Aoba Office

Chapter 1323 No. 094-Possession by evil spirits (4)

On December 31, 2015, the group chat records were checked. Video file: 09420151231.avi.

The video screen is a computer screen recording, the displayed interface is a chat message manager, and what is opened is a group chat record:

Zhulang·GeGe 12-10 11:23:12

Have you tried the new features?

Moliana 12-10 11:23:42

What's new?

Brilliant and brilliant 12-10 11:24:01

[Red envelope] Please use the new version of mobile APP to view

Moliana 12-10 11:24:08

what? [Surprised.jpg]

Zhulang·GeGe 12-10 11:24:11

I can't update yet. Not enough memory[cry.jpg]

Moonlight in the Year of Apocalypse 12-10 11:24:19

[Audio 5']

Pretending to be a handsome guy 12-10 11:24:23

[Withdraw a message]

As the screen scrolls, chat records flash by one after another.

After a while, the scrolling of the screen paused, the mouse moved across, and a message was selected:

Sky Eagle 12-10 13:52:12

[Audio 10']

Sky Eagle 12-10 13:52:14

[Audio 2']

Click the mouse to open another software window.

In the software window, there is a message box for the chat software and a search bar above it.

The message just selected is copied and retrieved.

The messages in the chat window kept scrolling, and finally stopped at that message.

The mouse moved over and clicked, and the audio played: "Ama porphyrata naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa."

The next voice message automatically plays: "It's so troublesome for me to go!"

Next, the messages are all withdrawn and the content cannot be seen.

Scroll the mouse to read the content of this message.

It was a phonetic red envelope, and its content was just a bunch of meaningless onomatopoeia.

Liu Miao's voice came from outside the screen: "What... is this?"

Ye Qing pondered.

Liu Miao continued: "Just now, I seemed to feel"

"Look at Seinfeld's voice message later."

The screen scrolled down and another one was found, about five minutes later.

The audio file was opened, and it was the male voice just now: "I am the boss of women's clothing."

The mouse moved to open a software icon on the desktop. The audio was moved directly. After playing, the audio waveform diagram and more complex spectrogram appeared on the interface of the new software.

The mouse clicked on "Process" in the lower right corner of the software window, and another window popped up.

In the same window, the audio plays: "I am the boss of cross-dressing." This is what Seinfeld said.

When the mouse clicks on a window at the back, the audio plays: "... rustle... rustle..." This sounds like just noise.

Then came the third window, "" This sound seemed to be the sound of opening the door.

Every piece of audio is very clear, as if it has been specially processed.

Click the mouse to play the third audio clip again.

"Something went in." Liu Miao said.

"Yes. Play the audio piece just now again." Ye Qing said.

The string of words that Song Feiying read was played again.

"Boss, have you heard of this?"


Liu Miao said angrily: "There were two red envelopes during that time, and there were more withdrawal messages. It was impossible to distinguish. I don't know who read these."

“Check the accounts that retracted their messages to see if they spoke later.”

"All right."

On the screen, Liu Miao was retrieving chat information, one account at a time. There were too few conditions that could be used as a filter, but this search still filtered out twelve people from this large group of five hundred people.

All other software was closed, and the newly opened software was "monitoring". By directly retrieving the chat accounts of the twelve people, the real information about each one was obtained.

Among the twelve small windows, nine people's identity information has been canceled and official death certificates have been issued. The causes of death of the nine people were different. Some cases were filed, and some were not filed and were treated as ordinary deaths.

Liu Miao read while watching: "Kill yourself by touching the switch..."

In the window, there is a photo of a round-faced woman. The woman's face in the ID photo is a bit big. In the autopsy report next to it, the woman's body is completely charred and the size of her face cannot be seen.

Clicking the mouse opened the interrogation transcript, which recorded the woman's husband's narration: "... She had been restless in those days, as if something was wrong. She couldn't explain it herself. I asked, but she didn't tell. I thought she was pregnant and wanted to go with her for a checkup. When she found out she was not pregnant, she looked even more strange and looked at her belly. She went for a physical examination and found no cancer. , there is no tumor. She is still looking at me. I don’t know what happened..."

Liu Miao closed the window and looked at the next person, "In a car accident, he rushed into the middle of the road and was hit and killed..."

The ID photo shows a young man, who looks like a middle school student. In the autopsy report next to it, the deceased's face had grown a bit longer, and he was still wearing a school uniform.

In the witness transcript, Liu Miao read a passage from a young classmate's testimony: "... He has been acting weird in those days. I can't explain it. He doesn't talk much, less than usual, and he also likes to join in the fun. We sometimes separate after school. I was in the liberal arts class and he was in the science class. If there was a teacher in class, he would leave. He waited for me for an hour that day and even went to the playground to chat with the first-year students and play basketball with them. At that intersection, when the light was red, he suddenly shouted and rushed forward. I didn't know why. There was no one around, and I didn't know what happened. "

Liu Miao looked carefully at the deceased behind. Everyone's situation is much the same. The deceased are always in a frightened and restless state, as if they are troubled by something, causing them to act impulsively, or else they die inexplicably.

"This is the person who handed out the red envelope." Liu Miao said.

Another window popped up on the screen, showing a photo with the person's file attached.

"Ding Yi." Liu Miao read out the name on the file.

The man on the face in the photo looks ordinary, with droopy eyes and a lack of energy. His file records are also very ordinary. He was in public elementary school, junior high school, and high school. He was admitted to the local polytechnic university and was about to graduate this year. His grades were good or bad.

The mouse clicked to open Ding Yi's interpersonal relationship list.

Ding Yi’s mother is unknown, and his father died twelve years ago. Among his close relatives, only his grandfather is still alive. His father originally opened a small company and invested wisely. He bought a lot of insurance for Ding Yi and his grandfather and grandmother, so it was enough for them to live a stable life without having to worry too much about money.

"Very ordinary." Liu Miao commented.

The mouse landed on the line "Mother Unknown" on the screen.

"This is the only one that's a little strange." Liu Miao added, "Usually you don't know who the father is. Isn't he your biological child?"

"It's not written in the file. Let's go and see it in person." Ye Qing said, "Call Ruan Han."

"Ok, I know."

The video content stopped on Ding Yi's file.

On January 2, 2016, Ding Yi was found and no abnormalities were found. Video file 09420160102.avi.

In the video, there is a section of road, which should be near the campus. There are many people who look like students on the road. Along the street are snack bars, stationery stores, and a huge advertising sign for a training institution.

The lens' focus changed and it focused on a young man walking on the road, none other than Ding Yi.

Liu Miao's voice sounded: "This guy seems to have nothing to do."

"Yeah." Ye Qing responded and said nothing more.

The camera followed Ding Yi for a while.

The video ends here.

On January 3, 2016, I received a call from the client. Telephone recording 201601031324.mp3.


"He gave out red envelopes again!"

"Mr. Ruan, you mean..."

"Caged bird! He sent a red envelope again! I read it! I compared it with the one you told me, it's exactly the same! It's that string, that string of words! Someone has already received the red ……I……"

"Don't worry, Mr. Ruan, we will handle this matter."

"Well, well, okay... hurry up, those people... phew..."

"Is there anyone familiar to you there?"

"No, nothing like Seinfeld...Sorry, I can't contact them."

"It doesn't matter, we will contact those people."

Extra 10 for those from Four Leagues~

I can’t reach three million words today_(:3」∠)_

I can definitely do it tomorrow o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o

Good night everyone~

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