Aoba Office

Chapter 1334 No. 014-Haunted home (7)

"It's a different space." Ye Qing's voice answered Liu Miao's question.

Ye Qing had already taken off some heavy equipment from his diving suit and walked towards the island step by step.

Some figures faintly appeared on the island.

Liu Miao quickly followed.

As the camera shook, the conversation between the two people was heard.

"Is it the kind of alien space in science fiction movies? A parallel world?"

"This is just a small alien space. It's like building a balcony outside the original house and moving the things in the original room to the balcony. Time here should have stopped. But it doesn't look stable enough. The world is still connected. If one day, this place is completely independent and time starts to flow..." Ye Qing did not finish his words.

The figures on the island have become clear and appear in the lens.

The dress of those people was not much different from that of modern people. It's a bit inconsistent with the time the old man said the island was submerged.

"Who are you?" The leading man was wearing a short-sleeved shirt and loose shorts. His summer attire looked similar to that of Gumo who had just appeared in the camera. However, the quality of the clothes did not look very good and they were not washed well. It's also a little white.

The man spoke Mandarin with a Beidou accent, which was pretty standard. There is no problem with language communication.

"We are here to find someone. Is there... a kind of ghost running out of your place?" Ye Qing asked.

The camera panned around.

Several men were about the same age, all around thirty to fifty years old. They all looked a little older, but their real age might be younger. Their expressions at this moment were similar, they were all shocked and complicated.

A man ran down from the island building and shouted a few times, speaking in an incomprehensible dialect.

The leading man turned his head and looked at the camera again, "Tiao Zhu invites you to come in."

Ye Qing and Liu Miao followed the others without hesitation.

There is no farmland on the island. Apart from a few thatched houses, the only more formal building is a temple. The temple occupies a very large area, and the wall surrounds half of the trail. It's just that there are only ruins of the wall left, as if it had been destroyed by someone or experienced a natural disaster.

The outline of the temple is majestic, but when we get closer, we find that it is as damaged as the surrounding walls. Most of the house collapsed, leaving only some outlines, and the inside was a mess, with a lot of rubble remaining. Cracked flagstones and fallen trees abound. It's a very bleak sight.

As the camera entered the temple, the scene seemed to be cast into a shadow.

This is not the yin energy of a ghost, nor does it seem to be the breath of a curse. Such a shadow is like dust on the lens. It is just dust and has nothing to do with supernatural phenomena.

A hand wiped the lens, but the dust on the lens was not wiped away.

Liu Miao did nothing else.

As people entered the temple, the broken stones crunched under their feet.

The person leading the way took Ye Qing and Liu Miao all the way to the main hall of the temple.

Generally speaking, this location is the main hall of Buddhist temples, and other temples and Taoist temples will also worship major gods here.

The main hall was opened with a skylight, and sunlight shone into the house through the holes, hitting a statue in the center.

The shoulders of the statue are very broad and the shape is very large, up to ten meters high.

But the statue has no head. There was only an incomplete fracture left in the huge neck.

The part extending from the neck should be the arms. Based on this, it can be inferred that the god carved in this statue should have been a figure with three heads and six arms. Now, the three heads are gone, and four of the six arms are missing. The remaining two arms are two claws with different shapes, both are bird claws, but if you look closely, you can still see many differences, at least not belong to the same bird species.

The camera was raised high and slowly lowered, photographing the statue.

The body of the statue was humanoid, with a large hole in its thick chest, and the cracked wall on the other side of the statue could be seen.

The lower body of the statue is not humanoid, but a platform made of hexagonal scales. The platform was also incomplete, with broken edges and a missing ring.

"It seems that the legend of the Three Ancestor Gods has undergone a very complete evolution." Ye Qing looked up at the statue, lowered his head, and suddenly said.

"Boss..." Liu Miao whispered, and the camera panned, taking pictures of the people around him.

Those people had expressionless faces, but they all moved their bodies uneasily, as if they were looking at Ye Qing or something else.

"The traditional four divine beasts are dragon, lin, phoenix, and turtle. The three ancestor gods only left out the unicorn. This is rare in itself. This statue has three heads and six arms. The three heads should be dragon, lin, and phoenix, and the lower half Part of the body is the turtle," Ye Qing continued.

Someone came around from behind the sculpture.

That man was dressed differently from the others. He was wearing an old-style robe, like a monk in a movie or TV show. However, he wore his hair in a bun and had a long beard and eyebrows. He looks like a Taoist priest.

The man spoke Mandarin, but his accent was different from the previous man's and was very strange.

"You are right. The Three Ancestral Gods should be called the Four Ancestral Gods at first. Legend has it that in a very distant time, four tribes occupying the north merged to form a large clan. The totems of the four tribes merged to form the Four Ancestral Gods. . The four tribes also united to fight against the clans from the south. There are also legends that these four tribes originally migrated from the south and were the four tribes that betrayed the big leader at that time. There is no record of the war at that time. There are some legends. After the four tribes were wiped out, there are few legends left," the old voice said slowly.

The camera focused on this weird man.

Ye Qing also turned to face him.

"Where's Qilin?" Ye Qing asked.

"Dead." The man shook his head, "There are also legends that four mythical beasts exist. Four tribes worship four mythical beasts. Only the leader of the tribe who worshiped Qilin was bold and designed to kill the mythical beast. He drank the spirit of the mythical beast. He ate the flesh of the mythical beast, made the skin and scales of the mythical beast into armor, and used the bones, teeth and sinews of the mythical beast to make axes and bows. He defeated three other tribes and then died. After failing to kill the other three divine beasts, he became the original form of the three ancestors."

The man waved to Ye Qing and Liu Miao to come over.

He led people to the broken wall next to him and wiped the dust on the wall.

Just like Liu Miao's useless efforts before, this kind of wiping had no effect.

But after getting closer, the camera still captured the blurry light-colored murals on the wall.

There were people lining up, and there were people holding weapons.

I don't know much about archeology, but from what I see and hear, such murals should at least appear after a brilliant civilization. Obviously, this is not the villain in the ancient murals. Among the troops who wear clothes and have uniforms, there are several people with clear facial features, and the drawings of armor and weapons are full of details. This is a work of art that was carefully crafted by the painter. The level of that painter is not low.

At the end, the blurry mural showed a statue with three heads and six arms. The upper body was a human and the lower body was a turtle. Among the three heads, one was a human head, and the other two were a dragon head and a phoenix head. The remaining pigments include red, green, blue, and gold. There are several colors. Even if they are blurry, people can imagine its original splendor.

"The murals must be hundreds of years old. The village hired people to specially paint them, which cost a lot of money. They also spend a lot of money to maintain them every year. This temple is the ancestral property. Several villages have been taking care of it like this. It costs a lot, and there are almost no buildings in the village. This temple was hollowed out. I didn’t believe this at first. There were few scholars in the village, but they were very knowledgeable about the history of the Three Ancestor Gods... My old man was once a temple priest. I remember that he was confused before his death. , tell me, these paintings and history were all written by scholars in the city, and church and temple blessings were passed down from generation to generation..." The man took out a scale from his arms, "Until I dug it out A thing."

The scales are huge, as big as an adult man's hand, and there are circles of lines on them, which seem to be reflecting light.

"What is this?" Liu Miao's voice was full of surprise, "Don't you think that this is... the scales of a unicorn?"

"What else could it be?" The man's voice was calm.

Ye Qing took the piece of stuff.

For a moment, my soul seemed to be knocked out of my body by a huge force.

P.S. I won’t take the fantasy route. This is still supernatural. The monsters and horses are not supernatural products, but have been assimilated by the supernatural~╮( ̄▽ ̄“)╭

Good night everyone~

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