last adult was swallowed up by the shadow, and his dying cry interrupted Wan Jisheng's words.

Wan Jisheng didn't dare to look and hugged Mo Xiaoling's head to prevent her from looking.

"We are going to die... maybe, we are going to die here..." Wan Jisheng began to talk nonsense, and then forced out a smile, "I wonder if someone will see and see like you in the future..."

He began to cry, choked with sobs and unable to speak.

Mo Xiaoling suddenly reacted when she heard his words.

Her eyes widened as she saw the death scene that had just happened.

In the shadow in front of her, the ghost emerged, approaching step by step with malicious intent.

The ghost's eyes fell on Wan Jisheng's back, as if he was considering how to kill Wan Jisheng.

Mo Xiaoling's heart beat faster.

When the ghost stretched out his hand towards Wan Jisheng with a joking expression, she waved her hands violently, trying to catch the ghost.

My heart was in my throat.

Although I had expected it, I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Mo Xiaoling successfully grasping the ghost's arm and when I saw the expression on the ghost's face change from shock to fear.

The ghost reacted quickly and immediately changed its form.

Mo Xiaoling's hands were clenched into fists, and there was nothing in them.

The ghost disappeared.

Mo Xiaoling couldn't see it, but I followed the trajectory of the Yin Qi and noticed it slipping into the shadows.

Mo Xiaoling breathed a sigh of relief and pushed Wan Jisheng, "Let's go quickly!"

Wan Jisheng's body trembled slightly.

"Wan Jisheng..." Mo Xiaoling just shouted, and there was a loud bang in her mind.

She felt feedback from her abilities.

Wan Jisheng is watching the death scene, and the ghost is also watching the death scene, and both parties are experiencing the torment of side effects.

Wan Jisheng's body softened, and the hand holding Mo Xiaoling loosened.

Mo Xiaoling panicked and immediately grabbed Wan Jisheng's body and knelt on the ground.

"No... no no... no... Wan Jisheng! Wan Jisheng!!"

Wan Jisheng fainted and blood oozed from his neck.

Mo Xiaoling's mind went blank. She wiped her hand across Wan Jisheng's neck and trembled with fear.

All she had left now was a strong thought.

She doesn't want Wan Ji to live or die.

She didn't want to kill Wan Jisheng.

Abilities began to operate in response to her thoughts, and side effects were redistributed.

The only people who had seen the death scene were herself, Wan Jisheng, and a ghost. The side effects suffered by Wan Jisheng became the smallest, and the side effects suffered by Gui became the largest. Mo Xiaoling herself could not help but share a large part of the side effects.

She doesn't have much control over her abilities.

The out-of-control ability caused the ghost to let out a howl and disappeared in the dark shadows.

All the side effects were accumulated on Mo Xiaoling herself.

The death scenes she saw this time and the death scenes she saw in the past all weighed on Mo Xiaoling's soul, making her almost collapse.

She remembered that she could not break down.

The side effects are like river water in nature. Mo Xiaoling had no control, so she didn't build a dam. Wherever the river flows, it affects the land. The naturally flowing river water is endless, but under normal circumstances it will not cause a catastrophe, but will only affect the land in a subtle way.

The death scene caused by the evil spirit is a flood, and the land it flows through will be swallowed up, leaving only a mess on the ground.

Mo Xiaoling took the initiative to build a dam to resist the flood. But if the embankment breaks, the disaster will only become more serious.

Looking for someone else... looking for someone else... Mo Xiaoling was confused, thinking about this idea.

She took out her cell phone with difficulty and dialed the police number.

There was nothing but wasteland around the abandoned building. Only homeless bums, beggars, and paupers with no money to rent come here. After the haunting and the death of people, those people came less and less.

The only ones who can get here fastest are the police.

Mo Xiaoling thought very clearly and tried her best to explain the location clearly when calling the police.

Blood spilled from her mouth and wounds appeared on her body.

Wan Jisheng inevitably suffered some side effects. Even in a coma, he would moan in pain.

Hearing the siren, Mo Xiaoling looked at the door expectantly.

Someone rushed in, opened the door, and let the sun shine in.

I don’t know when the sky will clear up.

Mo Xiaoling stretched out her hand and grabbed the approaching policeman anxiously.

She didn't release the side effects right away, she had to do it one by one, otherwise it would alert them.

Mo Xiaoling greedily grabbed the approaching police officers and only let them see the death scene. While they are stunned and shocked, find the next target.

This almost beastly instinct serves her well in accomplishing her goals.

A total of two cars and four policemen came. Mo Xiaoling touched all of them easily.

The side effects were released, and the four policemen turned into four bloody corpses.

The danger of a dyke breach was resolved.

Mo Xiaoling felt relieved and fell to the ground softly.

In the blink of an eye, it’s almost three million words. Scary. Σ(°△°|||)︴

With almost three million words, it is finally the starting point for free. However, there does not seem to be any special update requirements for the starting point exemption. Hey hey hey hey...o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o

Set a small goal for yourself, tentatively, break through the three million word count after the lower limit is waived. o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ

Just three updates today.

Good night everyone~

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