Aoba Office

Chapter 1368 The truth (6)

The situation finally became urgent.

Our group had slowed down just now, but now we all started running fast again.

Gumo was in a worse situation. I was so tired from pedaling my bicycle that I stuck out my tongue. He is much older than us, and he likes to stay at home. Although he has not gained weight, his physical strength is about the same as that of the fat man Liu Liangwang.

Nangong Yao ran over and helped push the bicycle.

"Can we get another one?" the group leader asked, glancing at Liu Liangwang who was falling behind.

Nangong Yao shook his head, "In the other direction. Moreover, they are all indoors and need to be dragged out."

The group leader couldn't help but be disappointed.

Wu Ling drew a talisman on the palm of his hand, turned his wrist, and patted Gu Mo's back.

Gu Mo shouted, but did not dare to move. He turned his head and glanced twice, then quickly turned back and stabilized the faucet.

Wu Ling closed his eyes and his lips trembled slightly, as if he was reciting a spell silently.

I didn't know what spell she was casting, so I got close to Nangong Yao and told Nangong Yao the idea I just had.

Nangong Yao listened and said: "We still have to find the ghost. But it should be soon. This place is collapsing. The ghost may be injured or too exhausted."

Yuan Xiaomei also came over, but only heard the second half of Nangong Yao's words, "What collapse?"

They were unaware and had no idea what was strange about this place.

I had my own experience, and Gu Mo explained it to me, so I could understand what Nangong Yao meant.

Guangyuan Mountain was originally like a building. Now, this building is about to collapse, leaving only a real space.

No wonder we humans and ghosts have encountered each other. This is because the floor that blocked us is gone.

I figured it out, a little happy, but also a little puzzled.

Speaking of which, that ghost threw me several times, which may have consumed some of my energy. But this consumption should not be huge. I would have thought so if he had fought against Ye Qing, but when I remembered that Ye Qing had to bear the side effects of my ability, and perhaps the side effects of Nangong Yao and Gu Mo, I didn’t think Ye Qing had the energy. Deal with that ghost.

In this case, it could only be that something went wrong somewhere else.

I suddenly thought of Cai Lin who traveled here.

Cai Lin... couldn't have appeared for no reason, right? And the nonsense Cai Lin said...

My heart was pounding.

The world I saw in the dream should be the world "many years ago", when Cai Lin was still a child. So, during this time, the world has changed again?

When I thought of this, my steps stopped involuntarily.


If it is really the same world and different time, what about the entrance and exit to the different space?

The different space entrance and exit in the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants has always existed. It must have existed for thirty or forty years.

Are the two different spaces different?

Or is it that the entrances and exits to different spaces here flow with time, but when they reach another time, they reach a fixed point in time? For example, a certain month and day in 2040 or 2050?

"Lin Qi." Nangong Yao called me.

I came to my senses and continued running forward.

Maybe I'm overthinking it.

The entrances and exits of different spaces are only fixed in space, and time follows both sides. Just like the different doors of a train, the position of the doors will change as the train moves forward, but the distance between the doors is eternal. The two ends of the entrance and exit of different spaces are always separated by decades.

So, something happened to the drama troupe, and something went wrong with the Guangyuan Mountain Ghost?

I have some pretty good ideas.

I don’t want to but I can’t.

We are running in that direction. No one knows what will happen when we get there.

Wu Ling had finished reciting the spell, put away his hand, took out his pen and ink, and drew talismans on his hand.

Seeing that we didn't answer, Yuan Xiaomei ran to Wu Ling again.

Wu Ling was concentrating and did not answer Yuan Xiaomei.

Yuan Xiaomei was also tired from running and finally stopped.

I glanced back.

Liu Liangwang was still running behind us, several meters away from us.

Ye Qing's Yin Qi did not come close, but lingered further away.

I reminded Nangong Yao.

Nangong Yao looked back and slowed down.

"What happened again?" the group leader asked, his tone a little irritable, "What on earth is chasing us?"

Nangong Yao raised his glasses and stared into the distance.

I could only feel Ye Qing's Yin Qi staying there, as if he was doing something.

Wu Ling didn't know when he walked up behind Nangong Yao and slapped Nangong Yao on the back. Nangong Yao didn't move, waiting for Wu Ling to finish reciting the spell.

"What did you get?" Gu Mo leaned on the bicycle faucet, gasping for air.

"It's a kind of invisibility charm." Wu Ling said.

Yuan Xiaomei's eyes lit up and she moved closer to Wu Ling again.

The group leader and Liu Liangwang were both surprised.

"In this way, the ghosts won't be able to find us?" Yuan Xiaomei asked.

Wu Ling was noncommittal, concentrating on drawing the talisman again, and then patted me.

I felt a burning sensation on my back. The heat invaded my body and then spread, as if it was spreading to my soul. But in the blink of an eye, this feeling was gone.

Wu Ling stopped his hand. I couldn't help but touch my back.

I don't feel any difference. Looking at Nangong Yao and Gu Mo again, I didn't find any change in them.

I suddenly remembered that we are all living people, and I can only see Yin Qi. Even things like ghost energy are not easy for me to see.

When Yuan Xiaomei saw Wu Ling retracting her hand from my back, she packed up her things and was not going to do anything more. She couldn't help but ask, "What about us? Um..." She spoke with a red face and a sad expression.

The group leader was silent and sighed, "It's our fault for getting you involved. But if we can get out, we can work together to get out, okay? I'm begging you. After we get out, what do you say and what do I do."

He spoke confidently and seemed to be a man of his word.

Yuan Xiaomei hesitated to speak.

Liu Liangwang was also hesitant to speak, but he seemed to be a little resigned to his fate, and his desire to survive was not that strong.

Wu Ling said calmly: "This talisman can only be used by living people. You have become ghosts and cannot use this."

The expressions of all three people changed in an instant.

"You..." The group leader probably wanted to ask us if we were colluding, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't continue.

Liu Liangwang smiled bitterly, "Sure enough...are we really all dead?"

"Yes." Wu Ling replied.

Yuan Xiaomei's expression changed again and again, but she remained silent.

The group leader couldn't stop cursing.

Liu Liangwang just lowered his head.

Yuan Xiaomei asked: "So what Mr. Lin said before, ghosts can do things that many people can't do, as long as ghosts want to do it, is it true?"

Wu Ling looked up at Yuan Xiaomei and nodded, "It depends on the ghost's obsession..."

Before she finished speaking, I felt Yuan Xiaomei's Yin Qi change.

Wu Ling took a step back and looked at Yuan Xiaomei warily.

Yuan Xiaomei's expression became trance-like, as if her consciousness flew out of her body, and her eyes became hollow and lost focus.

Gu Mo suddenly turned his head to look at Yuan Xiaomei, almost staring at her.

I really don’t know what happened to Yuan Xiaomei, but I can’t feel a trace of malice from the yin energy in Yuan Xiaomei’s body, and there is no murderous or violent spirit from the evil spirit. Her Yin Qi seemed to open up all of a sudden. For a moment, it seemed to be bigger than the Yin Qi of Guangyuan Mountain Ghost.

I was shocked. I had no idea Yuan Xiaomei had such potential.

However, when I think of what Yuan Xiaomei is tirelessly pursuing, my heart wants to jump out of my chest again.

Could it be...

"So... that's it..." Yuan Xiaomei suddenly murmured in a low voice, her eyes focused on us.

Yuan Xiaomei opened her mouth, "The drama troupe... was destroyed..."

When I heard those three words in front of her, I couldn't help but be stunned.

But before Yuan Xiaomei finished speaking, she turned into a corpse and fell straight to the ground. Her Yin Qi also dissipated with the wind.

I understood immediately.

Yuan Xiaomei saw the whole story and the truth, and her obsession disappeared, taking her soul with her.

She might have been reincarnated, or she might have completely lost her mind.

Good night everyone~

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